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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79

Chapter 79.

Nelly’s POV.

Two weeks later.

“You're the one | want to spend my life with,” Kex’s voice rang in my head, clear as a bell.

I had heard him say those words two weeks ago, and yet | still didn’t understand what he meant. | had tried to

get him to explain, but he always evaded my questions, promising that one day | would understand. But | was

tired of waiting. So | gave up?

| pushed the food in front ofto the side, my appetite long gone. | had been using a wheelchair for a week

now, and | was beginning to feel stir-crazy. Finally, after a lot of hard work and determination, | was able to walk


| would be lying if | said | wasn’t overjoyed. | had almost lost all hope, but Kex, ever the optimist, had never

stopped believing in me. He had practiced with me, giving me. hope and encouragement when | felt like giving

up. | couldn’t help but think that his mate was one lucky woman.

| pulled my shirt off and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower. Kex had been so busy with pack matters

lately, | hadn't even seen his shadow in days. He had been consumed with matters of the pack.

But | couldn't help but feel a little neglected. | was worried that our relationship would suffer if he continued to

be so consumed by his work. | wanted him to make tfor us, don’t blme if | act like his wife. | finished my

shower and toweled off, wondering if | should bring up my concerns with him.

| put on a white gown, one that revealed a bit of cleavage and stopped just above my knees, revealing much of

my curves. | applied a light touch of makeup, accentuating my features without trying to look too made-up.

I left my hair down, letting the soft waves fall around my shoulders. If | was going to talk to Kex about my

concerns, | wanted to look my best. | wanted to be confident and beautiful.

| walked out of my room, heading towards Kex's office. But as | passed by, | noticed that his door was slightly

ajar. | couldn't help but peek inside. | saw him sitting at his desk, staring at the files In Front of him, completely

absorbed in his work.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He didn’t even noticeas | opened the door wider and stepped into the room. | cleared my throat, but he still

didn’t look up. | was beginning to feel a bit irritated. Was |


Chapter 79

really so invisible to him? | walked towards him, and reached out to close the file on his desk.

“Kex,” | said, my voice firm. He jolted, clearly startled by my presence. | rolled my eyes, not in the mood for his


“I'm so sorry,” he said, his tone sheepish. “I didn’t even notice you were there.”

| folded my arms across my chest, trying to appear stern.

“I've barely seen you since last night. What's going on?” He looked at me, a smile. playing at the corners of his

lips, and then he burst into laughter.

“What's funny?” | asked, confused.

“I'm sorry for laughing,” he said, though the smile on his face betrayed his words. “But you just acted like

Harry’s mom.” | couldn’t help but smile at that.

“Stop laughing,” | said, though it was clear | wasn’t really angry.

“Ok, ok,” he said, still chuckling. I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

“Kex!” | yelled, and he finally stopped laughing, though the smile remained.

“What is it?” he asked. “Can we talk?” | asked, my tone serious again.

He nodded, all traces of laughter gone.

“Are we fighting?” | asked, a hint of worry in my voice.

“Of course not,” he said, his tone reassuring. “What happened?” he asked, and | felt my shoulders relax.

“You've barely spent any twith me,” | pouted.

He let out a chuckle, and | found myself smiling in spite of myself. “Why would you ever think | would snub you?”

he asked, his hands finding my cheeks and gently caressing them. | sighed, as he pulledto his laps and

wrapped his arms around them.

“I don’t know,” | said, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt.

“Zaddy has just been busy with work, don’t get mad at him,” he said, his voice low and husky.

His hands cupped my face, and I felt his breath hot on my lips. | couldn’t help but feel a tingle of excitement, and

| noticed my nipples hardening beneath my shirt. It had been a while since we'd sex, and | was beginning to

crave him. He stared at me, his gaze

Chapter 79

intense, and | found myself wanting him more and more.

I leaned in to kiss him, and his lips met mine in a soft, tender kiss. But as the kiss deepened, it becmore

intense, more passionate. | found myself moaning into his. mouth, and he responded in kind.

Finally, he pulled away, leavingbreathless. But he wasn’t done withyet. He began to kiss my neck, his

mouth ho

on my skin. | let out a giggle, the sensation tickling me, and he chuckled softly in response. | felt a heat rising

within me, a need growing inside me..

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and | let out a groan of frustration. Kex’s kisses. stopped, and he called

out, “Who's there?”

“There's a message for you, Alpha,” cthe voice from the other side of the door.

“Cback later, I'm busy!” Kex said, his voice firm as he resumed his kisses on my neck.

But the voice persisted, “It's important, your highness.”

Kex sighed, and called out, “Fine, cin.”

| began to stand up, but he pulledback into his lap, a smirk on his face. | raised an eyebrow.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The door flew open, and a guard walked in. He bowed before handing a letter to Kex. “That will be all,” Kex said,

dismissing the guard.

The door closed, and the two of us were left alone again. Kex's face grew serious as he opened the letter and

began reading it. | felt a twinge of anxiety, wondering what news. it might bring.

“What is it?” | asked, my voice tinged with curiosity and worry. Kex turned to me, hist expression grave.

“It's not something serious,” he said, breaking the tension a little. “Just sjoint Alpha meetings.” But his face

still looked serious. | tilted my head, my gaze searching for his.

“Then why the frown?” | asked, puzzled. His gaze softened as he met my eyes.

“It's just that... whenever there's an Alpha’s party, | have to cwith a plus one,” he explained.

“And | want that plus one to be you.” A smile spread across my face. “You know I'd follow you anywhere,” |


“No! Don’t come,” he said, his voice hard and cold.



away. “Kex,” | said, as 1 held his face.

“It's nothing,” he said, his voice sounding strained. “I just... it’s nothing.”

But | knew him better than that. Something was clearly bothering him.

“Kex,” | said, “Am | looking so bad that you are ashamed to tell me?”

“Never! It's just that... Astel will be there,” he said, his voice cold.