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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43 It’s… Him? The next day after getting her house, Leanna moved into her rented place with

whatever little belongings she had. Zoe and Louis didn’t allow her to do the cleaning, as they told her to

sit and take a rest. Plopped on the couch, she ordered some afternoon snacks for them while thinking

that she was actually kind… With such a kind godmother and uncle, the baby will receive very good

care once it’s born.

With that thought in mind, she lowered her head and placed her hand softly on her abdomen. She

wasn’t sure if she had gained weight recently or the baby was growing, but her belly was slightly

swollen. As Zoe still had a shoot in the afternoon, she could only ask for a few hours away from work

for the day. Before leaving, she bought a bunch of daily necessities for Leanna. “Nana, I can’t take care

of you after this, so you must take good care of yourself. Don’t you ever starve yourself.” Coming out of

the kitchen, Louis said, “I’ll take care of my sister.” With a giggle, Leanna said, “That’s enough, both of

you. I’m not a child, so don’t worry about me.”

“You’re not a child, but you have a baby inside,” Zoe said, going closer to her belly. “Little baby, be

good and don’t give your mommy a hard time. Otherwise, I’ll smack your little butt once you’re born.”

Soon after she had left, Leanna said to Louis, “You should get going as well. I’ll take care of the rest

myself.” “No,” he answered. “I’ll stay with you for a few days and will leave after you’ve familiarized

yourself with the surroundings.” A chuckle escaped her lips. “Did you really take me for a child? I’m

your sister.

” His face was very earnest when he answered, “I’m only staying for a few days so that the others are

aware that there’s a man in your house and won’t bully you because you’re a girl living alone.” The

smile on her face stiffened, and she didn’t turn him down anymore. “I’ll buy a single bed for you, then.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It’s more convenient for your visits afterward.” “It’s okay. I’ll just sleep on the couch,” he said, taking out

a bag of trash. “I’m going home to pack some clothes. What would you like to eat? I’ll buy it on the way

back.” … A month later. “I’m so sorry to trouble you, Gina since I’m asking you to accompany me every

time.” Holding Carly’s arm, Georgina smiled softly and said, “Carly, you don’t need to be courteous with


I have nothing to do at home, anyway, and I can take a breather outside when I’m out with you.” Carly

sighed. “Because of the marriage with the Pearsons, Zayn has been in an argument with the rest of the

family recently. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have agreed to this marriage at that time.

Look at the situation now, the Pearsons despise us and Zayn is unhappy as well. Neither side is

happy.” “You’ve got it wrong, Carly. Aidan doesn’t have anything against you guys; he’s just—”

Speaking about Aidan, Carly lowered her voice and posed the following question. “I’ve been wanting to

ask you something, Gina. I’ve heard rumors that Aidan Pearson is not Mrs. Pearson’s child, but rather

the illegitimate son of Gordon Pearson and an outsider.

Since you frequently visited Pearson Family Estate when you were younger, is this true?” Aidan was

seven when he was brought back to the Pearson Family, and they told others that Aidan had been

recuperating abroad because he was unhealthy since he was born. In addition, Gordon had used some

of his influence, and nobody spoke about this anymore after that. At the same time, when Aidan was

brought back to the Pearson Family, Justin was involved in a car accident that left him crippled on both

legs. As a result, Justin was unable to be the successor to the Pearson Group. All this happened within

two months.

If everything before this was just groundless accusations, then Carly had all the reason to have doubts

after witnessing the brutal situation at the Pearsons’ the last time. Casting her an apologetic smile,

Georgina answered, “I haven’t heard about this. You’re thinking too much, Carly. Actually, it makes

sense why Aidan doesn’t agree to the marriage between Zayn and Anna. Think about it, Anna is

infamous for being bossy and arrogant. If she doesn’t restrain herself after she marries Zayn and

becomes more brazen instead, there will be problems for two families and two companies at that time.

Aidan has always hated trouble. In addition, Anna is only his cousin, and he definitely doesn’t want to

take care of her mess for her.” Thinking that she has a point, Carly said helplessly, “I don’t like Anna

Pearson that much, either, but my dad thinks that it’s a good opportunity that our families can be tied by


He was hopping mad with Aidan’s attitude previously, so I think this matter will just be forgotten in the

end.” Georgina nodded in agreement. “Zayn is an amazing person, and there must be countless girls

who like him. He’ll definitely find someone more suitable than Anna—” Before she could finish her

sentence, she suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure at the entrance. “What is it?” Looking away,

she uttered, “I think I saw a… friend.” “A friend?” Following her gaze, Carly only saw unfamiliar faces,

and she asked, “Is your friend here for a maternity check as well?” “What?” “This place is for maternity

checks. How long has your friend been pregnant? Should I introduce my doctor to her?” Shaking her

head, Georgina took her arm and led her out. “It’s alright. I’ve probably mistaken someone else for her.

Let’s go, Carly.” Without a doubt, she had seen it right; the person earlier was Leanna. Even though

she had only seen pictures of Leanna before, she could definitely recognize Leanna’s face. After they

reached the car, she stopped. “Carly, I suddenly remembered something and won’t be going back with

you.” “Okay, but where are you going? I’ll ask my driver to drop you off.” “It’s fine because it’s just

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

somewhere nearby.” After saying goodbye to Carly, Georgina returned to the hospital, and when she

reached the obstetrics department, she happened to see Leanna coming out of the gynecologist’s

office. She had the identical obstetrics report folder in her hands as Carly. As Georgina watched

Leanna from the back, she frowned slightly. … In the meantime, Leanna had just left the hospital when

she received a call from Harvey.

A client went to Lux Jewelry and had specifically asked for her because he wanted a set of custom-

designed jewelry. “I’m coming over right now,” she answered. Following the debut of ‘First Love,’ Lux

Jewelry launched a number of new pieces of jewelry, all of which received enormously positive reviews.

Many magazine firms, including well-known jewelry brands, approached Leanna at this time period, but

she turned them all down. Harvey was akin to her lucky star; when she had nothing and needed

recognition the most, he had signed her up despite the risks. So, she wouldn’t leave Lux Jewelry at this

time. Harvey briefly described the scenario to her upon her arrival at Lux Jewelry as they made their

way to the VIP lounge.

“Even though we’ve never accepted custom orders before this, we had planned to develop in various

ways back then when we decided to set up our independent brand. But don’t worry, we’re only

accepting high-quality clients for custom designs.” To put it simply, the advantage of doing this was that

Leanna could open up a market for high-quality clients for herself and the company, and the

remuneration could also be very high. She nodded.

“I’ll do a good job.” At the door of the conference room, Harvey knocked and opened the door. “Mr.

Pearson, our designer is here.” When the person in front of her turned around, the smile on Leanna’s

face turned stiff. What … It’s him?