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Rebirth Reclaiming Her Self by Fleur Delacour

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 The Disintegration of the Kins Family Brothers

Chapter 120 The Disintegration of the Kins Family Brothers.

How could Fanny as such a question? After all these years, isn’t she the one who has been assuming Angela's

identity? He pamper Fanny even more than before to make her feel included, neglecting Angela and attending to

Fanny's every need. Her confidence note is all thanks to our support. He didn’t give enough, did we? He

regretted being young and ignorant, repeatedly saying words that deeply hurt Angela.

Suddenly standing up. Zacharias swayed unsteadily, his handsface turning pale as he looked disappointedly

at Fanny “Angela is also my sister. | care about her. What's wrong with that? Are you not allowed? Does this

family only allow having one daughter, which was you, the only one to be cherished?”

Zacharias couldn’t understand what was happening to them. From the birthday banquet to this hospital stay, a

strange emotion gradually rose in his heart My attention to Angela is surprisingly minimal while living under the

sroof as his brother. | don’t even know Angela hates snowdrops, and | don’t know anything about her

childhood. Not only him but also his parents and brothers. Not a single person cared about Angela. Everyone's

focus unconsciously shifted to Fanny. That day, Angela stormed into the house with a group of people, while the

servants vividly described how Angela was arrogant and broke all of Fanny's belongings Everyone blames

Angela, but no one has ever considered why Fanny’s unwanted clothes and belongings are in Angela’s room

The night before last, Zacharias got up in the middle of the night to drink water. He inexplicably opened Angela’s

bedroom, only to discover that the room she had been living in for so many years was a storage room. The room

was narrow, smaller than his bathroom, with corners piled with all sorts of things. A little, poor-quality single bed

tightly against the wall was so thin that it was difficult to turn over. He stood at the door, stunned for a long time.

It turns out that the Kins Family always talked about being generous to Angela, providing her with whatever she

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needed. Still, they could only ensure that Angela had enough. food and wouldn't starve.

In that moment of regret and self-mockery, a surge of emotions overwhelmed his entire body. How could | be

audacious to tell Angela with righteous indignation that the Kins Family is very good to her? Don’t be ungrateful

Don’t fight with Fanny over things that don’t belong to her. Zacharias looked at Fanny angrily and indifferently,

then turned and walked away.

Fanny stood still, staring blankly at Zacharias’s back, her expression extremely grim. She slowly clenched her

hands, digging her nails fiercely into her palm. She caught up, flustered, and said, “Zacharias, did Angela say

something to you? Or are you angry that Christopher | went to the dance party instead of going to the hospital to

take care of you? | was wrong. Zacharias. Can you forgive me?”

Samuel, who had changed his clothes, stomped down the stairs, saw Fanny crying with teary eyes, and

immediately rushed over and asked, “Zacharias, what's wrong with you? You're all grown up and still bullying

Fanny, making her cry!”

“Samuel... Fanny started to speak, tears streaming down her face.

Samuel clenched his fists, feeling heartbroken. He quickly turned to Zacharias and said, Zacharias, you need to

apologize to Fanny right now!”

Zacharias turned his head, his handsface filled with coldness as he glanced at them.

“Samuel, where did you learn to make someone apologize to Fanny without knowing the whole story? Did you do

the sthing to Angela before, without reason, making her apologize to Fanny?” Zacharias sneered, his face

even colder as he continued.



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Chapter 120 The Disintegration of the Kins Family Brothers

It all because of Angela! Samuel was already angry at Zacharias for making Fanny cry, and now he was even.

more furious “Zacharias, do you think just because you're sick and everyone in the family caters to you so that

you can do no wrong? Being sick for so long has made you think you're a saint. What does Angela have to do

with Fanny? Are you out of your mind?

At this, Zacharias started coughing violently, pointing a trembling finger at Samuel. Tm a saint? That goes for all

of you too! Don’t think | don’t know what you've been up

Now, in a rage, Samuel rolled up his sleeves and demanded. “Oh yeah? Then tell me, what have | done wrong”

Fanny lowered her eyes, feeling a sense of unease in her heart. She quickly pulled Samuel Kins aside and said,

“Samuel, please stop. It’s all my fault. Last tat the hospital, | should have been the one taking care of

Zacharias, but Christopher said there was an important banquet and wantedto attend with him. 50, | asked

the caregiver to look after Zacharias. Understandably, Zacharias is angry”

Samuel beceven more dissatisfied and muttered, “Such a grown adult still needing someone to care for you,

how melotic

“Fanny, you be quiet! Zacharias coughed, his face pale as snow He calmed down and stared directly at Fanny

with his dark, mocking eyes, then turned to Samuel. Do you think you can help Fanny hide things from me, and |

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wouldn't know? Fanny calls Angela her sister, but she steals Angela's pencil case at school, almost causing her to

miss the transfer exam. She also secretly wrote a report to the school, accusing her of seducing Uncle Wilster. Is

this something a person did? Does she treat Angela as a sister? And you constantly say Angela deserves what

she gets. Is it fair for you to treat Angela like this? Angela is your blood


As he suddenly revealed all these things, Fanny trembled, biting her lip and shaking her head desperately

Upon seeing Fanny in distress, Samuel felt a pang of heartache and immediately began to panic and defend her

“What do you mean by stealing Angela’s pencil case? Aren't all the things she using now bought by our Kins

Family? If Fanny wants it, of course, she can take it back! And she wants to take the transfer exam. Did she

discuss it with the family: She no longer considers herself part of our Kims Family, so why should we still treat her

as a sister? Even if we report her, it's what she deserves!”

Upon hearing this response from the two, Zacharias was stunned. He felt like his whole worldview was

collapsing. Those are Angela’s things. What does he meant Can Fanny take them back if the wants? And what

does he mean? Is it Angela's fault if she gets reported? When did the family start indulging Fanny like this? No

wonder been spoiled rotten and becto selfish and malicious!

Seeing Zacharias standing in a daze, looking like he was about to collapse, Samuel felt regretful. | shouldnt sprak

harshly, especially since he just returned from the hospital What if he gets sick again? But Zacharias suddenly

seemed to be siding with Angela, which irritated Samuel Zacharias, don’t forget, Angela heartlessly sentto

the police station. | still have a record because of her!”

“That's what you deserve! Zacharias growled. He suddenly felt that this family was too strange and abnormal, so

much so that it scared him. Is this really what an average family should be like?