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Love the Second Time Around Novel

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 A Pleasing Choice

| shot the police officer a perplexed look. My goodness! Who would have thought that they would question me

about this? Could it be they suspectof being involved in something illegal just because a large sum of money

was transferred into my account out of a sudden?

| was about to explain that to him, yet Benjamin helddown abruptly to stop me. He then explained to the

police officer the entire situation on my behalf.

After that, the police officer askedsother questions. | was allowed to leave after a while.

Even so, the police officer mentioned that they might still need my co-operation on the investigation for the

matter. Thus, | might receive calls from them to attend other rounds of interrogations. Other than that, they

remindedto keep them updated once | have any clue on Julius’ whereabouts.

Furthermore, my bank card was frozen temporarily. It only struckthen that something must have happened

to Julius. There must be something wrong with the money he transferred to me!

| checked with Benjamin helplessly, yet he sounded relaxed. He eased my anxiety by askingto stay at home

and wait for the latest update. As for my bank card, the bank would automatically unfreeze it once the truth was


| had no idea how long the investigation would take. At that moment, | only had about a few hundred in cash. To

my relief, | paid my rental quarterly. Thus, | estimated that my current funds should be sufficient for my daily

meals for quite stime.

Julius is indeed a self-centered and manipulative man! He has the heart to putin a tight spot under such

circumstances! Damn it!

Since | had a tight budget, | made up my mind to prepare my meals from now on. After all, it was a lot more cost-

saving than ordering food delivery.

| only prepared a simple dish which was just enough for myself.

Unexpectedly, Dominic dropped by. | let out a deep silent sigh. What now? It seems there's no way to shrug him

off but to entertain him today!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Making himself at home, he strode into my house, closed the door, and sat on my couch.

“Cover here.” He waved atand patted the seat next to him.

Pursing my lips, | was hesitant for quite a while before heading toward him. No matter what, | knew that the

domineering man would not be bothered even if | rejected him.

The moment | sat on the couch, he pinnedon it and pressed his lips onto mine in a swift motion. He only

ended the kiss when my chest was starting to hurt due to a lack of air.

Even so, | remained silent while he had his way with me. When everything finally cto an end, | tried to push

the man who was still pressing himself onaway. “You're heavy,” | grumbled.

“Hmph! Why didn’t you grumble about that just now? So you're thinking of castingaside right after you've

gotten your pleasure?” he mocked.

I clamped my lips tightly together without refuting. After all, he is really good at twisting my words.

Regardless, he still stood up and carriedto the bathroom. Once we were in the cramped space, we could

barely turn around.

In a split second, our bodies were drenched due to the gushing warmth from the showerhead.

In the meantime, he placed both his hands on my waist and pressedhard against his body.

| gritted my teeth and tried to push him away. “Dominic! Not again!”

He leaned closer and lifted my chin. As his lips curved into a seductive smile, he asked, “Shouldn't you be

excited when I'm treating you like this?”

Hmph! Excited? For what? This thick-skinned man doesn’t seem to have any limits!

Nonetheless, | could not go against his will at all. After a while, | was out of breath again as he teased and ran his

fingers all over me.

Smugness was written all over his face. “Since you have made a choice that pleases me, | have to put in more

effort to please you more.”

Damn it! If he puts in more effort, | bet my waist will break! What does he mean by a choice that pleases him? |

didn’t opt for anything, did 1? | had no choice but to give in and tolerate him all this while., a decision that I'm

starting to regret now!

As expected, | drifted into unconsciousness again halfway through the passionate moments.

When | cto myself again, it was already the following afternoon. Once more, my entire body was feeling sore

with the familiar aches.

Damn it! Dominic Hartnell is such a pervert! | bet his mind is preoccupied with that all the time!

Wrapping myself with the blanket, | was reluctant to get up from the bed. After a while, | dozed off again.

Later, my phone rang abruptly and wokeup. To my dismay, it was a call from Dominic. | felt like ignoring it,

yet | was worried that he would do anything to vent his anger. Thus, | could only answer his call reluctantly with

a grimace.

Dominic toldthat he would be on a business trip and was not sure when he would be back again. On top of

that, he had assigned someone to deliver something toand remindedto receive it.

| was over the moon the moment | heard his words and had to stifle a cheer from escaping my lips. How nice it

would be if he doesn’t cback again forever!

Half an hour later, | heard someone knocking on the door. | opened the door curiously, and Calvin cinto

view. There was a suitcase next to him on the floor.

“Ms. Zanetti, Mr. Hartnell askedto send this to you.”

| moved aside to let him bring in the suitcase. At the stime, | asked casually, “Do you know what's inside?”

“These are all Mr. Hartnell’s clothes. He said that it would be more convenient for him to get changed in the

future like this,” Calvin replied courteously.

After Calvin had left, | opened the suitcase right away. To my surprise, there were various types of Dominic's


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

What does he mean by sendingthis? Does he expectto tidy up for him? Hmph! | won't help him with


| pursed my lips and closed the suitcase.

Dominic had been on a business trip for more than one week, yet he had not contactedat all. There were

times when | thought of giving him a call, but | tended to hold myself back at the last moment.

It was rather awkward forto call him and ask when he would be back since our current relationship was kind

of ambiguous.

Just forget about it! After all, he will be back sooner or later.

In the meantime, | received a call from Flash, informingto join the film crew on the last day of the month.

The opening ceremony would be held on that day as well.

Since there was still one week left before | would have to join the film crew, | asked Shannon out for grocery

shopping. While still pending for the bank to unfreeze my bank card, | could only rely on her for the tbeing.

It's all Julius’ fault! | have landed myself in deep water because of him!

While | was preparing my meal at hafter buying sgroceries, my phone rang. At the sight of the

unknown number blinking on the screen, | hung up instinctively.

After a while, it rang again, with the snumber displayed on the screen. | knitted my brows and answered it


The man on the other end of the line claimed that he was a doctor from City Hospital and asked if | knew anyone

by the nof Coraline Zelinsky.

It had been quite stsince | last heard this name. | was stunned and only regained my composure after a

while. That's the nof Julius’ mom, isn’t it?

“Yeah, | know her. What's wrong with her?” Even though Coraline and | held a grudge against each other, | did

not have the heart to pretend that | did not know her.

“Oh, well, she was involved in an accident and needs to undergo surgery. We need her family member to sign a

consent form before that, yet we can’t reach her son. Thus, she asked us to contact you instead. Is it convenient

for you to cover now?”