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Love the Second Time Around Novel

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 The Relationship

Upon hearing his words, | struggled to get down immediately, yet it was in vain. | could not even break free from

him when I was at full strength, let alone when my whole body was aching badly.

| ended up tugging at the collar of his shirt and gritting out, “Sendback now. If not, | don’t know how to

explain to my dad!”

At that moment, | was still racking my brain for ways to explain to Dad about the fashion show. If he found out

that | did not go back to my hotel room and spent the night together with Dominic, he would surely blow a blood


Turning a deaf ear to my request, Dominic carriedinto the elevator right away. A while later, he carried me

straight into the room, placedon the bed, and got on top of me.

As his chest pressed down slowly, | struggled and muttered feebly, “Dominic, | have to go back now. I'm


He lifted my chin and bit lightly on it. Next, he whipped out my phone from my handbag.

“What are you doing?” | looked at him quizzically.

“Shhh...” he whispered, placing his index finger in front of his lips.

In an instant, there was a big question mark on my mind. What is he up to again?

“Hello, David. Dominic here...” | gaped at him instantaneously. He has the guts to call Dad!

| did not dare to utter any words so as not to trigger Dad’s suspicion. At the stime, | hinted at Dominic to

hold his tongue by glaring at him.

As | heard what he told my dad, I rolled my eyes. He not only helped to clear my dad’s doubt on the fashion

show earlier but also effortlessly had my dad's consent. Thus, | did not have to rush back to the hotel. My

goodness, my dad did not doubt his cock and bull story at all!

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After hanging up, he raised his brows and gavea smug smile. “I have helped you to get the matters

resolved. It’s tfor you to pay back my kindness now.”

| was at a loss of words and could only fume, “You're shameless!”

Turning a blind eye to my irritation, he started to indulge himself in another round of steamy sessions. He

seemed to have unlimited energy, and | ended up being tortured by him the entire night.

The next day, my growling stomach wokeup. In that moment, | felt that | could swallow anything to fill my


| placed my arms on the bed and sat up. In an instant, the blanket slipped off, exposing the hickeys all over my


“Damn it! He's really a pervert!” | cussed in exasperation.

| looked around and noticed that there was no sign of him in the room. When | was wondering if he had left, |

heard the sound of the door opening. Within seconds, Dominic, who was well dressed, emerged and strode into

the room.

He chuckled and commented cheekily, “Looks like you haven't had enough last night, have you?”

| pulled the blanket up immediately to cover myself and snapped at him, “Do you think that everyone thinks

about that all the tlike you? I'm not surprised if you collapse due to debauchery one day!”

He smirked atand mocked, “Don’t worry. | will make sure to satisfy you before that!”

| puffed up my cheeks and remained silent. Even so, | felt like asking why he could speak so shamelessly.

Dominic tossed the paper bag in his hand onto the bed. “Get changed.”

| took out the things from the paper bag curiously. A set of new clothes and underwear cinto view.

| glared at him again and scoffed inwardly. Hmph! He looks like he has no intention of leaving. Does he plan to let

My guess was proven right when he crossed his arms over his chest and smiled subtly at me.

This man is really becoming more shameless! Anyway, there is nothing to hide from him anymore. After all,

compared to those steamy sessions, getting changed in front of him is no big deal.

Mustering up my courage, | put on the underwear and clothes one by one in front of him.

Dominic leaned closer toand planted a light kiss on my lips. “Well done. You've improved a lot!”

| felt like throwing him a punch, yet | was so hungry now that | did not have any energy left.

“Let's go for a meal now. You foot the bill.” Recalling how he had torturedthe whole night, | told myself that |

should get him to buyat least one hundred meals to pacify me.

Dominic ledto the restaurant in the hotel without any objection. | deliberately ordered almost all the food

listed on the menu.

I'm not the one footing the bill anyway!

“Madam, are you sure you want to order all these?” The waiter was stunned and askedhesitantly.

“I'm very sure! Just send my orders to the kitchen now and servethe food soon.” After sending the waiter

away, | picked up the glass of lemonade and gulped down a mouthful. However, the sourness of the lemonade

triggered my hunger even more.

Out of a sudden, something crossed my mind. | must buy contraceptive pills later. Damn it! This selfish man did

not spare any thoughts on contraception last night! Ah! | forgot bout it previously as well. It was indeed a close

shave foras nothing happened. | must take precautions this round!

A while ago, Dominic's phone rang. He went out to answer the call as though he was preventingfrom

eavesdropping on his phone call.

When the food was served, | started eating without waiting for him. Probably because | was starving, but the

dishes tasted exceptionally delicious.

“My goodness! Look at how you are gulping down the food. What an eyesore! Where are your table manners?”

Glancing obliquely at Dominic, who was back from answering his call, | put another piece of pork rib into my

mouth and chewed exaggeratively.

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| don’t have good table manners, so what?

After munching and gulping down the food for quite a while, | finally let out a burp. | put down the cutlery and

patted my tummy in contentment.

“Liliana, let's talk about our relationship.”

| was stupefied when he blurted out the words. Coincidentally, that was exactly what was floating in my mind at

the moment.

“All right, let's talk about it,” | agreed without hesitation, hoping that he would not beat around the bush as | was

tired of bickering with him.

“How about we just carry on with what we've been doing?” Dominic askedsolemnly, with his fingers

interlocked beneath his chin.

In an instant, my face turned grim. “Have you gone nuts? Get out of my way!”

Hmph! Has he lost his mind even before he collapses because of debauchery?

“We fit each other perfectly in bed, don’t we?” Dominic refuted casually as if he was oblivious to my frustration.

In a split second, fury welled up within me. | retorted, “Fit perfectly? What nonsense! Every twe do it, you're

the one forcing me!”

“I only started moving last night when you said you wanted it,” Dominic replied nonchalantly.

“You forcedinto that!”

“Do you think I can force you if you really didn’t want it?” he mocked.

By this point, | was so furious that | gave up bickering with him.

In contrast to my exasperation, Dominic was still laid-back as ever. He even poureda cup of tea. “You must

be thirsty. Drink some.”

At the sight of the cup of hot tea, | had to hold myself back from pouring it onto his head impulsively. Tamping

down my anger, | hissed, “You really love to be in bed with me, huh?”