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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise by Ava Green

Chapter 9
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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise Chapter 9

Adam didn’t give her a chance to say no. “Coffee is in the kitchen.”

Luinma had no choice but to do that. She had done a lot of housework since she was a child, so that could not

trouble her.

Soon, a cup of hot coffee was ready.

Lumma came out of the kitchen with the coffee. Adam was not in the living room. She looked around. The door of

the master bedroom was not closed, and the lights in the room were on.

Lumma put the coffee on the table and took out her phone to send a message to Adam. [Mr. Hills, the coffee is

ready. If you’re fine, I’ll leave first.]

As soon as the message was sent out, the doorbell rang. Lumma was terrified.

She thought that it must be Adam’s wife, so she panicked.

Lumma was only Adam’s assistant. However, a man and a woman were in the same room in the middle of the

night. How could others not misunderstand?

When Lumma was hesitating, the door of the master bedroom opened. Adam, who was in a bathrobe, came out.

“Open the door.”

Adam just took a shower. The bathrobe was loosely on him, and his hair dripped with water. With his handsome

face, he was so attractive.

Anyone who saw the scene would think Lumma and Adam were in a relationship. Lumma swallowed nervously. “Mr.

Hills, should I hide for a while?”

Adam asked, “Why?”

Lumma said, “Your wife might misunderstand.”

“Don’t worry. She won’t misunderstand. I’m not interested in you.” Adam said to Lumma exactly what she had said

to Simon.

Lumma knew Adam was not interested in her but didn’t want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

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Since Adam was not afraid, Lumma was no longer afraid.

She walked to the door and opened it. A man and a woman stood at the door.

The woman was carrying a medicine box and looked in her forties. The man was tall and strong. His skin was dark,

and a scar was below his left eye.

The man was so recognizable that Lumma remembered she had met him when she shopped in Hanton a few days


At that time, the man was not far from Adam. However, after they entered the store, Lumma didn’t see the man

again. She never expected the man to have something to do with Adam.

The woman was surprised when she saw Lumina. “Ms. Louis, why are you here?”

Lumma didn’t know the man and the woman, but they seemed to be familiar with her. “Who are you?”

The woman said, “I am Laura, Mr. Hills’ doctor. This is my son. His name is Steve.”

“Nice to meet you.” Lumma stood aside and invited them into the room.

Laura smiled at Lumma and went straight to Adam after changing her shoes. She quickly opened the medicine box

and gave Adam an injection.

After doing that, Laura said, “Adam, you know you…” She paused and looked at Lumma.

Adam leaned on the sofa casually. “Don’t worry. If she dares to reveal my weakness, I will ask Steve to throw her

into the river to feed fish.”

Lumma was speechless.

She wanted to curse.

What was wrong with her?

Lumma was soundly asleep when someone woke her up on the phone. She took a taxi to Kells Bar and drove Adam

home. Then, she made coffee for him…

After being busy the whole night, Adam was not grateful and wanted to throw her into the river to feed fish.

“Mr. Hills, the coffee is on the table. If there is nothing else, I am leaving.” The less she knew, the safer she was.

Lumma didn’t want to die, so she decided to run away as soon as possible.

Adam said nothing, and Lumma was about to leave. The tall and strong man stood at the door like a gatekeeper,

blocking Lumma’s way.

Lumma looked at Adam, “Mr. Hills, I don’t want to know about your weaknesses that you don’t want outsiders to

know. Please let me go.”

Adam raised his eyebrow. “Are you an outsider?”

Lumma had a job by Adam’s side but wanted to keep herself an outsider. She was not stupid.

Lumma didn’t know what to say.

As Adam’s assistant, she was not an outsider.

Lumma had no choice but to obediently sit aside and swiped her phone attentively. She didn’t want to get involved

in Adam’s affairs, but their conversation still went into her ears verbatimn.

Laura babbled, “You knew you couldn’t drink two kinds of wine, but you did it. You should take care of yourself.”

Adam said, “I was unhappy, so I drank a few cups.”

Laura asked, “Why were you unhappy?”

Lumma also wanted to know why Adam was unhappy, so she listened keenly, but Adam didn’t answer.

Last time, after Adam went to see his wife, he was in a bad mood the next day.

It happened again.

Could it be that Adam and his wife were not getting along well with each other?

Why Adam’s allergy to mixed alcohol hadn’t been mentioned in the compulsory course of assistant to the president

of the Hills Group?

Lumma thought about it for a while and figured it out. Only a fool would write his own weaknesses in the manual.

As the leader of the Hills Group, Adam was destined to have many dangers around him, and he must be more

cautious than others.

Lumma had learned about all the taboos about Adam through the manual, and it was for those with ulterior

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Laura waved at Lumma, “Ms. Louis, please come here to help me.”

Lumma put away her phone and walked over, “Dr. Cohan, what do you need me to do?”

Laura said, “Adam, take off your clothes, and Ms. Louis will help you apply the drugs.”

Adam held his neckline tightly instead of taking off his clothes as if he was afraid that Lumma

would take advantage of him. “I’ve taken the medicine you prescribed, and I’m fine now. Drugs for external use are

not necessary.”

Laura said, “You know your physical condition better than me. If you don’t use external drugs, the rash won’t go

away in ten days. If you don’t be obedient, I could only call your grandma…”

Adam glanced at Laura coldly, Laura was not afraid of him and whispered, “If you don’t know to take care of

yourself, I have to remind you time and time again”

“Mr. Hills, you’d better take Dr. Cohan’s advice.” Laima didn’t know much about Adam’s situation but thought it was

always right for patients to listen to the doctor.

Adam cast Lumma a stern look. “Steve, come here.”

Laura said, “Adam, Steve’s hand has not healed. Let Ms. Louis do it.”

Adam said nothing more and untied his bathrobe.

The bathrobe slid off, and what was more eye-catching than his perfect abs was the rash. Seeing that, Lumma was


Laura gave Lumma some medical cotton. “Ms. Louis, please apply the drugs on the rash.”

Lumma nodded. She seldom did that, so she was worried about hurting Adam. The more worried

she was, the clumsier she became. “Mr. Hills, don’t worry. I won’t hurt you.”

Adam looked at Lumma with unconcealable disgust…

Lumma was speechless.

Did Adam think Lumma liked applying drugs for him?

If it were not for the double salary, she wouldn’t help him even if he begged her.