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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 391
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391 Chapter 390 Keira’s pupils shrank. “What nonsense are you spouting?!” Jackson sneered, “How am | spouting nonsense? It’s all true. Everyone knows that to becan Inner Sect Disciple, you've almost gone mad. It was you who cto my bed and offered yourself. | took pity on you and slept with you, and now what? You've passed the preliminary selection of the martial arts competition and found another way, so you plan on kickingto the curb?” People who had cto fetch things immediately stood by to watch the commotion, pointing and whispering about Keira.

“Keera looks quite timid, but I didn’t expect her to be this sort of person...” “You can’t judge a book by its cover, can you? Anyone who offers themselves up can’t be a good person.” As the Outer Sect Disciples pointed and whispered 10:11 1/8 391 Chapter 390 about her, Matias rushed over and angrily said, “Don’t talk nonsense! Keera isn’t that sort of person. It was Jackson who constantly pressured her to submit. She disagreed, otherwise, she wouldn't have been missing these past two months!” The crowd was momentarily stunned, then turned to look at Jackson.

Jackson scoffed. “Why hasn’t she cover these past two months? Of course, it’s because after | slept with her, | couldn't secure her an Inner Sect Disciple spot. If | had a spot, wouldn't | use it myself? This woman really thinks the Gill family can do anything! Is the Freeman Sect a place where we can mess around as we please?” Matias’s face turned ashen with anger. “Jackson, don't tarnish Keera’s reputation here. Previously, it was clearly you kept pursuing her unsuccessfully, giving her all kinds of difficulties, getting her to do this and that, and even reporting to the Elders that she was slacking and not practicing martial arts, causing her to make no progress over the years!” Jackson scoffed. “Matias, who do you think you are? You're part of a collateral line, but you're pointing 10:11 2/8 391 Chapter 390 fingers athere? Do you believe that with just one word, | can make your family disappear from Clance?” Matias scoffed. “You think I'm afraid of you?” “You're not afraid, but do you think your grandmother would be?” Matias choked.

Jackson sneered once again, turning his attention back to Keera. “Of course, I'm a rather sentimental person.

Since you've slept with me, I'll certainly protect you. Keera, continue to cto my room tonight, otherwise, I'll report to the higher-ups that your two-month absence counts as an automatic resignation from the Freeman Sect!” Keira sneered.

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Yet Matias was already furious to the extreme. “If she hasn't reported in, isn’t it because you forced her? Jackson, you've gone too far!” Jackson scoffed. “Freeman Sect rules state that an Outer Sect Disciple who doesn’t report in for a month is considered to have left automatically. I'm just following the rules. What about it?!” 10:11 3/8 391 Chapter 390 Keira spoke slowly, “Really? According to Freeman Sect rules, are the words of you, an outer manager, more important, or those of the Elders more important?” Jackson was taken aback. “What do you mean? You think the Inner Sect Elders would speak for you?” Keira immediately said, “I cfor a Bone Assessment yesterday, and it was Elder Grant who allowedto participate in the Outer Sect martial arts competition. What now? Are your words more powerful than Elder Grant's?” Jackson choked. “You went for a Bone Assessment again? What could you possibly find out?” “What | found out has nothing to do with you.” Keira took step by step toward Jackson, her face cold as she stared at him, causing his scalp to tingle. He had never known that the weak woman who only begged him for mercy had this side to her.

He swallowed hard but still said, “What do you want to make clear? How you plead under me? Or how loudly you were moaning?” Keira grabbed his collar in one swift move.

10:11 4/8 391 Chapter 390 Jackson reached out to push her away, but the arms of the woman, who had always seemed weak and easily bullied by him, now felt as solid as bronze walls and iron bones, rendering him unable to break free.

Keira stared at him intently. “Explain.” Jackson swallowed hard, then cursed angrily, “Keera, what are you doing? Assaulting a superior is grounds for expulsion from the Freeman Sect! Even if Elder Grant vouched for you and let you participate in the martial arts competition, you can’t lay hands on me!” Keira kept her stare fixed on him.

She had thoroughly memorized the Freeman Sect’s rules yesterday.

Indeed, assaulting someone of a higher rank would result in immediate expulsion, but Keera’s grievances couldn't just be acknowledged like this! A fierce light flashed in Keira’s eyes, and then she slowly released Jackson's hand she had been holding. But just as Jackson scoffed, she suddenly clutched his throat! Her fingers were well-defined, and when she clutched his throat it made lookson immediately faol short of 10:11 5/8 301 Chapter 390 breath, unable to breathe.

His eyes bulged, and both hands fiercely clutched Keira’s hand, trying to push her away, but he found he couldn't muster any strength! Jackson struggled desperately.

Keira continued to stare at him intently. “Speak. What ‘s your relation to Keera?” Jackson slapped at her hands, struggling to speak, but no words cout. The feeling of death crept over him, making him panic.

Seeing the threat in Keira’s eyes, he knew that if he didn’t clear her name, he might actually be choked to death right there today! He slapped Keira’s hand again...

Keira watched him closely until Jackson stuck out his tongue, then she finally let go.


Jackson coughed in fear, gasping for air, his eyes tearing up in fright as he said, “How can | speak if you don’t letgo?!” 10:11 6/8 391 Chapter 390 Keira’s expression darkened.

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Jackson quickly covered his Alright, alright, I'll say it. Keera never seduced me.

between us!” Keira scoffed. “Louder!” Jackson didn’t want to speak.

There’s nothing Keira took a step forward again, forcing Jackson to shout, “Fine! Ill say it! Keera never seduced me! There's nothing between Keera and me! Are you satisfied now?” Only then did Keira take a step back.

Once she left, Jackson clenched his fists tightly. “Keera, how dare you show such insubordination? I'm going right to the Disciplinary Hall to tell the Elders, to seek justice from them!” At the stime.

Elder Grant stroked his beard, standing outside the Sect Leader's room. After hesitating for a moment, he finally knocked on the door.

The Sect Leader was in good spirits today, his eyes swollen to slits.

10:11 7/8 391 Chapter 390 Seeing Elder Grant, he asked, “Elder Grant, what brings you here?” Elder Grant looked at his appearance, twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said, “Yesterday, during the Bone Assessment, | found a remarkable woman. She seems to have ssimilarities to the senior sister you once mentioned, so | wanted to inquire about it.”