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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 338
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Chapter 338 Bonnie whipped around but saw no one on the street behind her. However, she caught the hem of a pink shirt by the alley. It seemed a lady was following her.

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Bonnie searched her memory and recalled Jordynn occasionally appearing nearby that day. The latter wore a pink shirt, too.

Meanwhile, Jordynn hid in the alley and patted her chest, thinking, ‘Phew, It's a good thing | ducked in here in time. Otherwise, she would've caught me.” Before she knew it, a knife appeared on her neck. “Giveeverything you have.” She nervously glanced at the mugger and realized the man wore a mask. She was terrified, stammering.” Oh, okay. I-I'll give you everything. Just take it easy, okay?” Jordynn paled as she tremblingly handed the mugger her phone.

“Okay, now giveyour necklace, bracelet, and everything else.” “W-Wait a second, I'll remove these first.” She obeyed the man and removed all her jewelry, even giving. him her earrings. She was on the verge of tears when she asked, “Can you letgo now?” “What rotten luck to run into a mugger! Oh, man, | regret doing this. | knew | should've stopped following Bonnie when it got dark. Otherwise, | wouldn't have ended up in this dark alley and got mugged. Fortunately, he’s only after my valuables.” The mugger looked at Jordynn from head to toe and said lewdly, “You're packing a good pair there.” “N-No, | gave you everything. | swear!” “Heh heh heh, I'll see for myself. Letsearch you, little lady.” The mugger motioned to grab Jordynn’s B bosom.

She was so frightened that she instinctively flung her bag at him. She got lucky and hit his head, causing him to yell in surprise. That was when Jordynn turned and fled the scene.

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“Stop, you bitch! I'll make you regret it if you keep running!” The mugger held hi her.

ad and chased after Bonnie heard the commotion and saw Jordynn desperately running toward her, “Bonnie, run! Get out of here!” Bonnie saw the mugger behind Jordynn and realized what had happened. It appeared she was right about Jordynn following her. The former also realized Jordynn could have run and left her at the mugger’s mercy to save herself. Instead, Jordynn warned Bonnie about the mugger.

The former realized Bonnie froze. Jordynn yelled, “Hurry up and run, Bonnie! He might be alone, but he has a knife! He might have sfriends hiding around here, too. What are you waiting for? Run!” Suddenly, Jordynn tripped and fell. “Argh! That hurt!” Chapter38 2/2 Her face reddened as sweat rolled down her cheeks. She held her feet and curled up on the ground, on the verge of tears.

The mugger finally caught up and said, “Aww, why aren’t you running anymore? | just wanted to search. you for valuables.” Tears blurred Jordynn’s vision. Soon after, it cleared up, and she saw Bonnie.

Jordynn’s eyes widened as she wondered, ‘What in the world is she thinking? It’s bad enough she didn’t run, but she’s even serving herself to him on a silver platter!” “Well, damn, pretty lady. How're you doing? It looks like I'm having a threestonight!” The mugger observed Bonnie's figure lewdly.

The exasperated Jordynn looked at Bonnie and said, “I told you to run, but you wouldn't listen. Now look what-" Suddenly, Bonnie kicked the mugger, sending him flying.