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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 43
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Chapter 43
Arianna stared at the papers a second time for confirmation then she darted her eyes to Oliver. He had a plain face devoid of
“What do you mean Oliver? You want to divorce me?” She asked, with shock and disbelief written all over her face.
“Yes, I am sorry Aria, but I have to do this. I can’t let my grandfather die because of my stubbornness. He has refused to eat or
take any medications until I show him the signed Divorce papers,” Oliver explained.
Arianna could not believe it, and why would she? This man had given her all the hope in the world, he had promised to be with
her forever but here he was asking for a divorce.
“So, it is so easy for you to give me these papers, and tell me you want a divorce?” she asked with tears pooling in her eyes,
waiting to pour out.
Oliver sighed and looked away from her, “I am really sorry Aria, but my Grandfather’s life matters the most at this point. We could
always find a way to fix our relationship but the dead cannot come back to life,” he explained.
“Please stop this Oliver, we could always find a way to save your father’s life, we can try convincing him, but I didn’t even expect
you to think about Divorce, let alone actualize it.”
“Why, because he is not your Grandfather?” Oliver queried and Aria could see a strange emotion sparkle in his eyes.
Aria was stunned; the Oliver she knew would never say such words to her. She cared about his Grandfather just as much as he

did and she believed that he knew that.
“What are you saying Oliver? Why would you say such a thing? You know that I would never think like that.” Aria retorted, still
fighting back those tears that were trying to make their way out.
“Well that is exactly how you sound, I don’t think you like my Grandfather at all,” he fired.
Aria refused to believe that he was saying those words to her; perhaps he was still under the influence of alcohol.
“Stop it Oliver, you are hurting me!” she yelled.
The baby woke up and started crying but they were too engrossed in the talk to care about her.
“Exactly Aria, it is all about you, how you feel, no one else matters. All you think about is yourself. You know that divorcing me
would save my Grandfather’s life but yet you insist on not doing that, isn’t that selfishness?” he fired
“Oh, so you think I am selfish? Is that so? You are the one who is only thinking about yourself here, you do not care about how I
feel, and you don’t care about what would happen to our child. Come to think of it, don’t you see what is going on here? Your
grandfather and that Asian witch are playing us; this is exactly what they want.”
“That is enough Aria, I would not tolerate you saying anything bad about my grandfather or his guest, is that clear?” Oliver yelled.
“Alright, you want me to sign the paper right? I will do it,” Aria replied as the tears finally made their way down.
She looked around and found a pen on a nearby desk, quickly she opened the page and without thinking twice, she scribbled her
signature on it and threw it at him..

“Fine Oliver, I have freed you of the burden I happen to be to you, go ahead and do whatever you want with your life, you won’t
have to bother about selfish me again!” she said amidst tears.

Oliver picked up the paper and stared at it sadly, and then he looked at Aria before walking away towards the door. He had
gotten her upset on purpose because it was the only way he would have gotten her to sign the papers.
If he had been nice while asking, he would have lost his courage at some point when he looked at her cute innocent face, but it
was necessary that they got divorced. He believed that it was the only way he could save his grandfather’s life and when his old
man was out of danger, and then they could find a way to fix things.
He looked at her one more time and a tear dropped from his eye, and then he turned and walked out of the room.
Arianna slumped onto the bed and broke into tears the moment he was away. She could not believe that it had happened again,
she had been dumped for the very second time.
Why was this happening to her? Her baby’s daddy had broken all legal ties with her, was she cursed or something?
She buried her face in the pillow and wept. She was lost in thoughts of what to do next; she could not continue to suffer like this.
She finally sat up and carried her baby. The little child had stopped crying and was now watching her mom cry.
“My Princess... your ... your father has rejected us for the second time, he does not want us in his life again, he chose his family
over us and pushed us away once again,” she lamented in tears.
The baby just watched in silence. Aria thought of who to confide in and the only one person in the world she could rely on struck
her mind. She picked up her phone and dialed Rosie’s number immediately.
Her best friend picked up at the first ring, “Hey girl, are you missing me already?” she asked from the other side and giggled.
“Rosie...” she muttered and cried.
Rosie went silent on the other side for a few minutes, then she spoke, “Aria, what is wrong?” she queried.
“He... he... he gave...” Aria was crying more than she was speaking.
“He did what? Who is he and what did he do?” Rosie asked, now losing her cool.
“It’s Oliver, he just divorced me,” she announced and cried loudly.
Rosie was silent again, then after a few minutes, she spoke. “Pack your things Aria; I am coming to get you now!”