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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 54
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Shackled (The Lord Series)
54. Stefan
“Drive faster!” Alekos orders me. He runs his fingers through his hair. “She is our hellstart”
He smashes a fist on the dashboard. If he does that one more time to my car, I will kick his a ss out and he can walk all the way
to Reyes’ apartment.
“How the f uck didn’t I realize it before?! We need to find a way to repair the bond! If only I stopped to think for a second, we
would not have hurt her so badly. Go ddam, what fools we are.” He is almost hyperventilating
He will be a fool if he really believes Angel is a helistar.
There hasn’t been one in almost two hundred years. What makes us so special to be blessed with one? Reyes is probably in
love with Angel and on the verge of insanity, and seeing her humiliated in front of everyone must have pushed him over the
edge. It would not surprise me if Reyes made up the story of her being our hellstar so that he could forgive her for destroying our
things. Reyes and Alekos might be willing to forgive her, but I am not.
Go d. I hate her so much for throwing Emily’s ring in the f ucking toilet that I want to strangle her. If Reyes expects me to accept
her as our bonded, he is in for a big disappointment. I am glad the bond broke.
I make it to the complex where Reyes owns an apartment and park the car next to Reyes. Alekos opens the door and rushes to
the elevator. I follow him.

“What’s taking so long?” Alekos growls when the elevator starts going up
*The apartment is on the 15th floor. It might take a minute or two,” 1 sig
The moment the elevator stops, the doors open, and Alekos rushes out. The entrance to Beyer apartment can be opened with
either a remote key or a thumbprint. Alekos grabs the handle, places his thumb in the middle, and pushes the door open. He
almost trips while running inside the apartment.
I sigh as I close the door behind me. I don’t understand why Alekos believes Reyes’ fairytale about Angel being our hellstar.
Reyes is unhinged, but what is Alekos!

Alekos goes into the living room. Reyes and Angel are snuggled on the couch, watching TV. Her hair in wet, and she is wearing
a clean shirt. Bandages cover her palma, feet, and knees, Alekos scoops her up, and for a moment, he looks like he is about to
say something, but then tears pool in her eyes, and he kisses her. She is motionless, Just like a doll.
I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the doorframe. Reyes stands and comes to me. “I had hoped you would stay
away. At least for tonight.” He sounds disappointed. “But I am glad that you came. She needs the three of us. The broken bond is
messing with her head. If I leave her alone just for one moment, she’s n sobbing mess. We need to ask the Elders about
hellstars and how to repair the bond with Angel.”
Alekos keeps kissing Angel. She is still limp in his arms and not returning the kiss.
“Will you stop?” | snap.
Reyes co cks his head. “Stop

“Claiming she is our hellstar. Look, she broke your guitar. Aren’t you mad about it? I feel like killing her for what she did with the
ring. And whatever shi t she did until now.”
Reyes is quiet for a moment before saying. “For a few minutes, I hated Angel more than I hated Roxanne, but I hate the idea of
losing her more. My demon and i love Angel. We want to be with her. As for the guitar, maybe someone can fix it for me. Maybe
ask a jeweler to make a replica of the ring?”
“A replica? Are you kidding me?” I almost shout. Reyes shrugs. “Emily was-is-the love of my life. I will never accept Angel as our
Lady, not after what she did.
*Angel is our hellstu, Can’t you feel it? Or your demon?”
For mr. Emily was my other half. And except for that one time when my demon growled, he had been quiet.
Angel is not our hellstar. Blood brothers never mistreat their mates...or call them “stup id cu nts. Or torture them. Or humiliate
them and put it on the internet for everyone to see.
Alekos breaks the kiss, and staring into Angel’s eyes, he asks, “Why won’t you kiss me back?”

54. Stefan
“Aher everything you have done to me, you expect me to kiss you back? You told me that you are going to break me and f uck
with my mind. Compulations.
just that.” She starts crying.
It is a cry Eke I have never heard before. It sounds more like a wail, like Angel is geving someone. Like had together.
grieving our broken bond and the Be we cond
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