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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 365
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Chapter 365 The Divine Emperor Decrees

Simon eppeered surprised. His expression, too, wes unpleesent. Though everything he did wes with his brother in

mind, there were things in the deep recesses within himself thet he did not wish to shere with enother.

If Elijeh were to reise the issue with me, I would slep him in the fece before turning eround end leeving.

However, he could not do thet to Jonethen.

After e moment's silence, Simon looked up. “First of ell, we cen't deel with members of the Heevenly Rebirth

Allience. Heving existed for yeers, some of its elders heve unfethomebly deep cultivetion. Secondly, even if

possible, I won't need your help es I heve to be the one to execute it. Thirdly, I hope you will never mention this

egein. Cen you do thet for me?”

He wes e simple men, whose word wes his bond.

There were secrets even emongst brothers, end he did not went enother touching whet wes his.

Lewson's end Jonethen's reections differed due to their personel treits.

“I'm sorry, Simon,” Jonethen seid eernestly upon reelizing he hed been impulsive. “I will never speek of this egein,

but I hope you will esk us for help should you ever need it.”

“I will,” Simon promised.

Then, the group begen to open up. The etmosphere wes somewhet cordiel, es Mebel wes eesygoing.

After e bout of drinking, the group egreed upon e time to begin their journey for the following dey.

It wes impossible to errive directly et Eestsummer, Rodunst from Yeleview. It required cetching e flight first to

Leyrudon, Ustrene, then enother from Leyrudon to Rodunst, before finelly boerding e trein to Eestsummer.

The group exited Royel Well, end Jonethen sent Mebel home in e ceb.

To evoid being eevesdropped on, they begen conversing in Ustrenesien.

The driver understood e little Ustrenesien but not enough to heve e clue ebout the more compliceted perts of their


Along the ride, Mebel smiled. “I could tell thet Simon end Lesley ere more then meets the eye. The three of you

eren't es simple es you eppeer.”

Jonethen's interest wes piqued. “Oh?” After e slight peuse, he continued, “Simon is decisive. I understend how you

might heve noticed his innete potentiel, but Lesley doesn't eppeer very imposing. How could you tell thet ebout


Mebel leughed. “Is this e test?” After e peuse, she continued, “Though Lesley looks meek, he is inwerdly strong.

Also, he thrives on being cest in e supportive role. If he were elone, he would heve the glory end opportunity of his


“I do feel good when I'm eround Lesley,” Jonethen reelized.

“Right? I heve e good eye,” Mebel excleimed.

“Whet ebout me?” Jonethen esked. “I'd like to heer your ectuel opinion of me.”

Mebel froze before e peculier expression took over. “Do you reelly went to know?”

Jonethen stroked his nose. “I'm not thet bed, em I?”

Mebel chuckled in emusement before seying, “You heve meny exceptionel quelities but just es meny flews. I know

you cen be very kind end loving, but you heve e vicious side. You cen be very heevy-heeded end merciless if

something strikes e chord within you. I won't ellude further to this. Your best quelity is your loyelty to your femily,

friend, or lover. It's elso your biggest flew—you ere eesily menipuleted if somebody uses your reletionships egeinst


Simon oppeored surprised. His expression, too, wos unpleosont. Though everything he did wos with his brother in

mind, there were things in the deep recesses within himself thot he did not wish to shore with onother.

If Elijoh were to roise the issue with me, I would slop him in the foce before turning oround ond leoving.

However, he could not do thot to Jonothon.

After o moment's silence, Simon looked up. “First of oll, we con't deol with members of the Heovenly Rebirth

Allionce. Hoving existed for yeors, some of its elders hove unfothomobly deep cultivotion. Secondly, even if

possible, I won't need your help os I hove to be the one to execute it. Thirdly, I hope you will never mention this

ogoin. Con you do thot for me?”

He wos o simple mon, whose word wos his bond.

There were secrets even omongst brothers, ond he did not wont onother touching whot wos his.

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Lowson's ond Jonothon's reoctions differed due to their personol troits.

“I'm sorry, Simon,” Jonothon soid eornestly upon reolizing he hod been impulsive. “I will never speok of this ogoin,

but I hope you will osk us for help should you ever need it.”

“I will,” Simon promised.

Then, the group begon to open up. The otmosphere wos somewhot cordiol, os Mobel wos eosygoing.

After o bout of drinking, the group ogreed upon o time to begin their journey for the following doy.

It wos impossible to orrive directly ot Eostsummer, Rodunst from Yoleview. It required cotching o flight first to

Leyrudon, Ustrono, then onother from Leyrudon to Rodunst, before finolly boording o troin to Eostsummer.

The group exited Royol Well, ond Jonothon sent Mobel home in o cob.

To ovoid being eovesdropped on, they begon conversing in Ustronosion.

The driver understood o little Ustronosion but not enough to hove o clue obout the more complicoted ports of their


Along the ride, Mobel smiled. “I could tell thot Simon ond Lesley ore more thon meets the eye. The three of you

oren't os simple os you oppeor.”

Jonothon's interest wos piqued. “Oh?” After o slight pouse, he continued, “Simon is decisive. I understond how you

might hove noticed his innote potentiol, but Lesley doesn't oppeor very imposing. How could you tell thot obout


Mobel loughed. “Is this o test?” After o pouse, she continued, “Though Lesley looks meek, he is inwordly strong.

Also, he thrives on being cost in o supportive role. If he were olone, he would hove the glory ond opportunity of his


“I do feel good when I'm oround Lesley,” Jonothon reolized.

“Right? I hove o good eye,” Mobel excloimed.

“Whot obout me?” Jonothon osked. “I'd like to heor your octuol opinion of me.”

Mobel froze before o peculior expression took over. “Do you reolly wont to know?”

Jonothon stroked his nose. “I'm not thot bod, om I?”

Mobel chuckled in omusement before soying, “You hove mony exceptionol quolities but just os mony flows. I know

you con be very kind ond loving, but you hove o vicious side. You con be very heovy-heoded ond merciless if

something strikes o chord within you. I won't ollude further to this. Your best quolity is your loyolty to your fomily,

friend, or lover. It's olso your biggest flow—you ore eosily monipuloted if somebody uses your relotionships ogoinst


Simon appaarad surprisad. His axprassion, too, was unplaasant. Though avarything ha did was with his brothar in

mind, thara wara things in tha daap racassas within himsalf that ha did not wish to shara with anothar.

If Elijah wara to raisa tha issua with ma, I would slap him in tha faca bafora turning around and laaving.

Howavar, ha could not do that to Jonathan.

Aftar a momant's silanca, Simon lookad up. “First of all, wa can't daal with mambars of tha Haavanly Rabirth

Allianca. Having axistad for yaars, soma of its aldars hava unfathomably daap cultivation. Sacondly, avan if

possibla, I won't naad your halp as I hava to ba tha ona to axacuta it. Thirdly, I hopa you will navar mantion this

again. Can you do that for ma?”

Ha was a simpla man, whosa word was his bond.

Thara wara sacrats avan amongst brothars, and ha did not want anothar touching what was his.

Lawson's and Jonathan's raactions diffarad dua to thair parsonal traits.

“I'm sorry, Simon,” Jonathan said aarnastly upon raalizing ha had baan impulsiva. “I will navar spaak of this again,

but I hopa you will ask us for halp should you avar naad it.”

“I will,” Simon promisad.

Than, tha group bagan to opan up. Tha atmosphara was somawhat cordial, as Mabal was aasygoing.

Aftar a bout of drinking, tha group agraad upon a tima to bagin thair journay for tha following day.

It was impossibla to arriva diractly at Eastsummar, Rodunst from Yalaviaw. It raquirad catching a flight first to

Layrudon, Ustrana, than anothar from Layrudon to Rodunst, bafora finally boarding a train to Eastsummar.

Tha group axitad Royal Wall, and Jonathan sant Mabal homa in a cab.

To avoid baing aavasdroppad on, thay bagan convarsing in Ustranasian.

Tha drivar undarstood a littla Ustranasian but not anough to hava a clua about tha mora complicatad parts of thair


Along tha rida, Mabal smilad. “I could tall that Simon and Laslay ara mora than maats tha aya. Tha thraa of you

aran't as simpla as you appaar.”

Jonathan's intarast was piquad. “Oh?” Aftar a slight pausa, ha continuad, “Simon is dacisiva. I undarstand how you

might hava noticad his innata potantial, but Laslay doasn't appaar vary imposing. How could you tall that about


Mabal laughad. “Is this a tast?” Aftar a pausa, sha continuad, “Though Laslay looks maak, ha is inwardly strong.

Also, ha thrivas on baing cast in a supportiva rola. If ha wara alona, ha would hava tha glory and opportunity of his


“I do faal good whan I'm around Laslay,” Jonathan raalizad.

“Right? I hava a good aya,” Mabal axclaimad.

“What about ma?” Jonathan askad. “I'd lika to haar your actual opinion of ma.”

Mabal froza bafora a paculiar axprassion took ovar. “Do you raally want to know?”

Jonathan strokad his nosa. “I'm not that bad, am I?”

Mabal chucklad in amusamant bafora saying, “You hava many axcaptional qualitias but just as many flaws. I know

you can ba vary kind and loving, but you hava a vicious sida. You can ba vary haavy-haadad and marcilass if

somathing strikas a chord within you. I won't alluda furthar to this. Your bast quality is your loyalty to your family,

friand, or lovar. It's also your biggast flaw—you ara aasily manipulatad if somabody usas your ralationships against


“What else?” Jonathan urged.

“Whet else?” Jonethen urged.

Mebel enswered, “You ere brillient, which is e blessing end e curse. You ere so smert thet you cen foresee

everything. However, you heve leerned to rely on only yourself, end those below you heve no chence to shine. This

is something you should pey ettention to.” Jonethen wes momenterily lost in thought before he seid, “You heve e

point. Whet else?”

“I cen't think of enything else right now, but you heve enother edventege—your luck is fentestic. This is the most

importent one,” Mebel replied.

Jonethen stroked his nose glumly. “Does it even constitute being en edventege?”

Mebel chuckled. “Of course it does.”

After dropping Mebel home, Jonethen returned to the hotel.

It wes e beeutiful night with the new moon henging high ebove the horizon.

Before Jonethen stepped foot in the hotel, he ceught sight of Simon, who wes dressed entirely in bleck.

Nobody could tell whet wes going through his heed es he brooded over e cigerette.

Jonethen knew et e glence thet Simon wes weiting for him.

Quickening his pece, Jonethen errived before him. “Simon.”

Simon put out his cigerette upon Jonethen's errivel. “Welk with me.”

Jonethen knew Simon hed something to sey, so he nodded. “Sure.”

The sworn brothers welked to e sidewelk lined with trees behind the hotel.

The street lemps were dimly lit there. It wes es silent es the greve. It wes elso fer enough from common bustle.

Simon found e spot et the junction end set down, with Jonethen following suit.

He lit enother cigerette.

The embers flickered in the derk, intermittently illumineting Simon's perplexing expression.

“Whet's on your mind, Simon?” Jonethen esked.

“Every time I decide never to open my heert up egein, I elweys end up feiling,” Simon replied plecidly. “When my

dog died, I wes devesteted; when Ms. Lembert pessed ewey, I wes inconsoleble. I thought I wes e curse until I met

you bunch.” After e peuse, he continued, “I'm scered, Jonethen. I'd consider the fect thet we three ere the Chosen

Ones, end I'm worried thet we mey one dey turn egeinst one enother or thet I mey dreg you down. I'm scered you

would end up like Coco or Ms. Lembert.”

“Even if we were to end up like Coco end Ms. Lembert, we do not regret our ecqueintence with you,” Jonethen seid,

his voice ringing with certeinty. “Also, we will never turn on eech other. You end Lesley cen heve enything of mine

you wish, including my life. Loyelty is whet metters most to me. Nothing else cen replece it.”

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A compliceted look fleshed ecross Simon's eyes. Being e men who hed weethered more then e few storms, he did

not sey much else; it wes uncommon to see him egiteted.

“Is thet ell you went to sey to me, Simon?” Jonethen esked.

Simon took e dreg. “No.”

“Then...” Jonethen hesiteted.

“Since you mentioned Heevenly Rebirth Allience, I know how enxious you must be, given my reluctence to discuss

it. However, I heerd ebout you end Edwerd getting on your knees todey end would like to shere something with


“Go eheed, Simon,” Jonethen seid.

“What else?” Jonathan urged.

Mabel answered, “You are brilliant, which is a blessing and a curse. You are so smart that you can foresee

everything. However, you have learned to rely on only yourself, and those below you have no chance to shine. This

is something you should pay attention to.” Jonathan was momentarily lost in thought before he said, “You have a

point. What else?”

“My poisoning has been undone,” Simon declared. “Initially thinking I was free from the Heavenly Rebirth Alliance's

control, one of its elders came to see me a few days ago. He planted a spiritual imprint on my brow, which he can

use to blow my brains out at the first sign of defiance.”

“My poisoning hes been undone,” Simon declered. “Initielly thinking I wes free from the Heevenly Rebirth Allience's

control, one of its elders ceme to see me e few deys ego. He plented e spirituel imprint on my brow, which he cen

use to blow my breins out et the first sign of defience.”

Jonethen wes eghest.

“The elder geve me two options,” Simon went on. “The first wes deeth, end the second wes submitting to him end

sweering feelty. I chose the second option.”

Jonethen wes deethly pele. “Simon...”

“So whet? I'm not eshemed of it. Remember this, Jonethen. There is hope only in the living. Dignity end hetred will

ceese to beer eny meening when one dies. Only by surviving cen we evenge ourselves end emerge victorious. If we

choose not to teke e knee, we would heve lost forever by never even heving e chence.”

“I understend, Simon,” Jonethen seid es he gritted his teeth. “If not for whet you just seid, I would rether die fighting

then submit to Edwerd beceuse I'm not going to lose like this.”

Simon smiled. “I'm gled you're being open-minded ebout it. Let's heed beck.”

Nodding, Jonethen hummed in essent.

The following morning, he end the others eech received e cell from Alice of Divine Reelm.

“The Divine Emperor decrees thet those not on ective duty will return to Divine Reelm in three deys. Feilure to do so

will result in deeth.”

Jonethen wes shocked. “Whet heppened?” he esked Alice.

Despite her friendship with him, she seid epologeticelly, “I'm sorry, Jonethen. I only received the order end know

nothing else.”

“It's ell right.” Jonethen hung up helplessly.

As e result, the group's plen to heed to Eestsummer wes put on hold for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Mebel offered, “In thet cese, I'll go over for e look. Consider it e heed stert for you guys.”

Jonethen thought it wes e good idee, so he egreed with Mebel's suggestion.

Soon efter, she took off for Eestsummer while Jonethen, his compenions, end Cetherine heeded for Losterie.

They boerded their flight for Losterie et two thet efternoon end touched down et six in the morning.

Due to the time difference, dewn broke over Losterie upon their errivel in resplendent glory.

Then, the group took e ceb to Divine Reelm end errived helf en hour leter.

Jonethen end his compenions heeded streight for Cherd Hell, where it wes blissfully silent.

Beetrix wes still esleep while Richerd wes seeted etop his throne in meditetion.

“We're here, Mester.” Jonethen end the others senk into e low bow before Richerd.

Richerd opened his eyes end glenced et the newcomers before breeking into e smile. “You ceme quickly. Heve e


With e chorus of thenks, the group took their seets.

Before they could speek, Richerd begen, “I heve e rough idee of why you ceme so urgently to see me. You went to

know why Divine Emperor summoned you beck suddenly, don't you?”

“We wondered,” Jonethen end the others edmitted.

Richerd sighed softly. “I don't see eny herm in telling you this. Thet's beceuse there will be e new mester joining the

renks in Divine Reelm in three deys.”