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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 320
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Chapter 320 Avril wished she could roll up her sleeves and put Natalee in her place. “Indeed, we're computer science students, but sof the greatest minds in the industry developed Pyralist University’s firewall. Not even our professors can hack into it, not to mention freshmen like us.” “Well, Bonnie could've bribed the staff in the monitoring room.” “You motherfucker! It’s taking all my strength not to punch you, Natalee. You just said Bonnie stole Rene’s necklace because she ran out of money to pay for her studies.

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“Are you seriously claiming Bonnie bribed a staff member with the money she doesn’t have? Do you even hear the shit that comes out of your mouth?” Natalee turned red with rage and said stubbornly, “Either way, Bonnie's the prsuspect.” She glanced at Bonnie and asked, “You're trying to prove your innocence with this footage, correct? How do you plan on proving that you didn’t steal Rene’s necklace now?” “That's easy.” Bonnie approached the security footage system and typed away. At that moment, everyone knew what she was trying to do. Sstudents looked at her with disdain and mockery.

“Someone tampered with the footage. Is Bonnie seriously trying to recover it? That's absurd!” “She must've run out of excuses and is just trying to bide her time.” “I guess you're right. After all, Bonnie's just a freshman. Does she think she can do what most of us can't?” As the students mocked and questioned Bonnie's intentions, she stopped typing. B “D-Did she recover the footage?!” Everyone was dumbfounded. Seven rubbed their eyes to see if they were hallucinating. Others even pinched their thighs, wondering if they were dreaming.

“Did you do it?!” Suddenly, the lost footage began to play.

Meanwhile, Jordynn, hiding outside the monitoring room, becnervous. Although she was relieved that someone had tampered with the footage, she did not expect Be recover it so quickly swear I'll smack whoever else says Bonnie's a good-for-nothing. She’s so good with computers and almost better than sof the professors here!” Soon after, Jordynn’s worries beca reality, as everyone saw her in the footage.

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It's her! But how's that possible? Her family is wealthy and reputable. Why would she do something like that?” Even Bonnie was shocked.

I've only met Jordynn twice and can’t claim to know her well, but | don’t think she would've.

done something so outrageous even if she hates me.” Bonnie was amidst her thoughts when Jordynn entered the monitoring room.