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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace

Chapter 236
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Chapter 236 A drizzle today. Grandma said she’s takingto Sea City today, to confront my biological parents about the child support they owe for all these years.

Today, Grandma tookto distribute food to the homeless kids again. She played the part of a saint, but | know better-she’s a monster, a ghoul that devours children.

Grandma said those kids are sick and worthless, bringing bad luck. She’s decided not to give them food anymore. | saved every penny | could, skimping on meals, just to buy them something to eat.

Clear skies today. Grandma suddenly announced she found my real parents. They're takingback. I'm so happy. | can finally escape this nightmare.

Sunny today. it turns out my parents don’t really like me. They disdainfor being from the countryside. My sister despisestoo. She refuses to be seen within the car, fearing her classmates will laugh. She and her peers have ostracized me.

Today, Coraline corneredin the school bathroom again. They stripped me, forcedto drink from the toilet, mockingas country trash and a fool.

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Just hold on a little longer, until graduation. | don’t want to attend college. | want to leave this house. | thought the countryside was hell, but this place is far worse.

Today, Coraline had the nanny servespoiled food, while she enjoyed a gourmet meal prepared by a chef. | was so hungry that | told my parents, but they said | should be grateful for the food since | used to eat coarse grains in the countryside.

In retaliation for snitching, Coraline ambushedon my way home, corneringin an alley. She brought along a few boys from school, had them strip me, record videos, and forcedto beg.

1 was terrified.

Today, someone found out I've been secretly feeding the homeless kids. He said he could helpescape hell, that he could kill those who hurt me. All | had to do was observe and mimic a woman named Phoebe Caldwell and be obedient.

He asked for a list of names. He'd eliminate everyone on it for me. Just one chance.

| didn’t believe him, but on a whim, | listed a boy from school who often bullied- Elijah.

1/3 Chapter 236 Today, Elijah didn’t show up for class. After school, word spread that he died-an old man with dementia threw a flowerpot from his apartment window, hitting Elijah. A freak accident.

Am | to blfor giving that man Elijah’s name? He ctoagain, insisting | take Phoebe Caldwell’s place. I've been tailing Phoebe for a while now. She seems as pitiful as | am. | don’t want to hurt her.

Today, | heard Phoebe Caldwell has disappeared. I'm sure he’s behind it. I'm scared. | tried to go to the police station three times today but couldn’t muster the courage to walk in.

Will Phoebe die because of me? He wantsto replace her, to marry an idiot from the Langley family. I'm scared.

| don’t want to replace anyone.

Did | cause Phoebe Caldwell’s death? | don’t want to harm others. Why me? Is death my only escape? | wish | could just die.

Foebe Larson's journal was a tof darkness, chronicling the evil in humanity.

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When an avalanche occurs, no single snowflake is innocent. The Larson family, Coraline, the mastermind-they all embody this evil.

“What are you doing here? A lady of your status rummaging through trash at my house?” Coraline sneered at the warehouse door.

I turned to face her, my gaze turning icy.

Step by step, | approached her, grabbed her hair, and slammed her head into the wall. A nail protruded from the wall, slicing Coraline’s face open, blood gushing forth.

For a fleeting moment, a dreadful thought crossed my mind-I could just kill her, maybe even turn her into a specimen.

But | released my grip, stepping back in horror.

What was | thinking? “Mom! Foebe’s gone mad, Mom!” Coraline’s cry for help sliced through my confusion as she attempted to flee.

2/3 11:48 Chapter 236 Almost without thought, | grabbed her hair, pinning her to the ground, picking up the rusty nail, ready to silence her forever.

Coraline looked atwith pure terror, as if seeing a demon incarnate.