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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87 The drive to the Hamilton Hotel had felt like we were doing double the distance. The air in the confined space of Dante's sports car had been thick, tensed, and unexplainably charged and had grown so with each passing moment.

The both of us had tried to keep conversation light and flowing and | chose to stay to my own space afraid that if | had indulged a little too much than | would be beyond saving. The last thing | wanted was to enter the Fundraiser with weak knees.

| should have taken my own da mn car maybe 1 then I could have been saved from being subject to the torment of his maddening, sensual allure or, at the very least, resuced from it.

It did not help that his rich, musky cologne hadi nfiltrated the charged air, causing my insides to clench but | had to pretend otherwise. | had displayed my desire far too freely as opposed toh im and if he thought that he was the only one who could torment the other then he had another thing coming his way.

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| wasn’t about to give in to Dante. Not in the least. He would have to grovel before | so much of even let my control slip but that didn’t mean | couldn’t have sfun of my own.

When | spotted the familiar hotel standing tall in the sky where the Croxley fundraiser was to be held this evening, | could no longer contain the surge of relief that coursed throughand I let out a breath. I just needed to get out of the car and in to the open air surrounded by more people then perhaps it would be easier to breath and think straight.

Dante had brought the car to a slow pace from its steady speed before it had cto a complete halt on the red carpet that had been rolled out in front of the papar az zi filled entrance. Dante let the engine run when both of our doors had been held open for us within seconds of the car stopping. He tossed the key at the valet who had caught it effortlessly and displayed his great excited to get behind the wheel of such a beast of a car even if it had just been from the entrance to the parking which couldn't be too far away from here.

With the car out of the way, Dante had waited forto move to his side and confirm to the pap araz zi, and by tomorrow all of New York, that | had arrived with him. The paps had lost their minds and the flashes of multiple cameras went off immediately from the troops of reporters and tabloids that had filled their designated spots of to the side of the carpet.

[e] Tue, 19 Mar Chapter 87 63% It definitely made one feel like a well enough after celebrity or A- Lister and it was an all new experience for me.

The reporters yelled at once for our attention all wanted us to focus on them to get the perfect picture.

Dante looked atwith mischief in his eyes right before his strong arm slipped around my waist pullingcloser to his side. | forced a smile not wanting to lose my cool in front of the camera’s that had been snapping away at us madly.

FD As if to provokeand stir up gossip for the rest of month, Dante leaned in closer until his lips were inches away from my ear.

“How is that the mere smell of you had the front of pants feeling like | chose the wrong size.” He whispered loudly enough forto hear but soft enough that it drowned in the buzzing of the reporters.

Before | knew it, his lips were immediately gone leaving my blood racing and myself shocked at how unexpected his words had been. | didn’t think he’d say such a thing tolet alone right now while we were under such close observation.

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He tightened his grip around my waist causing my shoulders to square up instinctively. What the hell was he trying to do? Start a scandal? Dante set a neutral smile over his lips and posed for the camera like | didn’t know what he was up to while | maintained my composure.

“Behave. | don’t want to be subjected to the wild headlines that will surely resurface ctomorrow morning.” | smiled for the camera’s but muttered tightly to him.

Dante shifted to look down at me. “I haven't caused a stir in quite a while. | might as well take this opportunity especially with you.” He winked atand there had been more flashes because, to them, we were this new spectable attending such a prestigious event together.

“You mean take the opportunity and chance to mess with my thoughts.” | rephrased for him as he usheredaway from the reporters and in the direction of the hotels entrance which had been overwhelmingly busy with outrageously dressed women and designer suit clad men all ready and eager to splurge in the nof charity and show of their generosity to their subordinates.

‘My word, Sophia” My nrolled of his tongue smoothly despite his feigned offension. “You woundby your assumption.” Dante said tically as he looked away fromto nod in acknowledgement at the men that looked in his direction.

Dante and | had followed the line of people all making their way to the banquet hall of the magnificent hotel.

There had been a general buzz in the air that was [I DE 48 Ter impossible to miss. It was like attending a high end regency ball only less modest.

Do you have a clue of their cause for this year? One of the woman had voiced the question that had been sitting on every ones lips this evening Dante and | shared an amused look knowing that we had discussed it on our way here. “We should take bets on what it’s going to be.” | suggested and saw him look pleased with the idea 0 SEND GIFT CORONERT