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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67
There was a knock on the door very early in the morning and Rosie went to check it. She had just finished brushing her teeth
after she got up from bed. She opened the door and screamed when she saw Aria.
“Oh my God, Arianna, it is you!!” she yelled in excitement.
“Rosie, I have missed you so much,” Aria said and hugged her. Rosie noticed that her friend had become much more mature,
she didn’t scream or jump on her body like she would have done seven years ago.
“I have missed you more Aria, I am so happy to see you again,” she confessed.
“Mgh Mgh,” Lena made a small sound to make her presence noticed. She had her arms folded with pouted lips.
Rosie looked down immediately and saw her. She stared at Aria with widened eyes, then looked down again. “Is this... is this
Lena?” she asked, just to be sure.
“It is Princess Lena, and yes... mommy has told me a lot about you,” the little Lena replied.
Rosie gasped. “Oh my God, she is quite the smart pants,” she exclaimed. “Please come in guys,” she said excitedly and opened
the door for them.
They all walked into her little sitting room. “Is this where you used to live mom?” Lena asked with her hands placed on her waist
and her face expressing surprise.
“Yes sweetheart, this is where I and Aunt lived before I moved over to London,” Aria replied.
“No offense, but it is quite small, where am I supposed to set up my tea party now? Princess Sophia and Cinderella have not
even had their breakfast,” she whined.
Rosie looked from mother to daughter, she was not upset that Lena called her house small, she must have been used to living in
a big house, rather she was just surprised with how the seven years old girl spoke like an adult.
“Well you can have your doll tea party here while Aunt Rosie and I catch up in the other room,” Aria replied.
“Fine, where is my doll bag, quick mom... Princess Sophia must be starving, she won’t be able to sing if she does not eat,” Lena
Aria was quick to find the doll bag in the luggage and give it to her. “Here, go on and feed your dolls, I will be in the next room if
you need anything,” she said.
“Alright mom, that would be all, thank you,” she uttered and sat down to set up her tea party.
Aria shook her head and headed to the bedroom with Rosie. They walked in and closed the middle door.

“Oh my God Aria, look how much you have grown, look at your curves and your boobs, you look so hot,” she exclaimed.
“Stop it Rosie, you are making me shy,” she replied and chuckled. “You have changed a lot too, I mean look at your backside, it’s
large now... tell me the secret,” she said and they both laughed.
“Better stop mocking me, you became a star and forgot all about me, but I don’t blame you anyways, why would anyone care
about me, beauty with zero talents, I am not like the rest of you who are special,” Rosie said with a sad face, well she was just

acting to get sympathy from Aria.
“You look funny when you make that face, I mean... you are better off when you are a psychopath,” Aria replied and she was
forced to laugh. “But on a serious note, stop looking down on yourself, you do have a lot of potential but you refuse to see them. I
won’t tell you what to do but I can only say that your future is there, waiting for you to take it in your own hands.”
“Hmm... forget about that, tell me what has happened in the past seven years,” Rosie requested.
“Huh? No way, you should be the one updating me, we had a deal remember?” she queried with furrowed eyebrows.
“Fine, tell me which aspect you want to know about... or never mind, let me tell you about your beloved Ex husband,” Rosie
Aria rolled her eyes at her and Rosie chuckled. “So, I think I already told you over the phone. After you left, Oliver got married to
Nora, he changed a lot, he became mean, unhappy and depressed.
First he took it out on the servants and soon it spread to the Company, poor Sammy had to pay the price for that but he stuck
with him through thick and thin. Finally, Oliver was able to get rid of Nora; she had been caught by his grandfather cheating on
Oliver because he refused to be intimate with her.”
Arianna felt happy hearing that Oliver refused to carry out his duties to his wife, she could be able to bear staying away from him
but she would not be able to handle the thought of him being intimate with another woman.
“Ever since then, he has tried to move on without you. I don’t think he did though because Sammy says he always spoke of you,
but when both Sammy and Grandpa Go persuaded him to go and find you, he refused bluntly. He said you were doing fine
without him so he would not bother you or force you to come back.”
“Okay that is enough, let’s talk about something else,” Aria said. She did not want to talk about Oliver as it would bring back
emotions that she had pushed behind her. That was the reason why she had avoided coming here all this time, the nostalgia and
all that, she wanted none of that.
“Alright then, if you don’t want to talk about your ex husband, then let us talk about my soon to be husband,” Rosie said and
“Yes, let us talk about him,” Aria replied with a smile. “Quick question, have you given him the forbidden fruit or is he still being a
gentleman?” she queried.

Rosie gasped and covered her mouth with her palm. “Oh my! Where did my best friend go?” she half screamed and Aria burst
into laughter. She was shocked because the aria she knew was a shy innocent girl, she never had the courage to discuss such
things with her but here now, she was starting the discussion herself.
“What? Don’t give me that look, I am not a kid anymore,” Aria replied with a funny face and they laughed.
“I can see that, I should be quick with my wedding and have children too, so that I can be even more bold and outspoken,” Rosie
joked and giggled.

“Oh girl, if you are any more bold than this, then there would be trouble in this universe,” Aria uttered with humor and they
“Anyways, yes... we have done some pretty bad stuff, I had to teach him some bad things, I was tired of dating a big baby so I
had to make him act like a real man, and oh my God, he is such a horse... all he needed was a push, you got to see him in
action girl,” she exclaimed , expressing a look of satisfaction on her face.
“Hmm... I think I would rather not,” Aria replied and they laughed.
“Alright, so... you are going to go check on Oliver right?” she queried.
“Nope, I will just take Lena there to stay with him, then I will go and pick her up later in the evening. That girl is a lot of trouble so
it would be better if she spends the day with her father. At least she can get to know him well before the wedding is over, then I
am taking her back with me,” Aria stated.
“Calm down Aria, don’t you think it is time to settle your differences with him?” Rosie asked.
“No, not at all... I have moved on Aria, please don’t even mention it,” she warned.
“Really Aria? Have you really moved on? Because I don’t think so. I mean, it has been seven years since you two went apart, but
you are still single. You can’t tell me that no man has proposed since then, or that you haven’t seen a man worthy of being your
husband, it is just impossible. So tell me Aria, are you still in love with Oliver Gomez?” Rosie queried.
Aria crumpled her face and looked away, she opened her mouth to speak but ended up saying nothing, then she tried again,”
N...No,” she stuttered. “No sis, I don’t have any feelings for him again,” she replied.
Rosie could see that the words which left her mouth were different from what her eyes were saying, and as they say... The eyes
never lie, but since her best friend decided to deny it, then that was her choice to make, she would not persuade her to admit it.
“Fine, but what about staying back here in the states, you can still establish something here, you can continue your profession
here in Las Vegas, I mean there is plenty of room for popular models like yourself,” Rosie advised.
“No Rosie, I have to go back, I already have a life in London and it will be difficult building up one here, I wouldn’t even be here if
not for you. I am worried that I am about to lose a big contract but it’s nothing compared to what I will sacrifice for you, so I will
just find a way to get back to the top when I return to London,” she said.
“Fine then, if you won’t stay back here, let’s at least make your stay here memorable,” Rosie said.
“Oh yeah girl, let me take Princess to her father, then I will come back and we have fun like the good old days, when it was just
we girls, no men, no children.”
“Yeah sis, I remember those days, they were one of the best times of our lives,” Rosie said and they smiled..