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Loving You In Secret

Chapter 1707
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Chapter 1707

Vicky was in the midst of choosing baby supplies when she was swept up into Tyler's arms, leaving her stunned. She

furrowed her brow and struggled to free herself from his embrace. "Tyler, what are you doing?"

Tyler glanced at Aurora and replied, "Your friend asked me to do this."

Aurora pointed at herself incredulously. "When did I ask you to do that?"

"You were concerned about her safety and wanted me to stay close to protect her, right?" Tyler's expression

remained unchanged. "This way, I can fulfill your request."

Aurora was dumbfounded. It seemed she inadvertently assisted Tyler's plan, but it was not her intention.

After a long while, Aurora finally managed to squeeze out a sentence through gritted teeth, "Tyler, you're truly

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shameless! IV

Tyler accepted her comment calmly. "Thank you for the compliment."

He then wrapped his arm around Vicky's waist and continued helping her pick out baby supplies.

Aurora was fuming.

The three of them spent a considerable amount of time in the baby supply store. By the time they left, it was

already lunchtime.

The store manager and a group of attendants pushed the shopping carts over to them and asked, "Should we

deliver these items directly to your home, or will you take them yourselves?"

Aurora was waiting for an opportunity to challenge Tyler and did not hesitate to say, "We'll take them ourselves."

"Alright," the store attendants replied.

Aurora looked at Tyler and smiled slyly. "Tyler, these things are all gifts for Vicky and the baby. You should help Vicky

with the bags, right? Oh, right, since these are baby items, it wouldn't be right to let someone else carry them. We

should be careful with baby items! Wouldn't you agree?"

Tyler's gaze fell upon several overflowing shopping carts. Even with both his hands and feet, he would not be able to

carry them all. However, he did not refuse and simply said, "I understand."

Aurora took hold of Vicky's arm and said, "You take your time moving the stuff; I'll take Vicky for lunch first. Given

Vicky's current condition, we can't let her go hungry." She turned to Vicky and asked, "What would you like to eat?"

"Let's have Mexican food."

"Alright, there's a good Mexican restaurant nearby. Let's give it a try."

Both of them completely ignored Tyler and walked past him.

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However, just after they had placed their orders, Tyler appeared again. He scanned the area and accurately found

where the two of them were sitting, then walked over with long strides.

Aurora's eyes widened. "How did he get here so quickly? With so many things, it would take a long time for him to

load everything into the car." As she watched Tyler approach, Aurora could not help but ask, "Tyler, what about

those things? Did you hand them all over to the store for delivery?"

"I had my assistant come to collect them," Tyler said casually.

His assistant was someone he trusted implicitly.

Aurora was annoyed by how he always seemed to find convenient solutions. "You said you were going to be Vicky's

bodyguard, but in the end, you had your assistant handle everything," she sneered. "If you can't handle this kind of

work, maybe you shouldn't force yourself. After all, Vicky hired you as a bodyguard, not as a young master."

Tyler remained composed and replied, "As a bodyguard, my primary duty is to ensure her safety. If Vicky was in

danger while I was carrying things with my hands, how could I protect her safety in a timely manner?"

"..." Aurora was left speechless by his response.