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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 25
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“What? Can’t you ask the maids to help you?” Veronica suggested. Rebecca’s eyes reddened. “You want

me to beg them every time I need to get off my bed?”

“I-I’m sorry. I will help you, so don’t worry.”

“Good. So how about you go to the kitchen and bring me some breakfast? I’m hungry, so we’ll discuss

while I eat.”

“Okay. Okay.” Veronica then went into the kitchen that was on the ground floor. It was probably her first

time entering the kitchen in months. As she was checking through various refrigerators, looking for fresh

fruits, she noticed a small two-layered cake in one of the chambers. The cake itself wasn’t what shocked

her, but the words written on the cake were wishing her a happy birthday.

“D-Did Mom make this?” her eyes turned a bit teary. “I misunderstood her.” She happily took the whole

cake up to her sister’s room who was slack-jawed from seeing the cake being brought by her tip-toeing

sister. “Check this out, it’s my birthday cake! There are pink flower designs on top! This is the best cake

ever made for my birthday. Period.”

“Whoa, whoa, wait,” Rebecca tried to calm her. “Wasn’t your birthday yesterday?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know Mom made me this cake! She didn’t tell me!”

“She didn’t tell you?” Rebecca felt something wasn’t right. While Veronica didn’t blindly trust everything

her mother said, she still had no idea the things Selena was capable of doing Rebecca also loved her

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mother so much until one day she saw her mother maids how she should please Jacob in bed. It was a

terrifying experience for her. She thought it was a dream, but no. It was far from being a dream. Perhaps,

that’s when she began to lose respect for her parents and became more of an introvert and minded her


Rebecca put her hand on her sister. “Mom has been really busy with shooting since the last two months.

I don’t think she has the time to make a pastry this cute with intricate designs and all.”

“Then who made this? One of the maids? Still, Mom should have told them to make it, right?” Just then,

Kathy entered the room, bringing a bag of fruits and water and medication. “Here’s food, water, and

tablets.” She put everything on the table next to the bed.

“How did you know which tablets to bring?” Rebecca asked. “You weren’t here last night.”

“Yes, but Benjamin gave me a list of all things needed early in the morning when I was preparing

breakfast,” said Kathy and then looked at the cake. “Oh my,” she covered her mouth and looked at

Veronica. “You didn’t cut the cake yesterday?”

Her reaction surprised the sisters.

“You made the cake?” Veronica asked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“No, ma’am. I didn’t make the cake. It was Benjamin who made it two nights back,” Kathy said, and the

sisters’ expressions froze as they looked at each other. “I heard him tell one of

the maids to keep it in the fridge. I thought he would use the cake on your birthday, but…” she looked at

Rebecca. “Maybe because you got hurt yesterday, he might have not felt like celebrating.” Rebecca

didn’t say anything, but she knew that wasn’t true. Even before her ankle got broken, Benjamin was

behaving strangely. She could just see it in his eyes. “B-Benjamin made this cake for me?” Veronica

looked frozen. As Benjamin’s image flashed in his mind, she immediately swatted the cake to the side,

and it crashed on the floor, shocking both Rebecca and Kathy. “Why did he make a cake for me? It’s not

like we’re friends! No matter what dress I wear, he has a problem with it. He always talks back to me

negatively, and he expects me to eat the cake he made?” Despite what she said, she had already tasted

the cake with her finger and liked it. However, there was just no way she could reveal that. She glared at

Kathy. “Take that cake and throw it in that trash’s face!” Kathy looked at Rebecca as if asking her

permission. Rebecca was also feeling angry with the way Benjamin was acting toward her, so she ended

up nodding Kathy then took the cake downstairs. Benjamin was almost done with eating his breakfast

meal. Lisa was asking him for some pocket money.

Kathy didn’t want to do it in front of the children, but she had her own little grudge against Benjamin. “You

rejected me, so don’t blame me for doing this to you.” She came up to him with the cake hidden behind

her back and smiled when he looked at her.

Benjamin didn’t smile in return. He had been avoiding Kathy ever since she tried to get too close to him.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“Young Lady Veronica told me to give this cake back to you,” she smeared the whole cake in his face.

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Lisa and Louis’ children were shocked, whereas Roshan began recording it on his mobile. Veronica who

was watching from upstairs snickered throughout.

Though Benjamin’s blood rushed in rage, he thought of the words, ‘a good king is also a good servant,’

that were passed down in his family. He wiped the cake off his face and began eating

“Ew,” both Lisa and Roshan felt like throwing up. They couldn’t even sit there anymore.

“I’m sorry, Benjamin,” Kathy lowered her posture and acted innocent, speaking in a low voice. “Veronica

forced me to do this.”

“It’s okay,” Benjamin said. “At least you didn’t throw this cake in the dustbin. It took me an hour to

prepare it.” He was still licking what was left on his face and what fell on his plate. His words startled

Kathy, though Veronica was too far to hear him. Benjamin leaned toward her and grabbed her hands and

began licking them, shocking Veronica. However, Kathy felt a surge of electricity coursing through her

body. Getting turned on like that, with her hand and finger getting licked, she had never experienced

such a thing. Still, it only lasted a few seconds, and before she knew it, Benjamin was wiping his face

with the napkin tied to her waist. Even though he didn’t really touch her anymore, because his face

was only a few inches away from her most private part. Benjamin stood and looked into her eyes. With

oil still covering his face, it made him shine a bit, and she was able to get a better view of his face. He

looked a lot more handsome than usual. Her heart was pounding against her chest before she knew it.

How could he lick her hands like she was some kind of her pet dog? Moreover, what was he up to now?

Will he kiss her? She wasn’t ready for it.

“Where’s the rest of the cake?” asked Benjamin. Kathy’s expression fell flat. “W-What?”