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Shackled (The Lord Series) by Amy T

Chapter 66
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Shackled (The Lord Series)
66. Experiment 514
Sweat runs down my skin as Azael pounds hard into my body. Lately, things have not turned out how Azael wants, and the rapes
have become even more vicious. Aller years of enduring them, I became used to being... used as a stress reliever.
If everything turns out as I want, I will be out soon, and the facility that has been my prison. home will be no more.
Azael pushes my face into the old mattress as he moves faster, bringing forth the spi kes he has in his piercings, making my as s
bleed. It hurt so f ucking much that both my demon and angel snarl in my head. It feel like my as s is being ripped in two and I
am on the verge of vomiting. More sweat runs down his skin.
I try to let my mind wander, to not feel what is being done to me. To escape the torture, the agony, and the humiliation, Azael
continues to inflict as much pain as possible, and the squeaking of the old metall bed keeps me grounded, not letting me escape
inside my head. How I hate this bed. One day, I will melt it.
For several long minutes, I endure the brutal rape until Azael finally grunts behind me, putting an end to my suffering for now.
After coming inside my bleeding as s, Azael pulls out as fast as he entered me and stands. With a bit of hack, Azael is done with
me, and I can take a shower and sleep. My angel and demon will take care of the healing for me.
“713, come here!” Azael says in a commanding tone,
I turn on my back so fast I almost fall out of bed. I forgot Aarl brught 713 with him. Three days have passed since I was last
allowed to see her
T13 is on her knees in front of the door. Her gaze shines with unshed tears. The hated I arbor for Arael grows even stronger as I
look into 713’s white eyes.

“Clean coc k with your mouth.” Azael orders 713.
My demon growled with rage. 715 is my demon’s mate and Azarl loves to rape het in front of me, wanting to provoke my demon.
If not for my angel, Azael might have succeeded. But my Behemoth only growls as he watches what Azarl does to 713.
Still on her knees, 713 moves toward the bed and wraps her dainty fingers around Azarl’s ok. Azael burns to the side so I can

see 715 sucking him. His sp ik e s are still out. Usually, they are hidden within his piercings. Azael uses them when he is furious
with an experiment. From what I know, Azael controls the spi kes with the help of his angel
With her eyes on me, 713 licks the blood and the c um from Azael Cuts appear on her tongue but disappear moments later. The
horrible experiments Azael did on 713 made her heal faster than anyone I have ever seen. I have been permanently altered as
When 713 isn’t as fast as Azael wants, he slaps her so hard that she falls to the floor I fist my hands, trembling with rage as I
watch helplessly how Azael abuses the only person I care for. My demon growls so loudly that for a moment, I think I would tum
into a Behemoth, but nothing happens
713 gets back to her knees and resumes cleaning Al’s d ick.
When she is done, Azael tucks himself in his pants. “514, you have an hour with 713.” Azael looked over his shoulder at me.
“Make the most of the time while you can. In a few hours, she will be taken to experiment 919 Azael smaka before leaving.
A loud growl echoes in the small cell after the door is locked. I stand fast and rush to the door. Blood mixed with c um runs down
my legs. My knees buckle, and I brace myself against the door.
f ucking coward” 1 yell
It is said that 919 is the most vicious of all Azael’s experiments, and no shred of humanity is left in him. 713 will be taken to him,
and can’t do anything to stop it. Will she survive? Will I see her again? Why was I given a Behemoth demon if I can’t protect the
one I love?

715 wraps
her fingers around my wrist. “Come back to bed with me. You are still bleeding.”
I turn on my heels and pull her into my embrace. “I will f ucking kill Azael if he tries to take you away from me!” I vow
“If you try to do anything, he will punish you,” 713 says, her bath warm on my skim.
“You think I care what he does to me as long as he leaves you alone?”
66 Experiment 514
“You shouldn’t.”

She takes a step back. “Let’s get you back.
When my back rests against the cold metal beadboard, the crash into bed stop Al from hurting you.”
*I will return to you. 919 will not be the end of me,” she prose
“One day, I will get you out of here.”
says, putting her palm on my chest.
It amazes me how much trust she has in “I need to take a showen,” I uan, not wan
vext to me. My demon j
delight. “I hate that I can’t do anything 15
A small bathroom is attached to the mom I am kept in More blood gases out of itje as 1 pet up. Even with the help hours to be
completely healed.
“Do you need any help? she anks,
I straighten my shoulders. “I am Ene,” 1 tall her before entering the bathin
demandait might take a few
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