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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 369
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369 Chapter 368 Keira really wanted to know what exactly had happened between her parents! She could tell that Jodie had feelings for Uncle Olsen; otherwise, she wouldn't have said such harsh words as “not to see each other even in death.” Deep love begot deep hatred.

That was also why she hesitated and didn’t know if she should recognize Uncle Olsen as her father.

Lewis coughed. “I'm not sure what happened. | guess it has something to do with the South family.” Keira immediately narrowed her eyes.

She felt like she had caught onto something...

Lewis continued. “When Keera died, after you discovered the conspiracy, why didn’t you cto finright away?” Keira was startled.

Lewis went on. “Aside from misunderstanding Madeleine's incident, were there other reasons?” 20:30 179 < 369 Chapter 368 Of course, there were.

It was because both the Horton family and the Olsen family had taken action yet still couldn't trace the influence of the South family! This made her feel panicked; she didn’t want to drag Lewis into this...

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She didn’t understand just how terrifying the South family was, yet her sister Keera’s diary was full of panic and fear...

If Keera could schquietly and get her married to Lewis, it showed she wasn't without means. Such a sister was so afraid of the South family.

And thinking of her mother, Jodie, who was a born. member of the South family... Could Jodie have left Uncle Olsen because she didn’t want to implicate him? Otherwise, Uncle Olsen, a man who was so decisively, would have resolved a true misunderstanding immediately.

Keira vaguely understood the truth in all this...

Jodie's “not to see each other even in death” must also 30:26 2/9 369 Chapter 368 because she didn’t wantwant to limplicate Uncle Olsen... she truly didn’t love bim, howlgowlcould she bear his ild? Ald Keira didn’t need to det theschtsin ghings stop her from knowledging this father. her.

e looked through the rear-viewieiroaod and glanced ain at the vehicles that were following ting them from a stance.

icle Olsen was also worried about her, sorhad had he osen to silently accompany her?her? espursed her lips, seemingly having unraveledelad the ubts in her heart, and then looked at Lewis withwaith a ising tone. “It seems that he treats you quite wellwell, you to speak so favorably of him."m wiseninediately said, “I just don’t want you to be bbyabylall this. After all, a father-in-law like him good Godfather.” gaze soft softened.

nightsdens conlcold, but he was very considerate.at she didn’t knowhowhe was her father, Lewis called lle cle Olsen, as sou soon as she acknowledged her her 369 Chapter 368 father, he immediately switched to calling him father-in-law...

In the vehicle trailing behind.

Uncle Olsen sat quietly in the back seat, staring at the vehicle up front.

Seeing they were headed to the kindergarten, Uncle Olsen immediately ordered, “Issue the appointment now; have Keera represent the Olsen family in the school board.” The secretary sitting in the passenger seat immediately responded, “Yes.” Uncle Olsen's gaze gradually softened.

His daughter hadn't acknowledged him, yet he wasn't angry at all; instead, he felt somewhat pleased. stubbornness and obstinacy were too similar t in her younger years...

Keira grew up following Jodie. Her obstinate natu was apparent even during her tin Oceanion; w would have thought Keera was the same? ...No, that wasn't right! Uncle Olsen abruptly sat upright.

's voter 368 rew up in Clance. When he met the youngoung ath, in Oceanion, she claimed to be a local and said said says her was the best in the world..rld....

isen suddenly realized something and and 1. There thely turned to the people beside him. “Checkheckge, and atthe two days when the incident happened nedd. | Kdie Keena visit Oceanion?” ve ntent ved atethatthe kindergarten, one after the the tof the fcareacal, and, together with Mrs. Jones,s helentranceande only to be stopped by the aired, the rive!” 1. “Our schoot blocks doesn't allow irrelevant hter."hter.” et ath 1. Jones repliedple”We're parents of the e. How are we irrelevanie Vant? g this, the security guar guard reported to the and soon, the principal capall and George's. Childre over. ver.

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they'll to catch g at the entrance and seeing emegte group, che only George's teacher, Miss Kelly, sneered, “Miss South, Mrs. Jones, making a fuss is useless. If the school says they should be expelled, then they'll be expelled. There will be absolutely no change!” Mrs. Jones said angrily, “I've already asked George, and he hasn't done anything wrong, not like you said. | must have an explanation today!” Miss Kelly sneered. “Even if he hasn't, do you have evidence?” “I want the full surveillance footage! Not the content that you guys selectively edit!” “Sorry, as I've said, our surveillance is being repaired, and there's no way to check it. Even if you call the police, there's nothing they can do when they arrive!” After she finished speaking, she turned her gaze to George, scolding, “George, since you're just right here, why don't you tell us, did you do those things?” George shook his head. “I didn’t!” “Liar!” Miss Kelly pointed at him and scolded, “Children who lie will have their noses grow long, and they'll have nightmares. A big dinosaur will cto catch you! Also you should consider why the teacher only talks about you and not them?” Mrs. Jones, seeing that she dared to threaten her son in front of her, was suddenly furious. She covered her chest and scolded furiously, “You...” The principal immediately took a step forward, placing himself between the two.

The principal looked at Mrs. Jones and sighed. “Mrs. Jones, why bother causing more trouble? You and I both know you've simply offended someone you shouldn't have. That person has a powerful influence.

Even if you talk sense tohere, it's useless.” Mrs. Jones calmed down upon hearing this.

She glanced at Keira and smirked. “Then do you know who the current school board director is?” The principal laughed at this comment, “Of cours do, it's Miss Olsen!”

Even though Christina got married, her marriage w to a man of lower status, as she had waited too long the hope of a union with Lewis. By the time she decided to marry, suitors with an appropriate family background weren't of a suitable age, so she still preferred others to refer to her as Miss Olsen. Mrs. Jones raised an eyebrow. “Has the Olsen Group delivered the appointment?” “That hasn't happened, but it's obviously her. You've offended someone, and it's best you leave immediately. Otherwise, I'll call security to escort you out! Right now, the kindergarten’s security measures are very strict.”

Miss Kelly spoke smugly, “Instead of entangling yourselves here, you'd be better off begging Miss Olsen .If you keep making a fuss, we'll say you're ot to break into the school, and that's not good for the children! If you know what's good for you, | advise you to leave quickly!” Although the principal felt her speech was distasteful and her attitude toward the children was poor, sin the teacher worked for Christina, he didn't dare sa much. He just sighed and showed a regretful smile Mrs. Jones and Keira, advising kindly. “You should le and find another school for the children...” Before he could finish speaking, a car from the Olsen family suddenly stopped in front of the gate!! Uncle Olsen’s secretary got out of the car and strodeover.