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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 199
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 199 52 Protect Her Danica POV

Everything starts to move around me and I feel like I can’t breathe. How did she even know we were

here? “Do you like this one,” Gabby asks as she holds up a green onesie. I’m sure I’m paler than

normal because I feel like I’m about to throw up. She threatened to hurt my pup and Ella. “We need to

leave now” I say. All the women gather around me looking for a threat. No one says a word as we head

for the parking lot. Once we are in the car, I know I’m going to have to explain what happened. I never

thought for a minute about keeping this from them. I will not sacrifice that little girl. I place my hands

protectively on my bump and Constance is the first to break the silence in the car. “Danica, what is

going on? You’re scaring the hell out of us?” “We weren’t alone in the baby store. A witch froze

everyone but me.” Ruby growls and Constance’s eyes flash red. “Are you hurt? Is the pup hurt”, Ruby

asks, looking me over as she speaks. Gabby is watching in the rearview mirror. “No, I don’t think so.

The witch that tried to take Ella and was killed by Serina, was her sister. She said that she wants a life

for a life and I get to choose. I have to give her Ella or she will take my pup in her place.” “No one will

hurt you or my niece”, Constance says, and I wish it was as simple as that. “Danica, I’m glad you told

us. I’m sure that you are scared, any of us would be”, Gabby says. The rest of the ride to the pack is

quiet. I need Archer because I’m barely holding it together. How did everything change so much from

this morning when we were so happy?

We pull into the pack and I don’t even feel like I can get my feet to move. “Archer, I need you” I say

through our link as I sit in the backseat of the car. I see the wolf that I love break through the trees

seconds after I send him the link. He shifts pulling on shorts before he reaches me. I can see concern

on his face. I manage to launch myself at him and bury my head in his chest. I finally let the tears fall

that I’ve been holding back. “Danica, what happened? Talk to me sweetheart.” I can’t even speak as I

cling to his chest. I feel him settle in a seat and he rubs his hand through my hair. I feel him stiffen and I

know that someone has linked him what happened at the mall. His arms tighten on me and his roar fills

the room. “No one will hurt my mate or pup” he says and his voice is mixed with his wolf’s. The room is

quiet and I know I have to talk, but I swear my throat feels like it’s ready to close. “Danica, I need you to

let me see exactly what happened”, Tabby says. I pull my head back and turn in Archer’s lap to face

her. I know he won’t let me go right now and I don’t want him to. Tabby pulls a chair toward me and she

places her hand on my cheek. “Do you trust me”, she asks. I nod still not able to speak. “We will figure

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

out who this witch is and I will protect you and your pup.” “Ella” I manage to croak out and the room

erupts with growls. “Ella, is where she needs to be. We will let the king know about the threat” Gabby

says. I nod and she places her hands on both sides of my head. She leans in and places her forehead

against mine. I close my eyes and say a prayer that Tabby is right.

She pulls back and I hold my breath waiting to hear what she has to tell us. “She is definitely a black

magic witch. She is strong, but not as strong as I am. I can protect you and your pup. I will place a

protection spell on you with Autumn’s help. It will be stronger than the one I placed on Gabby with

Autumn’s magic giving it a boost. Bracelet or necklace” she says like a question. I’m sure I look

confused. “What would you prefer to wear” she says with a smile. “A bracelet”, I say and she waves her

hand. It matches the bracelet that Archer wears. “This bracelet is a beacon. If you rub the purple stone

imbedded in the leather, it will call out to me. I have given them to all my children and that includes you

now.” I smile and wrap her in a hug. “Thank you, Tabby.” “Of course, I’m going to get Autumn so we can

perform the protection spell before you leave.” She disappears and I look around at the people I now

consider my family before I look at Archer. “Can you all give us a minute” he says and everyone leaves.

Archer POV

As soon as she links me, I know something’s wrong. What could have happened while they were

shopping in the human city? I hold her and she sobs, but I’m not sure what the hell is going on. I want

her to tell me but I know right now she just needs me to comfort her. “A witch was in the store. She told

Danica she wanted revenge for her sister’s death. She wants Ella or your pup”, Ruby says, and Lazlo

is losing his sh*t. Our growl shakes the walls. I’m grateful when Tabby says she can protect Danica and

our pup. A part of me is still scared that I could lose all of this. Once Tabby leaves, I need to talk to

Danica. She might not like what I’m about to suggest, but her and the pup’s safety is what I care about

right now. When everyone is gone, I turn her so I can look into her eyes. “I know you’re scared because

I’m scared too. Tabby is amazing and I know she will do everything she can to keep our daughter safe.”

“Why do I feel a but is coming. Do you think the protection spell won’t work” Danica says, panic in her

voice. “No, that’s not what I mean. We need to do everything to keep you and our pup safe. There is an

empty pack house that is used for guests inside the territory. I think we should move the coven to that

pack house until all of this is settled. Then we can move back to the coven if that’s what you want. The

coven would not answer to the pack. I would make sure that Ruby and Maverick agreed. You will still

have your birthright as the leader of the coven.” Danica stops me from talking with a kiss. When she

pulls back, tears run down her cheeks. “I don’t care where we live as long as we are safe and happy. If

it makes our daughter safer, I would give up my leadership of the coven”, Danica says. I smile “you can

keep both.”

I ask everyone to come back to the office. Maverick, Connor, and Autumn join us this time. I explain

exactly what we would like to do with the coven. Ruby speaks first “you don’t even have to ask. The

pack house is yours and you can remain there under your rule. Even though it’s in the territory you will

have complete control of the coven. We already have an alliance so your members know what is

expected, as do ours”, Ruby says. Danica looks at Constance and she smiles. “The coven can be

anywhere we make it as long as everyone is safe”, Constance says, and I feel Danica relax in my

arms. “We will perform the protection spell now and then help you move the coven” Autumn says and I

couldn’t be more grateful for my family then I am in this moment.

Luca POV

We made sure that Lucy and Liam were settled in their new rooms before my father and I head to the

cells. I have never been one for torture, but knowing what they did to their own hatchlings is bringing

out the darker side of me. We reach Madelena’s cell first. She is chained to the wall and as soon as

she sees me, she turns on the tears. “Luca, where are my hatchlings? I need to see them.” My father

closes the door behind us and I stand looking at this woman who truly has no soul. “The hatchlings that

you have abused.” I see a flash of fear before she schools her expression. “Just because I wasn’t a

mother to you doesn’t mean I don’t love Lucy and Liam. It’s your father’s fault that I left you.” I turn to

my father. “I think you should have the honors of starting.” He smiles and I turn back to her. “You are an

evil b**ch and dying quickly is to good for you. So, we are going to bring you and that ba**ard next door

to the brink of death, but we will let you heal enough to do it for days. So, you can know what it is to

suffer. Just like you have made my brother and sister suffer.” My father walks past me and he has a

dagger that he laced with dragon lily. “William, please don’t do this” she says before her screams fill the

room. He stabs her in the right thigh. Her skin bubbles around the stab wound. He pulls it out and stabs

her in the other thigh. “What kind of monster can allow this to be done to their mother,” she screams at


“I have no mother. Lucy, Liam, and I have no mother.” I take the whip off the table dipping it in the

purple liquid. My father steps back and I flick my wrist. It shreds her shirt covering her stomach and the

skin begins to bubble. “Please no more” she says in between her screams. “How many times did Lucy

and Liam plead with you to stop as you hit them?” She manages to meet my eyes before she drops her

gaze again. “There will be no mercy here.” I whip her again across her legs that are still bubbling from

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

the stab wounds. She passes out and I place the whip on the cart. “Let’s go see my dear brother Luca,”

my father says with a smile. I have a feeling my father is going to enjoy torturing him far more. We are

in there for another hour and I was definitely right about father torturing him. I had to stop him from

killing the ba**ard. He needs to suffer as much as Madelena does. “Make sure you clean up before

Liam and Lucy see you. I know she is smart but seeing it is different than thinking it. He nods and I

head to a bathroom in a spare room in our wing. I wrap a warm towel around my waist before I head to

our room. Jade is sleeping in our bed. I know the hatchlings will make her more tired. She needs to rest

and let me take care of her. Luna is asleep in her crib. Goddess, I love them both so much. I grab a pair

of sweat pants before I slide in next to Jade. Every part of me needs to hold her. I snuggle in next to

her and I can feel my lids getting heavy. I fall into a peaceful sleep knowing that they will never hurt

another person I care about again.

King Micah POV

“They are settled on the floor below yours” Maddox says, and I smile. The door to my office opens and

Loreli walks in with our beautiful daughter. “How is Alexia this afternoon,” I ask as she places her in my

arms. “She is fussy. I think she wanted to see her daddy.” “Where is Jacob?” She smiles “he is playing

with Ella and Levi.” I can’t help the smile, knowing that she is safe and getting to know her future mate.

No one is to tell them what they are to each other but typically mates that grow up together have a

stronger bond. The phone rings on my desk and I pick it up. Loreli takes Alexia and I place the receiver

to my ear. “This is King Micah” I say. “King Micah, this is Gabby Solace of the Scarlett Rose Pack.”

“Gabby, please just call me Micah. We are practically family now.” “Micah, we had a situation today and

I wanted to tell you before I call Serina.” I stiffen and she begins to tell me the story. Maddox and Loreli

stay quiet. “Thank you, for calling me Gabby. I promise you that she will be safe. I will be sending some

of my men to stay in the pack. We will figure out who this threat is.” The call ends and I tell Maddox and

Loreli what happened. “I will go with ten of our men and stay in the pack until this threat is eliminated”

Maddox says. “Are you sure Maddy” I ask and he rolls his eyes at his nickname from when we were

kids. “First of all, I told you not to call me that. I’m not five anymore. Second, yes, we need to keep our

future queen’s pack safe. Despite being here, that is her pack and family.” I love my brother and I’m

grateful he is willing to do this. “I will leave first thing tomorrow.” He hugs me before he leaves my

office. I can see Loreli is upset and I stand pulling her and my daughter into my arms. “We will keep

them safe, love.”