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Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1027 With Great Power Comes Not Giving A Fuck
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Dancers started dancing around the hall, as the wealthy nobles laughed and shared drinks. I didn't particularly liked being with them, but they were at least not corrupt types of nobles, so at least they were okay. The dancers were also just actual dancers whose professions were entertainment, and not enslaved girls, so that was okay too. And they were pretty hot and amazing at dancing, so they were quite the eye candy to divert my gaze from the ugly old men.

The music was really good though, and the liquor, combined with all the tasty food was even better. The atmosphere beclighter as we celebrated our last day in here before departing on the last city of the Goldsand Confederation, and its largest and wealthiest too, which lies by the sea that connects the continent of Midgard with the Continent of Alfheim, where we get a lot of imported things from there. Emerald Fountain.

But for now, we just enjoyed the drinks and the food. Celes was really happy with Nyx and his friends. Fabian and his pals, Silva, even the twins, and even Tear had grown really attached to the brat. I had also grown quite attached to him, but I not to the extent of sobbing over it. Well, I'm sure he'll be fine.

With the powers he awakened and everything else, he'll surely beca great guardian of this city, and if possible, perhaps even its ruler over time. I am sure the people will grow to love someone caring and strong like him. His magic is also very flexible, offensive, defensive, and healing magic, so he'll be able to heal most people as he develops his powers.

After setting up several barriers and shadow teleportation points, if someone ever dares attack this place, I'll immediately know and cto help. I've also left Phantom Clones and many Undead, just in case desert monsters decide to attack the city now.

Nonetheless, I could notice how my daughter would miss him, she was still very talkative and all, but clearly looked a bit sad. She was trying her best to pretend to be okay though, she's good at doing that at least, huh?

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Poor baby girl, I wish we could bring them along for her, but I suppose this is it. I do feel a bit sad myself too, okay, maybe a bit too much? I spent a surprising amount of tand effort here. More than I imagined this "quick trip" would become. I even slain two gods in here, alongside a Saintess, and even evolved.

Yep, a lot happened.

"C-Con Master, eat this. I cut it down for you." Partner was blushing while offeringsmeat with her fork. She was wearing a really sexy red dress; her legs were so big and were rubbing against mine. And her even bigger breasts were almost resting over my arms because of how tightly stuck toshe was. Honestly, her attempts at seducingwere too adorable!

"Nom! Hmm! Sho good!" I smiled, eating what she offeredas if I was a baby. Being spoiled like this wasn't so bad from tto time, right? "But this cute vampire girl over here is even cutter." I started playfully kissing her neck. "Mooch, mooch~"

"A-Ah, master! Hahah! T-That tickles, con~!" She moaned a bit, completely acting cute instead of her usual snarky self.

"Sorry~ I just can't have enough of this beauty sometimes." I giggled, as I gave her a kiss on her soft lips. "Hmm, tastes like liquor." I licked my lips after that.

"Y-You…! I'm trying to behave like a lady, and you constantly tease me, master!" She complained, pouting adorably.

"Hahahah! My bad, my bad~" I giggled.

"Here, I served you more wine, dear." Emeraldine smiled gently at my side. Unlike Partner, she wasn't pretending to be a cute lady, she had always been a motherly and adorable girl. "Drink up and just relax! We've gone through a lot."

"I suppose." I drank sof the wine. "But you should eat as well. Con, letfeed you sof this and that… Oh, letmake you a sandwich. Do you want so juice, honey?"

"A-Ah, sure!" Emeraldine giggled a bit. "Don't spoilso much, geez…"

"Anything for my cutie Emeraldine~" I said as I happily served my queen.

"H-Hey! Aren't you giving her too much attention?" Partner, the jealous little vampire, complained.

"What? Want another kiss then?" I giggled.

"N-No… I mean, maybe. But also givefood and stuff!" Partner complained.

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"Hahaha, okay, okay~ Just be honest." I smiled, kissing her cheeks as I served her a plate full of recently cooked food that was being made around the table. My phantom clones brought it easily for us.

"Eat up then, let's enjoy the evening, my two beauties." I rested my arms around the two of them as they felt rather joyous and relaxed. As we ate and drank liquor, we started kissing a lot. But at this point we stopped caring about the world around us and just enjoyed the moment.

However, I also did sconversations, just for the sake of it. Charles and his wife talked a lot about the future of the city, but I was barely paying attention. The two of them spoke so formally and with clear fear in their eyes that I could barely make sense of what they talked about. I guess they sawas an even more terrifying figure than a god after they sawkill two of them.

"S-So, if possible, we would like to keep a good relationship between our town and your family, Lady Maria… I-I have also heard you have a village of your own! If there is anything they need, please feel free to ask…!"

As he spoke, I was currently sucking on Partner's tongue, tasting the wine she just drank.

"Hmm~ Ah, what? What did you say? I didn't hear you." I looked back at him, his face was growing paler as I was giving off a divine aura without realizing.

"T-That you just… err, you have our utmost support." He suddenly bowed down to me.

"Ah, yeah, whatever. Chere now, I am not done." I kept sucking on my Partner's delicious tongue and then Emeraldine started kissinglater.

Indeed, with great power comes… not giving a fuck.
