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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 511
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Chapter 511 Four years later, Weston and Abril had already attended kindergarten.

But Nelson was already in grade one, so they could not see Nelson in the kindergarten anymore.

Weston was a little unhappy, so after he went back home, he asked, “Mom, why can’t | be in the first grade with Nelson?” He had already learned all the contents of elementary school. Couldn't he skip a grade? Abril was also not very happy. “Yes, Mom, my classmates are so childish, could you letgo to sixth grade?” Cassandra was stunned.

+5 ‘Are you kidding me?” However, their intelligence was much higher than ordinary children. This was not apparent when they were one year old, but after two years of age, their amazing intelligence showed up.

The two kids were only five years old, but they had already taught themselves knowledge in elementary school.

But Kenneth and her didn’t give them much guidance.

This gave her a headache. If there were parents’ meetings, when the teacher praised her, “You are such a good parent. How do you teach your children so well?” She wouldn't know how to reply.

Because she didn’t teach them anything.

“Well... you could only be in the first grade at most. Be good kids. You should not think about skipping a grade again, okay? Otherwise, you will have to stay in the kindergarten.” Cassandra was also very overwhelmed; it was not necessarily a good thing if the children were too smart.

“Okay.” Weston and Abril agreed directly.

1/5 Chapter 511 ‘I can finally get rid of these kids.

‘Finally, | can sit in the sclassroom with Nelson.’ Weston and Abril were overjoyed.

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They seemed to have their own ideas.

Kenneth happened to cin from the door. He was already in his thirties, but it seemed that time. hadn't left a trace on his face. There was only a hint of maturity on his face, not even a fine line.

He asked softly, “What are you talking about?” As soon as he entered the room, he heard the two kids saying “Okay”, which made him confused.

“They want to go to the first grade. Can you arrange it for them?” Cassandra said softly when she saw him cback.

+5 Kenneth raised his eyebrows and thought, “What does this mean? Is kindergarten not fun?” He walked up to Abril and held his daughter in his arms. “Cherry, isn’t kindergarten fun? Why do you want to go to first grade?” Abril hugged his father, and said seriously, “Dad, my kindergarten classmates are too young, too childish, my brother and | don’t like them. Weston wants to study with Nelson. | don’t want to play with kindergarten kids, so | want to go to first grade.” Abril spoke very quickly and was really smart.

If her mother hadn't stopped them from going to sixth grade, she would have wanted to go straight to the graduating class of elementary school instead of first grade.

Kenneth was speechless.

It seemed that sometimes it was not a good thing for his children to be too clever.

This made Kenneth very embarrassed.

“Well, I'll arrange it for you. But there is only half a month left before the end of this semester. Let's stick 2/5 Chapter 511 to it till the end, okay?” Kenneth coaxed his daughter.

Since there was not much tleft. For now, there was no need to send them to primary school.

Abril and Weston pouted their lips. Well, they couldn't say anything else.

When Weston knew his father finally agreed, he was very excited.

He had asked his parents multiple times this semester, but they had refused. Their argument for disagreement was that kids should behave like kids.

However, he was no longer a two- or three-year-old. He thought the questions from the thirteen-year- olds were not challenging for him. Was he not regarded as a big kid? He and his sister were also good at hacking, but their mother didn’t want them to show it in front of other children. It was a headache for him.

When Weston told the good news to Nelson, Nelson jumped at hfor a long time.

+5 Eddie also retired from the army and returned to Drieso. He had plenty of tto spend with his family.

now. Seeing his son jumping around excitedly at home, he couldn't help asking, “Nelson, why are your so happy?” “Dad, Weston can go to the first grade withnext semester. Godfather agreed to let him skip a grade, I'll be in the sgrade as Weston again.” ‘That's great,” Nelson thought.

But Eddie remained silent. ‘This didn’t seem to be a good thing.” “Are you happy?” Eddie asked.

“Of course, I'm happy. With Weston and Abril accompanying me, | will be very happy. My classmates said that | am weird, only Weston thought | was stupid,” Nelson replied.

Nelson always ranked first in the class and even in the whole grade. He knew all the questions raised by the teacher. He thought everyone was the sas him, but his classmates seemed to hate him greatly.

3/5 Chapter 511 While Weston said to him that he was stupid because he didn’t know how to solve sof the questions.

+5 As a result, Weston would frequently call him foolish, but he would continue patiently teach him, and he would enjoy playing with Weston.

“Did the students say you were weird? Why? Tell daddy.” Eddie's expression suddenly changed. He subconsciously thought that his son had experienced school bullying at such a young age.

Eddie's look scared Nelson, but he knew Eddie was merely concerned for him. “Nothing. | consistently score highest on tests, and | can always find the answers to whatever questions teachers pose. My students believe that | purposefully do this to make them look stupid. They refuse to play withfor this reason.” Nelson didn’t seem to mind this. No one bullied him or scolded him, but every tthey would say that he shouldn't stand out in study because they would be scolded by the teacher as a result.

But he was innocent.

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Eddie's face softened a little. He felt relieved. He was so scared just now.

“Then why would Weston say you are stupid?” Eddie asked.

‘How dare Kenneth ask his son to satirize my son? ‘How dare he say my son is stupid?’ Eddie was totally furious.

“Because Weston said that he had already learned the knowledge of sixth grade and was ready to learn the subjects of junior high school, but he only taughtsubjects of second grade. | still couldn’t master *sknowledge points, so...” Nelson replied.

Eddie was speechless.

‘Kenneth and Cassandra were perverts. But how could their son be so perverted as well? Nelson grumbled in his heart.

“Good boy. We don’t need to compare with Weston. Just being a little smarter than normal kids is enough,” Eddie encouraged.

4/5 0 5/5 Chapter 511 FD “No, Weston will scold me. When Weston is in the first grade, he can teachagain. | like playing with him,” Nelson replied.

Eddie was speechless again.

He thought the two boys’ relations were becoming weird if things went on like this.

Finally, Nelson, Weston, and Abril studied in the sclass. They were the youngest in the first grade, but they were the smartest in the whole grade.

Nelson was also the smartest in the grade.

Until the end of the SAT.

They were all in the sclass, but Abril didn’t follow this life trajectory. Instead, she chose Cassandra's path, cback with many certificates abroad, and went straight into Kenneth’s army to receive training.

After the SAT, they studied at Juset University together.

All that changed was that Weston, who had been so tender at first, grew stronger and took great care of Nelson.