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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 871 Absolutely Not
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In the hospital, from the opposite side of a glass, Daniel stood while Daphne sat, staring intently at the person in the intensive
care unit, their eyes bloodshot from not catching a wink of sleep all night.
The doctor had just come to examine Theodore and said his vital signs were still stable. If nothing unexpected happened, he
should be able to get through the critical period safely.
After a while, one of Daniel's subordinates came over and whispered something to him; they had dealt with several groups of
people trying to infiltrate the hospital throughout the night, and this was already the fifth group.
Daniel nodded, and after his subordinate left, he asked Daphne, "Would you like to take a nap? I can keep watch over here."
However, Daphne shook her head and turned down his offer because she wanted to see Theodore awaken with her own eyes
so that she could rest assured. Daniel didn't say anything more and just crossed his arms, leaning against the wall and waiting
patiently as time ticked by.
They didn't know how much time had passed when the lights in the corridor suddenly turned off. Looking up, Daphne jumped
from her seat and asked, "What's happening?"
Daniel cast a look toward the intensive care unit. The circuit inside was separate from the hospital's main circuit, so the lights and
equipment were still functioning normally. "Don't worry and stand at the door of the ward," he assured calmly. "Don't let anyone
Agreeing to this, she ran to the door and gripped the handle of the intensive care unit door tightly, her hands trembling slightly.
Meanwhile, Daniel took out his phone and made a call, but no one answered, and his face darkened. It seems like their previous
failures have made them lose their patience, he thought. Now, they're prepared to do whatever it takes so that Theodore Frost
dies in the hospital.
In the entire corridor, apart from the faint light from the intensive care unit, there was no other light source. Seconds later, sounds
of hurried footsteps were heard, and many people arrived.
Putting away his phone, Daniel whispered to Daphne, "I might not be able to take care of you later. You—"

Daphne interrupted, "Don't worry about me. I'll stay here. Even if it means death, I won't let them in."
There was no time for Daniel to reply before the people were already in front of him. Taking the offensive stance, he initiated the

attack, hitting one of the men's legs, and a fight ensued.
Leaning against the door, Daphne couldn't see what was happening, but she could hear the sounds of punches and kicks in the
darkness, and she held onto the door handle even tighter as the smell of blood filled the air.
Almost at the same time, someone came from the other side. When they came to open the door, they probably didn't expect
someone to be blocking it and hesitated for a moment before roughly grabbing Daphne's arm, trying to shove her aside.
Nevertheless, they didn't expect that they couldn't move her aside when they pulled, and time was running out for them.
The man used even more force. Even so, he couldn't pull her away. She was like a tree rooted to the door, refusing to budge.
Furious, the man slapped her on her body and face, growling, "Let go!"
Daphne gritted her teeth, and a metallic, salty taste started to spread out in her mouth. "No, I won't let go!"
In the darkness, chaos and noise filled the air. Although the man was strong, Daphne didn't know what kept her going. All she
knew was that if she let go of the door handle, Louis' life would be ruined. So, she absolutely couldn't—and wouldn't—step back.
All of a sudden, the lights turned back on, and she could finally clearly see the man in front of her who was exuding a menacing
aura—Justin's assistant, Hunter Sins.
As the lights came on, many people flooded into the corridor.
Hunter glanced at Daphne, his eyes filled with determination, then looked at the person coming from the other side. Without
hesitation, he turned around and jumped out of the window. As for the men he brought, some managed to escape in the chaos
while others were detained by Daniel's men.
Daniel was injured in the fight. Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth with a frown, he turned to Daphne, who was.

leaning against the door. Her hair was disheveled, half of her face was swollen, and her breathing was shallow, her eyes without
any focus.
Seeing that it seemed safe now, she slowly slid down against the door, her wrist still hanging from the gap of the door handle.
The flesh on the back of her hand was a blur; it was a horrifying, gruesome sight from rubbing roughly against the door.
Daniel was about to go over when he suddenly heard footsteps behind him. Spinning his head around, he saw that William had
William came to a stop in front of him with a grim face and glanced at Daphne at the door. After a moment, he said to his
assistant behind him, "Call a doctor."
For a moment, Daniel was silent before asking, "Have you been to the police station?"

William peered at him. "Not yet. I came here directly after getting off the plane, but it looks like I was late." Then, he added, "Take
care of the situation here. I'm going to the police station and will be back later."
Daniel nodded, and the doctor arrived after William left. A nurse went to help Daphne, but she was still on high alert and shrank
back toward the door.
Pacing over, Daniel was about to speak when he accidentally touched his own wound, causing himself to hiss in pain. "It's alright
now. Thanks to you, Theodore Frost is still alive and well."
Light returned to Daphne's eyes, but tears rolled down her face unwittingly. She felt like crying and laughing at the same time
because of the irony. The nurse helped her up and sat her in a nearby chair, and the doctor began to examine and treat her
Seeing this, Daniel turned around and found that William had left his men behind. He was about to go to the window at the end
of the corridor to check when Daphne suddenly spoke up, "That person is Justin Pearson's assistant."
Daniel turned his head. "What?" Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Daphne repeated, "The person who tried to enter just now. He's Justin Pearson's assistant, Hunter Sins. I've seen him before at
Pearson Group."
"Are you sure he's the person you saw?" Daniel asked.
She nodded. "I saw it very clearly, and I definitely won't mistake it."
"In that case, things just got a lot simpler."
Although they didn't have any strong evidence that could topple Justin at the moment, setting everything else aside, just
Daphne's injuries and her accusations meant that Hunter couldn't escape.
"Alright, take care of your wounds and rest at home," he said.
But Daphne shook her head. "I'm not leaving."
Daniel paused for a couple of seconds before saying, "I don't mean to chase you away, but the person who just came is Louis'
father. After he visits the police station, he'll return here. It doesn't seem appropriate for you to meet here."
Speechless, Daphne lowered her head and remained calm. "I understand. I'll leave in a while."
"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Theodore Frost," he assured. "I'll inform you immediately once he wakes up."
"Thank you."
"Don't stand on ceremony. You're Zoe's friend, too."
Daphne stared at him with sincerity in her eyes. "Thank you for saving Theodore Frost's life." Only then can we save Louis, she
added silently.
Daniel smiled. "In that case, there's no need to say thank you."