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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124

“Her figure clearly indicates that she works out regularly!”

The young fans who cto pick Amelia up were very much into charming looks. They couldn't help but take

out their phones to take pictures of Audrey and her daughter.

Nathan's feet seemed to be glued to the spot. It wasn’t until the figure was about to disappear from his sight

that he snapped out of it. He pushed past the people blocking his way and hastily caught up.

As Audrey got out of the elevator, her phone continued to ring nonstop.

Audrey took Lily to a nearby cafe and ordered a cup of hot milk and a cake before removing her mask.

“Lily, sweetheart, sit here for a moment. | need to take a call.”

“Okay!” Lily obediently held the cup of milk and took a few sips. A layer of cream was stained around her lip, and

it made her look as if she had a little mustache.

Audrey grabbed a tissue and wiped Lily’s mouth as she listened to the person on the other end of the call. The

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

person in the phone sounded anxious.

“We need the founder of Evergreen Biotech to attend the hearing over here in Meplaria. Otherwise, they'll take

measures against all our projects, and it'll affect our relationship with the Meplaria government. Boss, are you

still going to refuse them?”

Audrey chuckled coldly. “After all these years, they still haven't cup with anything new! Sending you there is

already giving them face. We've cooperated with plenty of hospitals and universities in Meplaria over the years.

They clearly want to snatch our technology but are holding a hearing to appear fair. Ha!”

“I heard rumors saying that their intelligence network has found out your identity. Boss, you better. be careful

these days.”

Audrey lifted her coffee cup. “If they really found out my identity, they would contactdirectly and not just

talk to you. We've long since gotten tired of the bluffing trick! At the hearing on the 29th, tell them that if they

continue to harass us and use the stactics they used to suppress other tech companies against Evergreen

Biotech, we will terminate all cooperation with Meplaria’s hospitals. and schools, as well as withdraw from the

Meplaria market!”

The person on the other end of the call chuckled. “There's another thing that’s quite interesting. Franklin Group

from Sheysea City wants to cooperate with us. Boss, what do you think?”

Audrey frowned. “Hold off on that and don’t reply to them yet. Has Lambert Corporation responded?”

“Not yet. I'll have someone contact Lambert Corporation again.”

“Alright. Thank you!”

After hanging up the call, Audrey looked at Lily, who was almost finished with her cake. She reached

Chapter 124

out and pinched the little girl’s cheek. “Wait here for a moment. We'll head out after | go to the


Lily nodded obediently. “Don’t worry, mommy! I'll be good!”


Audrey took out her tablet and played cartoons for Lily. Feeling uneasy, she left smoney for the staff and

asked them to keep an eye on Lily before heading to the restroom.

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Lily sat in her chair and watched cartoons with her glass of milk while swaying her legs. Suddenly, she glanced

up and spotted Ryan walking outside the cafe. He was surrounded by a crowd and talking on the phone.

Shetmmediately jumped off her chair and ran after Ryan.


Ryan, who was on the phone, was suddenly embraced by the little girl that cout of nowhere. He

then looked down.

“Daddy!” Lily looked up at Ryan as he called out to him.

Lily had two little braids, and she hung on Ryan's legs like a pendant. She had a pair of eyes that were

remarkably similar to both Audrey’s and Ryan's.

Lily's eyes were dark and bright, like grapes, and her skin was fair and soft. She stood on her tiptoes and raised

her chubby little hands in eagerness for a hug.

“Whose child is this?” Julian and the other Lambert Corporation executives looked around, but not parents

seemed to be chasing after her.

Ryan said to the person on the phone, “If | can’t make it back for this afternoon’s press conference, have Gary go

in my place. Also, let the press release go as it is, with not a single word changed.”