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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love

Chapter 396
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Chapter 396 “Why? Why? You askwhy? How dare you askwhy?” roared Jagger, whose face suddenly becferocious, looking at Eason as if looking at the enemy of his lifetime, “Your family has ruled the country for generations, while my family can only be your slaves for generations! My father got killed in a foreign country to protect the king, and we haven't even found his corpse yet! In order to protect the former king, my grandfather broke one leg and has been a cripple until he died! Count carefully, how much has sacrificed for your family for generations! Now, | just don’t want to be a slave. | want to be a person, a dignified person. Am | wrong?” His voice becsharper and sharper, piercing Eason’s ears like a knife.

Eason stared fixedly at him without saying a word.

my family In the end, Jagger, who seemed to have finally vented his anger, collapsed on the chair and said with an indifferent look, Losers are always in the wrong. | lost, so now I'm at your mercy. Anyway, I'm unable to resist.” “Do you mean it?” Eason asked slowly.

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“Or what?” Jagger said with a sneer, “Your family owes debts of blood to my family for generations. Do you really think that my family deserves it?” Eason said calmly, “Buddy, | don’t believe that.” Hearing Eason address him as buddy. Jagger was stunned for a moment, and his face changed slightly.

When they were children, Eason had always enjoyed spending twith him and addressed him as buddy. Later, as they grew up, Eason gradually called him by his ninstead of addressing him as buddy.

Now, the familiar way Eason addressed him seemed to have brought him back to the past when they were as close as brothers and promised each other that they would trust each other with their lives.

“I don’t believe that,” Eason said word by word, “Others may not know it, but you are supposed to know that my family has never regarded your family as slaves. You said that your grandfather broke a leg for the sake of the former king. Indeed, at that time, my grandfather and your grandfather were in danger and trusted each other with their lives. In the end, your grandfather broke a leg, while my grandfather got shot in the chest so that he died young. When my grandfather passed away, your grandfather cto see him. for the last time. They just made a silent exchange of smiles, and then my grandfather passed away peacefully. Before my grandfather passed away, he had asked to dismiss your family from your post as the guardians of the royal family so that your father could be a civil official instead of a military official, but | think you are well aware of the result.” Jagger fell silent.

“Your father refused,” Eason continued with sigh, “Your father and my father grew up together just like us. They are close friends and partners, both willing to give up their lives for each other.” Jagger said in a slightly hoarse voice, “But my father died for him.”

Chapter 396

Eason looked down and said. “So, when you grew up, my father once thought about forcing you to be a government official instead of joining the army. Buddy, what did you say to my father back then?” Jagger lowered his head, saying, “The Lynns are born to be warriors rather than cowards.” At that time, he was only a teenager, but he stood in front of Alexander with a stubborn look.

Alexander turned down his request and forced him to quit. He refused to do so, locked himself in his room and went on a hunger strike for three days and three nights. In the end, Alexander, who failed to force him to quit, had to appoint him as captain of the guards.

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Back then, he was so proud.

He thought that he, who had inherited the glory of his father and grandfather, would protect the Nicholas family until he died.

Then why did he suddenly change his mind? Jagger was stunned for a moment and suddenly beca little confused.

Why did he suddenly change his mind? Since when did he start hating the Nicholas family?