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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 45
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Chapter Forty Five Third Person POV.

Amber finally emerged from the stairs, her footsteps echoing through the hallway as she made her way to Richard's office. She had endured an extra ten minutes in her room, her mind preoccupied with the events of the morning.

As she reached the door of the office and pushed the door open, Amber's eyes landed on Richard, wh was standing by the window, his gaze fixed on the world outside.

A flicker of attraction stirred in her as she stared at his strong, broad back. The image of the tattoos she had briefly glimpsed behind his shirt danced through her mind, causing her thoughts to stray into dangerous territory.

Realizing the direction her thoughts were headed, Amber mentally scolded herself, snapping out of her reverie. It was not the tor place to entertain inappropriate thoughts. She cleared her throat, intending to indicate her presence in the room.

Richard turned around to face her, his head slightly tilted as his gaze remained on Amber, studying her intently. Her sudden nervousness heightened as she met his gaze, her heart fluttering in her chest.

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She couldn't help but ask. “Is there... is there something on my face or what?” His eyes lingered on her for a moment longer before he finally blinked and looked away. “No, there's nothing on your face,” he replied casually.

Amber frowned, her curiosity piqued. “Then why were you staring atlike that?” she asked, her tone slightly accusatory.

Richard shrugged nonchalantly, a small smile gracing his lips. “I just like how you're dressed today. You look really pretty,” he complimented, his words causing a warmth to spread through Amber's Cheeks.

Taken aback by his unexpected comment, Amber nervously stuttered a thank you. She moved closer to the sofa in his office, intending to take a seat, and Richard joined her, settling into the chair opposite her.

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Play G CLOSE 846%2 Chapter Forty Live O Up to 50% off He broke the brief silence, shifting his gaze to the empty coffee table between them. “Are you not hungry? Aren't you going to have breakfast?” he inquired.

Amber glanced at him, her gaze softening. “I'm not hungry yet, Richard. I'll have something to eat later,” she replied.

Richard nodded in understanding, before diverting his attention to Amber's agreement with the Colonel. “So, what agreement did you and the Colonel cto?” Amber sighed heavily. “Well | ended up offering him ten percent of the 401 project,” she replied. “That's roughly a hundred million dollars, and he accepted it immediately.” Richard's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and uncertainty coloring his features. “Just like that? He accepted it without hesitation?” he questioned, unable to comprehend how easily a man like Miller had been swayed by the promise of money, despite knowing that it cfrom him.

Amber shrugged nonchalantly, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. “Another thing is, | did exactly what you sentto do,” she explained. “I played the scornful ex-wife role to perfection, and I also made him believe that Kayden was trying to take over his position as the figurehead of the project.” A chuckle escaped Richard's lips, his disbelief mingling with amusement. “And how did you cup with that lie?” he asked, genuinely curious about Amber's ability to think on her feet.

Amber shrugged again. “It just cto me,” she replied with a shrug. “Sometimes, you have to think on your feet and make things up as you go. Also, I've heard a few conversations from Kayden in the past, so | said what | said based solely on my assumptions from those.” “I'm impressed, Amber. You did good,” Richard said with a smile on his face.

As Amber listened to Richard with a proud smile, she glanced at him expectantly. “So, what's the next step?” she inquired.

Richard leaned forward, a confident smile playing on his lips. “Don’t worry about it anymore,” he reassured her. “Just leave the rest to me, and I'll handle all the details once Miller transfers the project to us.” Amber furrowed her brows slightly, a flicker of doubt crossing her eyes. She had cthis far, played her role to perfection, and secured the project. But a part of her wondered if she was fine with being left hanging so suddenly.

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46%A Drupter Forty Five Up to 50% off Suppressing her concerns, she nodded, deciding to not be concerned. “Alright,” she conceded. “I trust you'll take care of everything.” Just as Amber prepared to ask if Richard had called her down solely to discuss Miller and the project. Richard paused for a moment, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and hesitation. “Actually, there's something else | wanted to tell you,” he informed her, his eyes locking with hers.

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Curiosity danced in Amber's gaze, her interest piqued. She was eager to hear what Richard had to say, hoping it was something that would bring her closer to her revenge. Leaning forward, she nodded encouragingly. “What is it?” she asked.

Richard cleared his throat, his expression thoughtful as he turned his gaze towards Amber. “So...is there any specific country or place you'd like to visit?” he asked.

Amber's eyebrows furrowed, uncertainty clouding her features as she regarded him curiously. “Why are you suddenly asking about countries I'd like to visit?” she questioned, searching for the motive behind his question.

A small smile tugged at Richard's lips as he leaned back in his chair, his eyes meeting hers. “I want you to pick the location for our honeymoon,” he revealed, his tone nonchalant and neutral. “That's why I'm asking.” The frown on Amber's face deepened, her eyes searching his for answers. “Is it necessary for us to go on a honeymoon?” she asked hesitantly. “I mean, considering everything that has happened already, I'm pretty sure everyone who needs to know we're married already knows, so | don’t think it's necessary.

Richard let out a weary sigh. “I thought the stoo until my parents called to ask when we'd be leaving for our honeymoon,” he confessed. “I couldn't possibly tell them that we wouldn't be going on one. It’s important, Amber, for us to at least go on a honeymoon. It’s about perception, and about making it seem like we're a real couple in love.” Amber's shoulders slumped slightly, her weariness evident in the lines etched upon her face. She had hoped to avoid this part of the married couple act. But she couldn't help but understand Richard's point, realizing that their image as a couple was crucial not only to his reputation but also to their plans.

She let out an exhausted sigh. “Alright,” she conceded, leaning back in her chair. “I understand.

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We'll go on a honeymoon.” “Ill try to make the best of it, but | have to admit, | can’t think of any particular place at the moment,” she confessed.

Richard chuckled softly. “Well, you can relax because you still have the next two hours to decide,” he announced.

“Before the day ends, you and | will be leaving this house and heading to any location of your choosing. | already have a private plane waiting to take us wherever you desire, so hurry up and make up your mind.” JACKT PTLAND), Comments for this chapter