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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 118
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Chapter 118

The production team was afraid that Samantha would change her mind. Therefore, they

immediately contacted all the cast members and started filming.

But there was no need to prepare anything else.

The production team just had to prepare a place to live for the cast members. They have

to cook and work on their own.

They had to do everything on their own in exchange for food.

In addition, this program was adopting a live broadcast format throughout.

After all, Lemon Station had put a lot of effort into this slow–living variety show, and

Lemon Station also paid to invite A–listers.

Then, the production team must make sure to do it well.

When Cassandra heard that it was a live broadcast throughout, she was definitely


Three days later, the filming of the show officially began.

This time, they would be going to a village in Strasson county.

Cassandra traveled light and simple. Since she was going to the village, she opted for


It would only take half a month to record the show, which was still fine.

Cassandra was carrying a backpack and a 22–inch suitcase. As for her outfit, since the

weather was hot, she wore a white short–sleeve top, a pair of cropped jeans, and a pair

of sneakers.

Then she carefreely arrived at the shooting venue of the production team.

It turned out that her appearance was extraordinarily special.

A netizen commented: [Has it started?]

Someone wrote: [Wow! I saw the diva! Amelia, I love you!]

One commented: [I’m here to see divo Thomas. Thomi, I love you!]

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13:01 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 118

Someone asked: [Who is the miss in front of the camera? Her outfit looks so plain!]

A netizen agreed: [Yeah, she just looks like Amelia’s housekeeper!]

Someone retorted: [To the comment before me, you’re being so arrogant! How can you

say she’s a housekeeper? Why don’t you just call her a servant?]

A netizen wrote: [Stop arguing. She must be an amateur, right? Didn’t they say there are

two amateurs?]

A comment read: [Is that even okay? Why isn’t this an all–star show?]

Before the show was recorded, there was still a substitute host, but only to help introduce

the guests..

“Miss, why don’t you introduce yourself first? Are you our amateur guest?” the host asked

as he sighed inwardly, ‘Are all amateurs so gorgeous nowadays? She had never

undergone cosmetic surgery before. She undoubtedly has a divine appearance in the

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entertainment industry!‘

Cassandra nodded coldly at Amelia, Thomas, and the host. “Hello, everyone! My name is

Cassandra Yates. You can also call me Samantha!”

Amelia, who was at the side, could no longer hold back anymore.

Amelia had watched the video of the competition in Spaunia. Hence, when Cassandra

nodded at Amelia, Amelia could finally confirm that this was indeed Amelia’s idol.

“Samantha, I’m your fan. My name is Amelia Coleman. It’s a great honor to record the

show with you!”

Amelia instantly transformed into a fangirl and exclaimed inwardly, ‘She’s my idol! I can’t

believe the production team didn’t lie to me! They really invited Ms. Jenkins! What kind of

divine production team is this?”

The host and Thomas were stunned as well and thought, ‘I didn’t expect Samantha to be

this young!”

A netizen commented: [What? Is she Ms. Jenkins? No way!]

One questioned: [Perhaps it’s just another person with the same name!]

A netizen wrote: [For those of you who are skeptical, please go watch the semi–finals. and

finals of the Camille International Music Competition from before. After watching them,

you will know whether it’s just another person with the same name as Samantha!]


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Chapter 118

Another netizen commented: [Holy crap, I’m going to get on my knees for her!]

A comment read: [She is our Darling Samantha! My goodness, since the end of the

platform ‘Camille‘, she seemed to have vanished into thin air. I didn’t expect her to show

up! She’s real!]

Someone wrote: [My Darling Samantha! I’m here to support you!]

A netizen remarked: [My beautiful Samantha! Come and let me hold you in my arms!]

Someone teased: [Darling Samantha, run! There are too many creepy old ladies here!]

Cassandra was not used to the enthusiasm of others, so she dodged slightly and said,


“Ms. Jenkins, I finally met you in person. I’ve been your fan for five years ever since you

released your first song!” Amelia exclaimed.

Amelia was Samantha’s fan from the moment Samantha began Samantha’s career, and

Amelia was also Samantha’s loyal and die–hard fan.

No matter what type of fan Amelia was, she wouldn’t have joined the entertainment

industry if it weren’t for meeting Samantha in the industry.

Hearing that, Cassandra felt a little touched. “Thank you for liking my creations!”

“Not only me, but Thomas also liked them. Maybe in front of the camera, he’s a little

embarrassed,” Amelia said.

Thomas scratched his head while standing behind Amelia. He was indeed a fan of


Although it was not as long as being Amelia’s fan, Thomas had liked Samantha for more

than four years.

Cassandra suddenly felt like she was having a fan meeting here.

Hearing that Amelia had exposed him, Thomas had no choice but to take the initiative.

and step forward to greet Cassandra. “Hello, Ms. Jenkins! I’m Thomas Larson!”


The three of them arrived first, so the host announced that they would form a group.

The remaining three guests will automatically form a group.

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Chapter 118

The first of the remaining three guests to make an appearance was an amateur named

Jenny Yost.

The last guest to make an appearance was Frederick. He even had someone following

behind him.

The netizen commented: [Wow! I finally waited for my Freddy to show up! Wherever

Freddy goes, Freno will follow!]

A netizen exclaimed: [Wow! Freddy is as handsome as ever!]

Someone wrote: [I really love Freddy’s appearance!]

One netizen remarked: [Who is the amateur behind Freddy? It can’t be a rookie the

company assigned him to look after, right?]

Someone noted: [Well, this is going too far!]

“Hello, everyone. Thank you for waiting!” Frederick greeted everyone gentlemanly.

He was also followed by an assistant.

Frederick was carrying a suitcase in one hand and a bag in another. The person behind

him only carried a bag. Meanwhile, Frederick’s assistant was pushing two suitcases and

carrying two backpacks–one on their chest and one on their back. It seemed that the

person following Frederick had many baggage.

“Hi, Freddy. Is the person behind you the last amateur guest today?” the host asked


“Yes. This is my sister, Yulissa Yates!” Frederick walked out hand in hand with Yulissa and

approached the camera.

Cassandra just frowned. She seemed to have expected this result.

Comments from the netizens began to flood in: [Yulissa? The one Frederick frantically


Another netizen wrote: [She’s not…]

One netizen commented: [She’s not what? Just say it, will you?]

Another wrote: [Do netizens really forget things easily? Have you all forgotten Yulissa’s

self-confession already?]

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13:01 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 118

A comment read: [I’ve heard that she hired a murderer to hit someone with a car! Why did

she appear now?]

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Someone wrote: [Look at Ms. Jenkins‘ expression! It looks a little gloomy!]

Someone retorted: [Don’t slander our Darling Samantha, okay? She always has this


Frederick glanced at Cassandra provocatively.

He thought, ‘Since you dare send Lisa to the detention center, then we have our ways to

get her out!

There’s no such thing as being sentenced for committing a crime.

“Those who are convicted just don’t have enough money!

‘When one is wealthy enough, it’s easy to settle anything.

With a timid and slightly fearful expression, Yulissa clutched the corner of Frederick’s shirt

and greeted everyone. “Hello, everyone. My name is Yulissa Yates. Please take care of me

in the future!”

Although the host didn’t know the connection between Yulissa, Frederick, and Cassandra,

Amelia did.

Amelia wished she could tear apart Yulissa’s hypocritical face.

Cassandra remained expressionless from beginning to end.

This was almost what Cassandra had expected.

According to how much Miranda loved Yulissa, it was certain that Miranda would go every


Since Benjamin was unreliable, Miranda had to manage things for Yulissa.

As long as Yulissa could get out, Miranda would do anything.

It was unclear whether Miranda was foolish or smart. Surprisingly, she embezzled

Benjamin’s remaining money, which was about 7 billion dollars, and also the 5% share

without permission.

Previously, Benjamin felt it was unsafe to keep the share in his own hands, fearing that

Cyrus would continue to covet it. Thus, he transferred it to Miranda’s name.

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13:01 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 118

Unfortunately, it was difficult to guard against family thieves despite all precautions.

Unexpectedly, Miranda used all the money and shares to bribe the director of the Public

Security Bureau just to let Yulissa out.

Miranda thought that as long as she gave enough benefits, there was no need to take

Lucas‘ words seriously.

Little did she know, this was a trap set up by all of them together….


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