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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 117
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Chapter 118

Making love could not be any better. Julian made love to her like they only had today, like they were running out

of tand this was their only way to make it up.

That was right; they were running out of time. Today might as well be their last day on earth. Their last moments


Julian entwined their fingers as he thrust into her one last tbefore they both collapsed from the heights of


They stayed snuggled up on each other, not saying anything but instead listening to each other's soft heartbeat.

This moment was wholesand unique in its own sense. It gave her hope that no matter what happened, they

would have this hope of a better tomorrow. This was the first tsince this whole chaos stared that she had felt

this way, and she clung to this new-found hope.

Whether in this life or in the life beyond, they will have each other.

She loved Julian, and if this was the end of the road, she was glad she spent it with him.

Fiona didn’t want to get up from the bed as dawn came; she lay still beside Julian, unwilling to move or do

anything. She counted down the hours before the full moon, and it was fourteen hours before its peak.

She felt a pair of soft lips on her shoulders, and she knew Julian had woken morning, my love.” His h a se,

morning voice vibrated against her shoulders and made

up. “Good

her shiver and turn to him.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” She smiled.

“Gorgeous, huh?” he said, and his green eyes flickered adorably.

“You are still gorgeous to me.” She answered with a smile that turned into a beam. “You don’t like being called

gorgeous, | can tell.” She poked his cheek with her finger.

His mouth twitched to the side as if thinking about her words: “As long as you are the only one callingthat, |

love it.”

“Good, then you will be my gorgeous mate until the end.” She told him.

He kissed her lips deeply, and smiling, she kissed back. His hand cto rub at her protruded stomach, singing

his fingers over and around it and causing tingles within







Chapter 118

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“And you will be my beautiful mate.”

His hand gently wrapped around her neck and up into her hair in a tender caress. Her head fell back, and a moan

escaped her mouth before he kissed her deeply.

A knock cto the door. It was loud and unexpected, and they both pulled away from the kiss, and their

attention turned to the door.

“Who is there?” Julian asked.

“It’s Marion, my king.” He answered, and his tone was filled with worry.

Julian rose from the bed and walked towards the side of the door wearing nothing but his boxer briefs. It was out

of shape because he was already turned on before the knock came, and it would take a longer tto make it go

away. He got there and slowly opened it, but he didn’t widen the door.

“What is wrong? Why are you here this early?”

Fiona sat up and reached for Julian’s shirt on the floor. Putting it on, she made her way towards the door as well.

| have terrible news,” he answered, and the anguish in his voice remained.

“What is it?” he asked, growing impatient.

“Luna Katy is dead, Elena is gone, and so are June and Jashin.” He answered, looking equally miserable.

Fiona’s heart sank at his words, and she immediately lost the strength in her legs. She leaned her weight against

the wall for fear that she would fall otherwise.

Julian noticed the condition she just got tossed into and turned to Marion, “I will be right down.” He said and shut

the door.

He turned his weary eyes to Fiona, whose vision was already blurry and unable to say anything.

“My sons are gone, she cried bitterly, and tears streamed down her face and her lips trembled. “I sent them

away from here, thinking | was keeping them safe. How foolish was I? Doom has my sons,” she said with a deep


“We don’t know that,” he tried to say, but she cut him off.



10:17 Wed, 21 Feb GG

Chapter 118

“Luna Katy is dead and Elena is gone; it only means one thing: Doom has my sons; he has had Elena under his

control for so long and we didn’t even know it.” She sobbed bitterly. “I handed my sons to him. | gave him what

he wanted without a fight.”

Julian pulled her into his hold to tightly hug her, but she didn’t want to be calm; she didn’t want the comfort he

would provide.

She pulled away from him and took a step back. “I don’t want to be consoled; | do not want to be told it will be

okay!” She screamed at him, and her head hurt. “I want my sons back; | want them back from Doom; that is

what | want; that is the only thing |



Julian sighed in frustration, and it showed on his face, but she didn’t care; at this point, she didn’t care about

anything. Not for her life, not for her safety. She wanted only her sons to be brought back to her. There was no

way of winning this war without her sons, and without them, she already lost.

She couldn’t imagine what they were going through. She had promised to protect them and make sure what they

went through with Vivian never repeated itself. How naive she was. She had played right into Doom’s hand.

They arrived downstairs, where Marion and Alpha Cooper, the late Luna Katy’s mate and husband, stood waiting

for them. “I am sorry to have delivered the bad news the way | did.” Marion began to speak immediately after he

spotted them.

“Do not be sorry; June and Jashin are our sons. We deserved to know everything about them, and you did the

right thing.” Julian then turned his attention to Alpha Cooper, who looked almost miserable but held onto a brave

face. “And the body of Luna Katy?”

“We found her last night swept on the shores of Jupita,” he answered.

“I am deeply sorry for your loss, Alpha Cooper.”

Sorrow arrested his eyes, and he bit down on his lower lip. “Thank you, my king.”

Julian's attention moved to Marion. “Where was Elena last seen?”

“Heading south of the border, which leads to the human world after killing Luna Katy and the driver. She

abandoned the car, and we speculate she could have gone to meet with Doom and Mischief with the twins.”

Fiona’s lips trembled, and her eyes welled up.

“We need to get them back.” Julian said. “What are our chances?”



Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 118



“If the masters of the dark world aided their disappearance like we believe he did, there is no getting your sons

back, my king. | am sorry.” He answered.

Tears streamed down Fiona’s face, and she turned away from them, unable to take the pain anymore. It was


“| feel this is also on me, because | should have known she was different if | paid close attention, but | haven't. |

have been too invested in everything else, but my mate. My failure was not seeing it right in my face. | was

sleeping with the enemy, and now | have Nost her, and you have lost your sons and Alpha Cooper, his Luna. For

that, | am sorry, my king and Luna queen.”

He bowed his head to them, while Julian followed Marion outside and Fiona stayed inside. She thought of a way


It was half an hour later when Julian returned to the room, and Fiona was already bathed, dressed in her black

jeans and red vest. She picked up her face cap and put it on

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as well.

“What is going on?” Julian asked, pausing his steps upon seeing her.

She brushed past him and made her way outside. “I'm leaving.”

“Leaving? Where are you going?” He asked, following her and looking utterly confused.

“To the world of humans, | am going to bring back my sons,” she answered, still walking


“We do not know where they are, and this would just be a suicide mission.”

She paused and turned to him. “You are just saying this to makestay. But guess what? My sons are gone,

and I'd rather be dead than without them.”

“They are my sons too, Fiona, and you are my mate. | do not want to sacrifice one for another, not now when we

are in this position.”

“That is the difference betweenand you, then, | will sacrifice anything to get my sons back.”

sacrifice anything to get my

She turned and walked away, descending the stairs, and he followed behind her. He probably thought she was

being reckless, but this wasn’t her first tlosing her sons; it wasn't her second or third. She couldn't be

reckless. She had to find them.

“You find them with Doom, and then what? You are going to fight him? With what strength? You already know we

do not stand a chance against him if we are not united.”



10:18 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 118

He said, but she didn’t stop or look back at him; she didn’t want him to convince her.


She cdown the stairs and moved to open the door that led out of the living room, but Julian took hold of her

wrist. “Letgo; letgo now!” she struggled with him.

“No, not until you listen to me.” He told her, but she didn’t stop struggling, and he didn’t let her go.

Fed up,

she glared at him but stopped struggling with him.

“I know you want to get June and Jashin back; believe me, | want that more than anything. You have to believe

this if Doom lays his hands on you. We cannot let him win; we cannot let him have you and gain dominion over

the two worlds.

Her teeth clenched as she stared up at him. “And | don’t care.”

He exhaled in regret. “Then | am sorry.”

Those were the last words she heard before blacking out.