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Chapter 16 Do You Like Throwing Yourself At Me
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Jay Ning was not the type of kid who would have too much affinity with a stranger. It was an odd

behavior for Nicole Ning to see coming from her child.

Jay's friendly attitude towards Kerr made Nicole feel a bit concerned while she was washing a bowl.

"Is everything alright, Nicole?"

As Kerr asked, he realized that she kept cleaning the bowl and couldn't hear him at all, which

immediately caused him to lean towards Nicole very close.

However, Kerr's intentions were never meant to scare the hell out of Nicole as he caught her off


"Oh my Goodness!" Nicole's hands instantly dropped the bowl as soon as she noticed Kerr.

The wet bowl that Nicole let go of hit the ground so hard that it made the floor all slippery, which

caused Nicole to slip as she turned around and fell straight to Kerr while her subconscious reaction

was closing her eyes.

It was really fortunate for Nicole to have Kerr right next to her to stop her from falling. Kerr couldn't

help himself to ask with a smile on his face. "Do you like throwing yourself at me?"

As she was held tight in Kerr's arms, she decided not to play along with him.

"Does it seem like I am flirting with you? You just scared me and almost got me hurt." Nicole was

slightly mad at him.

The embarrassment made her blush as she stood up with her hands on the bar counter.

"Then what about last time?" Kerr couldn't stop looking into her eyes, whereas she struggled to keep

her eyes straight at him.

The situation was getting a bit intense as he persisted and held her tighter to pull her closer to him by

every second that passed.

Nicole felt uncomfortable and hesitated to get a centimeter closer to him. "Don't forget that you're the

one who came to my house without any sort of invitation. You shouldn't have asked if I liked throwing

myself at you in the first place. That wasn't nice."

A few days ago, he forced a poor woman to have an abortion against her will. Nicole always promised

to herself that she would make sure to bring the best things possible to Jay’s life. And as a father

figure, Kerr was not even an option.

"Do you really think that I came here just because I wanted to?" Kerr continued as he was still holding

Nicole in his arms. "Jay wanted me to be here. So I just accepted his friendly invitation."

She couldn't believe how naive he was. "I really thought that you weren't fool enough to take a kid's

innocent words too seriously."

Nicole's and Kerr's bodies were just fingers away of distance that she could even hear his heartbeats

like a machine gun being fired right next to her ears. The only thing that she wished for in that

moment was to get rid of his arms around her hip.

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Although he could feel the discomfort in her, he didn't let go of her.

Kerr leaned his nose towards her neck and sniffed. "Is that perfume that I smell? That is the sweetest

perfume I have ever smelled." It was at this moment that Nicole was seconds away to start freaking


He was so dosed by her fragrance that he continued sniffing up to her right ear. Kerr had never felt

this attracted and excited by someone's aroma before.

On the other hand, Nicole had never felt so nervous. Since there was no way for Kerr to let her alone,

she decided to push him back.

Then, she squatted down to pick the bowl's broken pieces up.

She had barely energy left because of Kerr's heavy and oppressive aura that she was trapped in.

She was almost too stunned to realize that the bowl's pieces were dangerously sharp. And eventually,

she got a really bad cut in one of her fingers. "Ouch!"

The blood immediately started to spill from Nicole's finger which made her move her hand away in


Kerr raised his hands in annoyance. "You need to be more careful!"

As soon as he saw the blood spilt all over the floor, he helped her out to stand on her feet and walked

out of the kitchen.

Kerr knew that the bleeding had to be stopped as fast as possible. "I need to find the first-aid kit."

He tried asking her where the first-aid kit was. However, she was literally flying to outer space. Her

eyes weren't even looking at a straight direction as if she was being hypnotized and following a

pendulum's movement from left to right.

"Try to relax Nicole, you're not dying. It's just a cut." Kerr was tapping her cheeks softly. "Hey! Speak

to me; I need to know if you're alright please." There was no reaction from her yet.

Suddenly, Nicole's body kept falling and dragging away from Kerr's arms as if she was slowly letting

herself drown in the sea. Kerr was getting so desperate that he called Jay for help.

"Jay! I need a hand here!" Kerr didn't know what to do anymore.

Jay instantly walked out of the bedroom and saw the dramatic scenario. His mother looked like she

just passed out and wasn't even aware that she was being held in arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Your mom accidently scratched her finger and then fainted." Kerr was too agitated to give a more

complete explanation to Jay.

He also thought that the best way to keep the situation calmed to a little kid was to briefly explain the

incident before running out of the house and going to the hospital.

"She is bleeding, isn't she?" Those were the peaceful words that came out of Jay and had Kerr very

surprised. "It's okay, Uncle. Just lay her body on the sofa." Kerr couldn't believe that Jay was so steady

and relaxed after witnessing his unconscious mother.

It seemed that what Kerr had explained a few mi

nutes ago was already familiar to Jay. He knew how to act in case that his mother fainted. Therefore,

he tried to relieve Kerr and indicated him to put Nicole on the sofa.

"My mom has an issue with seeing blood. She always faints at the sight of any drop of blood. It always

happens. She will wake up soon." Kerr was still amazed with Jay's composure as the boy approached

him with the first-aid kit.

Kerr bound up Nicole's finger as soon as he had the first-aid kit in his possession.

It didn't take more than fifteen minutes when she finally woke up. Jay was right.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu." She had her eyes slightly open and had difficulty to speak.

It was obvious that she wasn't a hundred percent recovered. Her face was literally a tomato and her

body was cringing as she was trying to stand up with her housecoat slipping to her shoulders.

When Kerr noticed that she was struggling to get up from the sofa, he jumped onto her and trapped

her again in his wide arms.

Nicole turned her face right away when she felt that Kerr was all over her weakened body to avoid the

eye contact with him. She even sensed that she was going to collapse on the sofa again.

Kerr's oppressive aura began to strike once more just like in the kitchen. "Mr. Gu, please behave


She never expected that he would show up at her house.

The lustrous lips of Nicole were provoking a dirty desire inside of Kerr as he was gradually leaning all

of his limbs over her.

His lips were ready to kiss hers. But all of a sudden, the sound of the toilet being flushed came out of

nowhere as Jay got out of the bathroom.

As soon as he observed the obscene scene of Kerr laying on top of his mother, he covered his eyes

with both of his tiny shaky hands and inevitably said something that Nicole had never taught him to

say. "Oh! How obscene. It's not suitable for children!"

Nicole pushed Kerr away with such strength as if someone had injected an adrenaline dose to her and

stood up with her clothes sorted out like nothing happened. It was the first time for her to be caught

too close with someone else by her son.

"Jay Ning, I never taught you to say something like that!"

In these years, she had to perform both mother's and father's roles. Now, she straightened her face

and looked like a strict father.

He was truly upset towards his mother. "I didn't say anything wrong."

He knew that the situation was serious whenever his mother called him by his name Jay Ning. He

uncovered his sight and stood up straight subconsciously.

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Kerr cut in to ease the tension, "Jay, let's go play with the Rubik's cube."

When Jay heard what Kerr said, a little smile appeared on his face. On their way to the bedroom, Kerr

lifted him up on his back as if Jay was riding a horse.

There was no need from Nicole to interrupt their game since Jay seemed to be happy. She did nothing

but sigh.

Kerr and Jay played with the Rubik's cube until the sun finally went to rest.

"You could win this time but it won't happen again Uncle Gu. I hope that you can have more time so

you can come again and play with me." Jay seemed like he had a great time.

Before Kerr walked out of the bedroom, Jay raised his tiny head and kept speaking to him.

Nicole didn't want her son to have too much interaction with Kerr, so she made up her mind to

interrupt them.

"Jay, Uncle Gu has to go now. He is a very busy man."

She couldn't stop thinking about Kerr's actions earlier as they were walking through the garden.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for your accompany today." That was probably the biggest lie that Nicole had ever

told to someone.

In the best of the cases, it would be safe for Nicole to stay away from Kerr and to never see him again.

Since the day that Jay was born, he never needed a father figure to raise him.

Before getting into the car, Kerr couldn't resist to ask. "What happened to Jay's father?"

He already knew that something must have happened to the biological father since Jay carried the

name of his accompanying mother and there was no data related to him, according to the

investigation results of Jared.

Nicole tried to give a rapid short answer so Kerr could finally leave. "I broke up with his father shortly

after he was born. Now his father has a new child with a new family. Jay is too young yet to know that.

I'll tell him when the time is right."

However, she turned her head to avoid the eye contact with him because she knew that her face was

turning red.

She wasn't the greatest liar. Her face always gave it away by blushing as a tomato. But for her and

Jay's sake, she had to lie to him.

Kerr wasn't leaving until he heard something that would be convenient for him. "Will you ever choose

a man to help you out with Jay and to spend your whole life with? A man that your son likes."

Nicole was hopeful to see him leaving right after she replied to that proposal.

"I don't know yet."

After the solid answer that she gave to him, it was obvious that she had made a final decision.

Nevertheless, Kerr leaned towards her and whispered something to her ear before getting into the car.

Nicole didn't say a word nor move a muscle until Kerr's car vanished in the distance.

Just when Kerr left, a silhouette appeared around Nicole's back. "Did you see a ghost or what?"

Baron snapped his fingers in front of Nicole to bring her back to Earth.

"Baron! What are you doing here?"

Nicole was a bit surprised with Baron's sudden appearance.