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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 489
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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate Chapter 489: Almost ruined

Giovanni’s phone rang suddenly. He regarded the number on the screen for a moment before he dropped it. It

stopped ringing, only for it to start ringing again. With a sigh, Giovanni picked it up.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Boss, it is Philip. Do you remember me now?”

Giovanni thought for a moment as he tried to remember where he had heard the name from. He remembered

almost immediately, the spy he planted at some of the special members’ side, at the members that were used to

moving and thinking together.

But his calling actually meant a lot of things. They haven’t spoken since forever.

“Yes, I do now. Is anything wrong?”

“Yes, boss. There’s something I need to inform you of.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“A suspicious man came to see the special members yesterday. I think it’s Italy’s billionaire president.”

Giovanni stood up. “What? Are you sure about that? I mean I heard that Italy isn’t participating in this contest. How

come one of them met with the special members?”

“I told you what I saw, boss. I think you should do something about it.”

“Ok, what was his name?”

Philip went quiet for a moment as he thought about it. “Oh, I remember. It’s G-,” he was forced to a sudden stop as

someone placed a gun in his temple and cocked the gun.

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One of the special members smiled and took the phone from him. He stared at the screen and realised it was

saved as Giovanni. He hung up and looked at one of his men.

“The audacity you have to contact Giovanni while you are still working for me. You sure are unbelievable!”

Philip went on his knees. “Please, boss. I’m so sorry. Please, it was a mistake.”

“Take him,” he ordered and watched the men take Philip away.

The door opened and Avery stepped inside. Grey walked inside behind her.

“Miss Avery! You are here finally,” one of the special members said, with a smile on his face.

Avery reciprocated their smile. “Good morning, Mr_,” she looked at their faces for a reply.

“I am James, this is Ian and this is Douglas,” James introduced.

Avery nodded briefly, the smile still playing on her face. “Alright, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to

be here today.”

Ian looked over at Grey, recognizing him to be Hercules.

Avery noticed that Ian was interested in something from behind her. So, she followed the path of Ian’s gaze and

looked at Grey, then back at Ian again.

“I’m sorry for the lack of introduction. This is David, my assistant.”

Grey bowed slightly, with a smile on his face. “I’m David.”

“I think we are ready for this,” Avery sounded excited in her voice.

“Yes, what would you like us to be exactly? And what kind of company are you?”

“Please, have a seat,” Ian gestured to the chairs.

Avery sat and started explaining the concept and mission of the company. Within a few minutes, she was done.

She looked at the men one after the other. “So, are you interested in becoming one of our investors? It would

actually be so much appreciated if you can.”

James smiled. “We have already discussed this before you came in. We have decided to be your investors, which

means you’ve gotten three new investors,” he announced.

“Seriously?” Avery whooped with delight. “Thank you so very much. We really appreciate it. I’m so grateful for this.”

“I will let you know when everything is all settled,” she assured.

James nodded once. “We will be waiting,” he looked at Grey again. “This is your assistance, right?”

Avery made a positive nod of the head. “He is. Is something wrong?”

“No,” James said suddenly. “We only need to have a few minutes with him. Can we have that?”

“It’s for the betterment of your company,” Douglas said quickly. “I mean he’s a guy, that’s why we are passing this

information across to him. Well, he could pass it to you later but it’s appropriate we inform and warn him about it,”

he explained to convince Avery.

Avery nodded once, a smile suddenly appearing on her face. “I understand and I really appreciate your concern. I

will be waiting for you outside,” she bowed slightly and walked out of the room.

Grey released a sigh. “Is everything alright?”

James shook his head briefly. “I caught one of my men speaking to Giovanni. How did you know?”

Grey chuckled, amused. “Seriously? Ok, I’m not surprised. Giovanni is used to planting his men everywhere. He had

done it to my father and me several times. So, I just thought to inform you earlier so as to avoid a huge disaster.

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And I’m glad that you responded quickly.”

Ian nodded once. “Thank goodness that we responded faster. We actually took our turn in inspecting our security

guards ourselves and guess what, he was about to tell him your name when we caught him.”

Grey’s heart made a sudden thud. “W_what?”

“Relax, Hercules,” Douglas said quickly. “Because it didn’t happen. James avoided it and thankfully for it, our plan

has gone unscathed.”

“Though, he already told him that someone came to visit us in Italy and Giovanni might have thought it was the

Italian billionaire president, which would have erased the fact that Italy wasn’t participating in the contest. You have

to move quickly.”

James nodded once. “We are leaving Italy in four hours. And we’ve spoken to one of the other members already. It

looks like Giovanni had succeeded in getting across to him as well. He was initially in support of Giovanni but we

managed to change his mind. Giovanni is a despicable man. He could even push us aside if he becomes a special


Grey released a relieved sigh. “Thank you. I really appreciate it. But may I ask you where the location of the

announcement would be?”

“It’s Jacksonville. We figured out it would give Giovanni a shock. We had it in Jacksonville last year as well. I mean

Giovanni would think he had really won.”

Grey figured out how fast they had to move. If Giovanni already knew that someone came to visit the special

members. Then, there was no need to hide anymore. Giovanni would see through their lies now. They just needed

to seal everything quickly.

“You are right. If the venue is really Jacksonville, then we are giving him the right shock. I should have one of your

contact Incase I need to share some information. Also, I will have some of my men go with you until you reach your

desired location. Giovanni might try something funny. He would be desperate at this moment.”

The members shook their heads briefly.