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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1690
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Chapter 1690

On this particular night, however, Tyler dawdled over dinner, taking about an hour to finish his meal. He showed no

intention of leaving even when he was done. Instead, he entered the bathroom to take a shower.

An ominous premonition crept into Vicky's heart as she observed him.

It did not take long for her premonition to prove true. Tyler changed into a set of pajamas, made a phone call, and

instructed the bodyguards that they could leave first. Before long, he sat down on the couch and began reading a


It seemed he was not planning to leave.

When they were in the same room, Tyler did not restrict her movements. However, he did not initiate any

conversation and remained engrossed in his book.

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Vicky glanced at the books on his side of the table and found they were all related to pregnant women, pregnancy,

and prenatal care.

For some reason, Vicky felt like she was struggling to breathe. She slowly got out of bed and moved towards the


The cool breeze brushed past her, and it seemed to alleviate the suffocating feeling. It was almost summer, and the

evening breeze did not feel cold. Instead, it felt refreshing. Leaning against the second-floor balcony railing, she

looked into the distance and absentmindedly touched her abdomen.

Tyler had made it obvious he wanted to keep this child.

'But what about me? Do I want to give birth to this child?' she thought.

Tyler had numerous means at his disposal, but she was the one carrying the child. She had countless ways to

terminate the pregnancy, especially when the fetus was unstable, if she wanted to.

However, going to the hospital for an abortion drained all her strength and courage, so she did not have the heart

to get rid of this child again.

Still, every time she thought of this child being born an illegitimate child, she felt like she would suffocate from the

sorrow within her.

She was torn, confused, and unable to find a definitive answer.

She did not know how long she had been standing there, but she began to feel a little tired.

As she tried to go back inside, she realized that her legs had gone numb, and her body swayed uncontrollably.

Vicky was startled and instinctively grabbed the balcony railing to steady herself.

By the time she regained her senses, she was covered in cold sweat.

"What are you doing, Vicky?!" Tyler roared.

Simultaneously, Vicky was forcefully pulled toward him.

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Before she could say anything, he pinched her chin and asked with a gloomy expression, "Speak, Vicky Shaw! What

were you trying to do?"

Seemingly on the verge of losing control, Tyler's fingers exerted immense force, causing her to grimace.

His gaze grew increasingly menacing and terrifying as he gritted out, "You want to get rid of my child this way since

surgery is not an option?"

He clearly misunderstood her intention and continued," Vicky Shaw, you're the most heartless and ruthless woman

I've ever seen! How could you try to murder your own child?"

Finally, he released his grip on her chin and dragged her back to the bedroom. Although he was in a state of fury,

he still retained some semblance of reason. He handled her with less force this time as he chained her back onto

the bed.

At this moment, Vicky's emotions began to settle. She observed Tyler, whose chest heaved irregularly due to anger,

and finally spoke, "Do you want me to give birth to this child?"