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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 119
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Chapter 120


“I do not want to go,” June whined as Fiona got him to wear his blue jeans. “I want to stay here; why can’t | stay

here?” he asked.

June hardly ever complained about anything; this was always Jashin’s go-to move, but seeing June complain

about not wanting to leave made Fiona second guess her decision to send them away.

Julian wasn’t completely on board, either. He suggested the court of truth as the best place to keep them, along

with the other children who might not leave Rayfield during the battle, but she couldn't have it. Doom would

level the entire community if he so wished, and she couldn't risk them being near here when that happened.

“Because this place isn't safe, June, but where you would be going will be. You will be taken care of and

protected, so you will have nothing to worry about.”

“But you and Daddy will not be there,” he said with a sad pout.

She reached out and stroked his face. “No, we will not be, but if all goes well, we will be there with you too in no

time. You two will take care of each other in the meantime.”

He nodded, but he didn’t look happy. He didn’t want to leave, and she should have just listened to him instead of

thinking her way was the best and only way.

“Jashin, you will take care of June, alright?” She said this and turned to Jashin, who stayed oddly quiet.

“Yes, mommy,” he nodded.

“I love you two so much; never forget that.”

Flashback ends

Fiona lay on the bed, crying her heart out and grieving her loss. She would never see Julian and probably never

see her sons again. What would be the point of surviving if she lost everything she ever cared She had already

lost enough. Her parents, Ophelia, her sons, and now Julian. What joy was in her life from here on? about?

She never wanted rebellion; she just couldn't sit back and lose everything. The pain will consher. She didn’t

want Julian to sacrifice himself because his sacrifice would be in vain. Hers, however, wouldn't be; Doom needed

her heart, and with it, she could




Chapter 120

bargain for her world, her sons, and Julian.

They would have continued without her; they would have had a chance, and now they no longer do.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She felt weak and hungry, but she didn’t know if Kali would bring her any food after the stunt she pulled hours

ago. She had to try, though.

“Kali?” she called, her voice weak, and her head was pounding in pain. “Can you hear


“Luna queen.” He responded to her call.

“I am sorry for what | did to you earlier. You were following the orders of the king, and | shouldn't have attacked

you like I did.”

“It is fine. You were in a desperate spot. What can | do to help?”

“I am hungry. Genuinely this time.” She added the last part. “Can you getsomething to eat?”

“What do you want to eat?” he asked almost immediately, without thinking.

“Anything good. | am not much of a chooser.”

“Alright, Luna Queen, | will go ask the kitchen what else they have.” He said that, and his footsteps departed

from the door.

She lay still in bed and didn’t even know how long it took before he returned.

“They had pork and the steak they reserved for the elders; | was able to bargain for steak because you are the

luna queen” He said and entered the room.

She chuckled and pulled herself up to sit down. “Thank you.”

He nodded, set the tray down, and turned to leave when she called to him.

“Do you

have children?”

“I have only one.” He answered.

“And your mate?”

He pressed his lips together, and pain flashed in his eyes. “She died when Alpha Greg of Montana was killed. She

was a casualty in the attack.”



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Chapter 120



Her heart went out to him. “I am sorry. Kali, that means your daughter is all

He nodded. “She is the only reason | haven't ended it all yet.”



you have.”

“My sons are gone, and | can’t get them back.” She lamented bitterly, and her tears fell. “It is all my fault. Now

we are going into a war we have already lost.”

“Do not beat yourself up; you just have to believe and keep the faith that it will all be fine.”

“Thank you, Kali; you are really a nice man.”

“You are welcome, Luna Queen; you should eat now.” He said that and stepped out of the room.

She wiped her tears and made her way over to the table where Kali had set her food. She stayed there and ate,

and when she finished, she drank the water on the table, and her strength returned. Her eyes spotted the time

on the wall, and it was already evening.

The full moon was just hours away, and with it, the end of everything they knew.

She returned to bed, curled herself in a ball, and wept for the end.

She soon heard a small rumble at the door, and her eyes snapped open. Again, a small knock con the door

moments later.

“Who is there?” She asked, a little startled. Kali would not knock; he would just call to her, so whoever was there

wasn't Kali.

“Itis I, Zac.” A different, hushed voice spoke from outside the door. “I cto bring you out.” He answered.

She shook her head and pulled up to sit down. “I am not supposed to be out. The king insists | stay in here for

my own safety.”

The door opened, and Zac stepped into the room and towards her bedside. “The king doesn’t understand who

we are up against, my queen, Doom and Mischief will slau ghter every last one of us without even batting an

eye. We need you out there. You are the only one who can put an end to this war.”

She shook her head. “I do not have the strength to take anyone on.” She answered.

“You are the silver wolf, my queen; it is in you.” He said that and moved towards her, taking off her giga, and she

felt her strength return in a massive fold.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


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Chapter 120


He tossed the giga to the side of the room and stretched his hand out to her. She didn’t take it, but she got out of

bed, and together they cout of the room.

Fiona turned to the other side of the door, and she saw Kali on the ground, bleeding from his head with a silver

dagger thrust into his side.

“What did you do?” she yelled at Zac and immediately dropped to her knees.

“It was the only way to get you out, my queen. | did what | had to do.” He answered.

“He was only following his king’s commands!” She snarled at him.

She thought about her discussion with Kali earlier. He had a daughter at hwho probably looked forward to

her father coming home. She had to make sure Kali returned hto her.

She placed her hands on Kali’s neck, and she saw he was still alive. She pulled out the silver dagger Zac had

thrust into his side. Then she placed her hands on him, and she healed him of his wounds. Though he still

remained unconscious, he would wake without a scratch, as if it were all a dream.

She rose to her feet with the silver dagger still in her, and she turned to Zac and said, “Let's get out of here. The

full moon is almost at its peak.”

Zac nodded and led the way while she slipped the dagger to her back and into her trousers.

Fiona ran through the council court, and the young guards soon caught up with her. “Luna queen, you need to

remain in your room; those are the orders!” The young guard began to speak, but Zac attacked him and took

him down.

“Run, my queen, run away; | will be behind you,” he told her, and she took to her heels, running as fast as her

legs could take her until she arrived outside the council court. She stared up at the dark cloud in the sky, and she

saw the full moon was almost at its apex. If only Ona would listen to her and lend her a little strength, Sadly, she

was still angry about everything and wouldn’t lend her a thing,

Coldness gripped her skin as the night was as chill as ever, and she wrapped her arms around herself and ran to

meet up with Julian. From the information Julian gave her yesterday, they would await Doom in the field, which

they believed would give them ssort of advantage.

Though her breath failed her, she kept running. She wouldn't stop running until she got to where she needed to

be. This war was about her, and she would not hide away.

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Chapter 120

She would fight with all she had.