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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58

Suddenly, several messages popped up in the Whatgroup chat. Audrey opened her phone and took a look.

It was the laboratory group chat.

Justin sent good news to the group. “I’m going to be a dad! Don’t sleep! Get up and congratulate mel”

AzureSky responded, “You're the dad, not us. Don’t go crazy in the group early in the morning!” WannaSleep

wrote, “Oh, Daphne is pregnant! Congrats to Daphine and Justin! When will the wedding be held? We're waiting

for the banquet!”

WannaRest sent, “Congrats to Justin and Daphnel”

Handsome]ustin answered, “We'll take half a day off to get a certificate today. Ill invite you all to the banquet!”

Audrey wrote, “Congrats to Justin and Daphine!”

After replying to the message, she suddenly thought of that night with Ryan in Sheysea City.

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Her heartbeat was a little fast. Although she was drugged, she clearly remembered every detail of her twith


They didn’t take contraceptive measures.

After sleeping with him, she had been a mess. Due to her lack of experience, she didn’t take emergency

contraceptive pills.

Only the sound of the printer printing sounded in the room. She leaned against the printer and fell into a panic.

She believed it shouldn't be that easy to get pregnant.

It wasn’t her menstrual period yet. Once her menstrual period arrived as scheduled, she should be


This week, she had been running data and occasionally glanced at pop-up news. Ryan, the CEO of Lambert

Corporation, and his team were discussing chip cooperation ventures overseas.

In these years, atomic chips had dominated Cascadia’s technological development. As Cascadia couldn't make

up for this shortage, Ryan led the team to discuss chip cooperation.

In the news photos, he was in a slim suit, sitting in the conference room. The Cascadia flag and Lambert

Corporation’s logo flag were before him.

He calmly looked at the foreigners opposite while listening carefully to his team executives with a dignified


His facial features and powerful aura made him prominent in the conference room.

Chapter 58


She looked through the comments below. Speople analyzed the cooperation’s impact on the country’s

development if it succeeded, while others were pessimistic.

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For speople, on the contrary, the focus was on his appearance.

DeadDeer: “Oh my god! If it weren't for the pop-up news, | wouldn't have known that the CEO of Lambert

Corporation was so handsome! It’s a pity he’s not a star!”

KeepSecret: “Don’t be too ridiculous! Being a CEO or a star, of course he must choose the former!”

SugarCandies: “Wow! | announce that he’s my new hubby! He's so handsome!”

YummyFish: “Oh dear! He fits the suit and those gold-rimmed glasses, and his height is well- proportioned! He

fits my aesthetic so well!”

The comments below were even more exaggerated. Not only did they comment on Ryan's appearance and

talent, but they also clamored to give him a child.

She locked her phone screen and pondered. Her menstrual period hadn’t cyet.

She rubbed her eyebrows and advised herself not to be too nervous. After waking up from the car accident, her

menstrual period wasn’t as accurate as before. Delays were normal.