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Nanny and the Alpha Daddy

Chapter 245
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#Chapter 245: Return


Everyone froze and stared at each other with wide eyes as the sound of the groaning and shuffling came closer.

“Daddy?” Ella whimpered. “Who is there?”

Edrick slowly sat Ella down, then walked toward the door. He gestured to the security guards, but before anything

could be done, the last person we expected walked into the doorway.

“Thought you could kill me, huh?”

Michael stood in the doorway with an evil smirk on his face. Selina, the maids and I all let out a collective gasp.

Selina suddenly grabbed Ella by the arm and shoved her behind us to keep her protected.

“Michael,” I said, taking a step forward, “you were dead.”

Michael just laughed. “I was indeed,” he said. “But not for long. I guess you didn’t realize that I was waking up

thanks to your healing abilities by the time you took off with Edrick and just left me there.

I shook my head. “I never healed you—”

“Oh, but you did.” Michael took a step forward. The security guards moved to stop him, but Edrick held his hand up

to make them wait. “Because you’re an untrained i***t who has no right having werewolf abilities, you didn’t just

heal Edrick. You healed me alongside him, because I was within close vicinity. Convenient, isn’t it?”

My eyes widened. I looked up at Edrick, but his eyes were fixed on Michael.

“Why are you here?” Edrick asked angrily. “How did you even get here? Why are you so hell bent on killing the

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Golden Wolf that you would try to kill a pregnant woman and your own son?”

Unsurprisingly, Michael simply shrugged. “I suppose you wouldn’t understand,” he snarled. “I’m sorry, Edrick. But if

you just step out of the way and let me finally finish the job, I won’t bother you from now on. WereCorp is yours.”

Edrick stared disbelievingly at Michael for a long time, and held his arm out to keep me behind him.

“You’re a monster,” Edrick said. “I’d never let you kill Moana. You could promise me all of the wealth in the world

and I still wouldn’t let you anywhere near her.”

Michael just laughed. His laugh was low and grating, and as he laughed, he coughed slightly. I watched as a bit of

blood trickled out of his mouth, and he wiped it away. The gashes on his arms were still there from when the Golden

Knife shattered, although they weren’t bleeding so much now. However, he still looked weak.

And he didn’t have the knife, but I wasn’t going to say anything just yet. I was curious to see where this would go

now that he had no real way to kill the Golden Wolf.

“I’ll have you locked up.” Edrick took another step toward Michael. Suddenly, my hand shot out and I grabbed

Edrick’s arm, causing him to stop and look at me over his shoulder. I just slowly shook my head and then walked in

front of him. He didn’t seem to want to let me do it, but we both knew that there was no stopping me now.

Michael almost killed my mate and my baby, and he put Ella in danger. Even if I wasn’t the Golden Wolf, I was still a

mother. And Michael unleashed my rage.

“If you want to kill me so badly, then do it now,” I said, walking toward him with my arms outstretched. I stopped a

few paces in front of him and stared down my nose at him. The cruel Alpha who once towered over me seemed so

small now. “Go ahead. Kill me.”

“Moana—” Selina began, but I just held my hand up for her to stop and she fell silent immediately.

Michael laughed again. A little more blood trickled out of his mouth, and he swayed slightly as he gripped the


“Maybe I will,” he murmured. “I won’t let you and your agenda get in the way of my business. I built my empire off

of the backs of lowly humans. Don’t think that you can ruin that for me.”

Now, I was the one who laughed. “You can kill the Golden Wolf as many times as you want,” I replied. “But it won’t

stop change from happening. The Golden Wolf is a feeling, an idea. It’s not a physical entity. You can’t kill it. The

seeds of a revolution have already been sown by the very people who you abused to build your so-called ‘empire’.”

Michael’s face darkened. “You know nothing, w***e,” he whispered, taking a staggering step toward me. “All you

know is how to trap a man with a bastard child—”

“Don’t speak about our baby like that!” Edrick shouted, his voice rumbling like a growl.

“Oh, so now you care how I refer to your child?” Michael chortled. “You never cared when I called Ella the same

thing. She doesn’t even know, does she? Ella, do you know that your father is a worthless—”

“Shut up, grandpa!” Ella suddenly shrieked in a shrill tone of voice, causing everyone to whip around in surprise and

stare at her. She shoved past Selina and stood there with her hands balled up into fists at her sides. “You’re nothing

but a big meanie! No one likes you!”

Suddenly, while my back was turned, I felt movement behind me. I whirled around just in time to see Michael

lunging toward me.

But I only smirked.

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I held my hand up with my palm facing outward. As I did, that same blinding golden light shot out, only this time I

knew how to control it. It beamed out toward Michael and collided with his body like a physical force that sent him

flying backwards. He flew out the door and onto the grass on his back, groaning.

“Moana!” Edrick called.

I stormed out the door and walked over to Michael, who lay writhing on the grass in pain. The wind got knocked out

of him during his fall, and he couldn’t even speak now.

“You can’t kill me, Michael,” I said, bending down to look him straight in the eyes. “I know you can’t. You act like

you’re tough, like you’re smarter and somehow better than everyone else. But the fact of the matter is, you’re just

scared. You’re scared of a woman and a child.”

Michael swallowed, having regained the strength to talk. “I laughed when I slit your w***e mother’s throat,” he


Suddenly, I reached down and grabbed a fistful of Michael’s shirt with more strength than I thought I had. As I did, I

could see fear flash through Michael’s gray eyes. By now, I could hear everyone running out onto the lawn where

we were. Their footsteps echoed through the air as they ran toward us.

“Say more,” I replied. “Tell me about all of the people you’ve killed. Tell me why you’re not on that list.”

Michael’s eyes widened slightly.

“Moana! Get away from him!” I heard Edrick shout from behind me. “He’s dangerous!”

With a sneer, I let go of Michael’s shirt and let him fall back to the grass. I stepped away and shook my head as the

security guards swarmed around Michael.

“He’s no threat,” I said, turning and walking back to Edrick. “The knife is gone. He’s just an angry old man now and

nothing more.”