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Mr Conrad Proposes to His Ex wife Again

Chapter 2
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After knowing Stella wanted to get divorced, Sherry Perry, who was her best friend chastised Clarence

indignantly for ten minutes and then said, “That bastard really didn’t give you a single cent? He spent

tons of money on those young models outside, and he’s actually that stingy towards you who is his


“I don’t think he’s stingy though. I’ve taken quite a big sum of money from him these three years. He’s

already kind enough to not ask me to pay the debt.”

“You can’t think like that. You’re husband and wife, his money is your money, and your money is your

money! Plus, he takes advantage of you every day, what’s wrong in spending some of his money!”

Stella’s temples throbbed and she said, “Could you use another word?” Sherry calmed down for a

moment. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.”

Stella curled up on the couch yet she still could not hold back her anger. She then scolded, “I spoke up

about the divorce today, and that bastard actually asked how much money do I want? He didn’t even

look at the divorce agreement, as if he’s scared that I’ll make unreasonable demands or take his life!

Come on!”

“By the way, why did you want to get divorced? Why not just stick to him and see who’s going to give

up first?” Having heard that, Stella calmed down once more. “Oh, Vivian Sean has become pregnant.”

Vivian Sean was a young model who had little renown recently. She was very close to Clarence and

anyone who was not blind could tell that they had an unusual relationship.

Stella had gotten married to Clarence for three years. She knew how much Clarence hated her. Going

home twice a month was his greatest tolerance limit. Their intimacy every time was just a matter of

routine. Clarence did not have any single feeling towards her. He would do anything to make her feel

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Vivian was not the first woman who showed up beside Clarence, and Stella did not pay attention to her.

It was until one week ago, when she was delightfully choosing present for the upcoming third wedding

anniversary, Vivian suddenly took the pregnancy test report and showed up before her, declaring with

complacence and pride, “I’m pregnant, it’s time to hand over your position as Mrs. Conrad.”

When she saw the report, Stella felt that the faith she had on Clarence and their relationship by

deceiving herself these three years was all smashed by reality. Those memories mercilessly showed

up in her mind as if reminding her that although she thought that the woman before her was despicable

and disgusting, the reason she could marry Clarence was because she was using the same trick too,

which was threatening him with the child in her tummy.

She disgusted Clarence, just like how the woman disgusted her. It was just that someone had repeated

her original trick.

Sherry was exasperated. “How could that be the same, Clarence was single when you married him, yet

Vivian obviously knew your existence, and she still wanted to replace you. She’s a barefaced bitch!”

“Whatever, they’re more or less the same to me,” Stella said. “To be honest, I couldn’t sleep well every

night for these three years after marrying Clarence. No matter how, it’s true that he’s forced to marry

me back then, and it’s good that we get divorced now. I don’t owe him anymore.”

Sherry then continued chastising Clarence and Vivian, the dirty people she thought, for half an hour.

She then brought Stella to her bedroom when she started to feel sleepy. “You can stay here with me

from today onwards, my boyfriend’s not here anyway, and the house is huge, I’ll be scared to stay here

alone.” Stella yawned while nodding. “Goodnight.”

The next afternoon, the divorce agreement showed up on Clarence’s office desk. The signature at the

end of the paper looked like a furious creature. Watching his own boss gradually pulled down his face,

Nathan Lance took a step forward and said, “Mr. Conrad, I’ve confirmed with those from the Starry

Lake Mansion just now, missus had moved out last night and she did not take anything other than her

personal items.”

Clarence closed the divorce agreement file and tossed it casually to the side. “What is she playing with

me this time?” Nathan did not answer. She was not his wife though, how would he know the little fun

between them married couple. Clarence did not expect to hear any useful answer from him too and he

said blandly, “Get out.”

Nathan walked back after taking two steps. “Mr. Conrad, the necklace ordered from Paris has arrived,

so…” That was initially a third wedding anniversary gift which Clarence wanted to give Stella, yet it

looked like it had gone to no avail now. “Throw it away,” he spoke icily. “Yes,” Nathan replied. Clarence

picked up that divorce agreement once again after Nathan left. His eyes fell onto the signature part. He

sneered and there was an apathetic look on his face.

How would an evil woman who could go great lengths to achieve her purpose be willing to sacrifice and

put up a tragic show, beg him to save her by tugging at his sleeve at the Twilight Club, force him to

marry her by claiming she was pregnant suddenly have her conscience? It must be that she had had a

new purpose.

Clarence crumpled the paper in his hand and tossed it into the dustbin.

Stella had been waiting at home for a few days and she did not receive any message from Clarence.

The messages she sent did not receive a single reply as usual.

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First day’s message: “Have you received the divorce agreement? I’ve signed it. Please tell me if you

have time so we could go through the formalities together at the civil affairs bureau.” She sounded big-

hearted, considerate, gentle and obedient.

Second days’ message: “Hi, have you seen my message? Is there anything about the divorce

agreement that you’re unhappy with?” She sounded cautious and was bold enough to ask for


Third day’s message: “Mr. Conrad, I know you’re busy with your work, but could you please take some

time to divorce me?” She sounded restrained, reserved and persevered.

Fourth day: “Come on Clarence Conrad, could you please be more efficient for the divorce? If you

really don’t want to see me, hurry up and finish the procedure, and then we’ll not see each other ever

again, okay?” Since she could not endure it anymore, there was no need for her to endure it.

During the fifth day---“Clarence has turned on friend verification function. You are not friends on We

Chat. Please send him a friend request to start chatting after being accepted.” Stella sneered. What a

bastard. She instantly put down her phone and got up, heading to the Twilight Club. Yet it looked like

she had quite a bad luck. She did not manage to wait for Clarence, but had encountered his next future


Vivian had initially promised to have a meal with her friend there. Seeing Stella standing there the

moment she reached the entrance, she instantly smiled with contempt, walked towards her on her

high-heels and teased, “Could it be you’re still not willing to give up and want to look for Clarence

here?” Stella glanced at her with a level look and did not speak a word.

Seeing her being docile, Vivian felt more exhilarated. “How could you be so shameless, I’ve told you

I’m pregnant, how could you still refuse to let the position as Mrs. Conrad go? Don’t you know how

unbearable it is to see you struggle to stay?”