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Chapter 121  Awkward situation
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121  Awkward situation

Hiding behind a staircase corner, Minami and her friends were stealing a glance at the hallway infront of them.

"Look he's coming." Spoke one of the girl after taking a stealthy peak at the hallway.

Hearing such, Minami's cheeks turned completely red. She then shyly questioned, "Are you sure it's a good idea to ask his number so blatantly?"

"If you keep on hesitating then someone else might steal him away. So muster up some courage and initiate a conversation." Spoke another girl with a ponytail.

"I don't know. My heart is beating so fast right now." Feeling her heartbeat, Minami mumbled. "What if he finds me creepy for asking him about his number so blatantly?"

"Who in his right mind would think such about you?" The somewhat fat girl who was stealing glances of Hiro spoke.

The other girl with ponytail nodded her head and spoke, "Indeed!! You're the maiden of our school. Almost every single boys in our school is chasing after you. Looks, athleticism, personality, you name it, you've got it all."

Those three girls who were hiding behind the corner were talking about Hiro.

In the hallway infront of them, Hiro was making his way towards his classroom. And as usual bunch of girls who had a crush on him were flocking over him.

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"What's so great about him?"

"It's not like he's a celebrity."

Some guys who were jealous of him were talking with each other. And obviously they weren't praising him. Rather, they were badmouthing him.

"He's almost here" Spoke the fat girl.

Hesitating to converse with Hiro, Minami tried to run away, "May be we should head to our class right now."

"What are you cowering for?" Speaking such the girl with ponytail gave her a gentle push.

Upon getting pushed, she stumbled out of the corner where she was hiding. And as she stumbled out of the corner, she spoke in somewhat annoyed tone, "Why did you push me all of a sudden?"

"Excuse me??" Hiro mumbled feeling all confused. Since he had just arrived there, he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Oh sorry I wasn't talking to you. I was just talking with my friends here." Minami apologized to Hiro while pointing her index finger at the corner.

"I didn't know that you were friends with ghost." With a sweet smile on his face, Hiro joked.

"What are you talking abo-" While speaking such, she turned towards the corner. But there was nobody in the corner. Unable to find her friends, she went completely blank and thus, she couldn't even complete her sentence.

Completely dumbfounded, Minami froze on her place. With her cheeks and ears turning red, she was embarrassed to her hearts core, as if she had an egg on her face.

'What will he think of me? And where are those two idiots? He's definitely thinking of me as some kind of weirdo.' Several thoughts appeared in her mind.

She couldn't even bring herself to turn her head towards Hiro to face him.

"Good luck with your friends." Speaking such in a cheerful tone, Hiro walked past her.

The girls who were swarming around Hiro quite enjoyed her precious reaction. At first they were looking at her very coldly, as if she was their mortal enemy. But after seeing her in that awkward situation, they all had a smile on their faces. They very much enjoyed her dumbfounded look.

Even after Hiro walked quite far away from her, Minami was still standing at that same place with that same facial expression from before, completely dazed.

Running down the stairs, the fat girl and the girl with ponytail came rushing towards her.

And as they approached her, the fat girl asked excitedly, "What happened?? Did you get his number?"

However Minami didn't reply anything at all. Neither did she blink her eyes nor did she opened her mouth.

"What happened to you? Did you see a ghost?" The girl with ponytail asked with a concerned look on her face.

Hearing the word ghost, she was brought back to her senses. And as soon as she came back to her senses, she raised her both hands and placed it atop the shoulder of the girl with ponytail.

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Her brows arched, she made a serious expression and spoke, "Ghost you say?? Now I'll let you two see the ghost in me."

"What happened to you Minami? Are you getting possessed?" Feeling slightly scared, the fat girl asked.

"Yeah!! Why.... Why... Why are you acting like this?" The girl with ponytail shuddered.

As if Minami was about to hack at her, she was tightening her grip and bringing her face closer to the face of the girl with the ponytail.

With their brows frowning, the two girls were getting more and more anxious and scared of her.

And suddenly Minami hugged the girl with the ponytail and started sobbing, "Why did you two leave me all alone? He's probably thinking of me as a weirdo now."

Her eyes moistened and her lips pouted, she whined like a little girl at that moment. Her crying voice was very sweet and as innocent as a little baby. Despite that her sobbing face looked extremely pretty.

Seeing her sobbing, the two girls standing their could guess that things didn't go well. And thus, they started to comfort her. Patting Minami's head, they tried to calm her down.

**** ****

Finally after walking for a while, Hiro arrived infront of his class. And by that time, the girls swarming him who weren't from his class had all left away for their own classes as well.

Sliding the door of the classroom, he unlocked the door of his classroom. And just as he was about to enter his classroom, his eyes landed on a familiar face.

Fare skinned guy with chubby cheeks and round face, coupled with black pupils and straight black hair, the somewhat obese guy was sitting right beside his chair. The guy was non other than Masao.

when he was absent from school.