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Shattered Illusions: Love, Lies, and Redemption

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 Lizetta was staring at Remington in disbelief, her face ghostly pale, and her lips trembling.

Seeing her like that, Remington felt like his normally cold heart got a little squeeze.

His handsface softened a bit, but when he thought about what she had been up to lately, he felt a lump in his chest and just couldn't bring himself to sweet-talk her.

In the midst of this standoff, the ringtone of a cell phone broke the silence.

Remington rolled out of bed, grabbed a dagger, and casually cut through the tie binding Lizetta’s hands.

Immediately, Lizetta burrowed into the covers.

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Picking up the phone, Remington's expression turned gentle.

“Yeah, when have | ever not played by the rules? Alright, alright, | got it.” It must be Evelina.

Lizetta realized that hearing him coddle someone else didn’t sting as much anymore; it felt numb and dull.

Was that a good thing? While she was pondering, Remington sat down next to her, straightening his shirt.

“Granny wants to video call us.” Lizetta froze, and Fiona’s call cthrough, with Remington sliding to answer it promptly.

Lizetta scrambled to wrap herself in the blanket, while Remington pulled her close for the camera.

Fiona broke into a grin upon seeing the young couple together and said to Lizetta, “Liz, honey, all that gossip about kissing in a bar is just tabloid trash. Remington also said it’s not true. | took care of it, so don’t you worry. And if Remington ever gives you trouble, you just tell me.” It turned out that Fiona had seen the rumors online and was concerned. She laughed.

“Granny, the woman Remi was hugging in the bar was me; | wasn’t mistreated.” Fiona clutched her chest in relief. “That's my boy, | knew Remington wouldn't go chasing skirts! He doesn’t have the EQ for juggling women.” Remington was speechless.

Lizetta nodded with a smile, but her heart sank.

In fact, Remington had been looking elsewhere, but it seemed his emotional intelligence wasn’t quite up to scratch.

Other guys could have flags waving all over town and still keep things tight at home, but maybe Remington just didn’t bother to hide it, or perhaps he didn’t care about her feelings.

“Granny, don’t worry, we're not fighting,” Lizetta beamed, eyes twinkling.

*Liz, dear, lettell you, before Remington was born, your mother-in-law had a minor surgery, and | always suspected the doctor left a piece of gauze inside her, and that’s why Remington turned out so twisted. Be patient with him, and if you really get mad, just hit him, whip him with a belt, he won't dare to hit back!” Lizetta didn’t know what to say.

“Granny, I'm right here, you know,” Remington said with resignation.

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Fiona suddenly noticed their surroundings, her eyes lighting up.

1/2 14:21 Chapter 88 “Are you two at a hotel? Oh dear, | didn’t mean to interrupt. Okay, you kids carry on, I'll hang up now.” The screen wobbled as Fiona seemed to remember something else and chimed back in.

“Liz, put a pillow under your hips later, trust Granny, it works.” Before Lizetta could clarify, Fiona had disconnected.

Feeling embarrassed. Lizetta blushed and burrowed deeper into the blanket, glaring at Remington with annoyance.

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Knowing full well that Fiona was going to call he still took her to the hotel and put her in this situation, letting Fiona jump to the conclusion that they were there to make babies.

Remington looked down at her. “If we didn’t cto the hotel, were you planning to dress up as a fish and go out for a swim?” Lizetta didn’t want to discuss it further.

*Granny wants great-grandchildren, and since you're obviously not going to have a baby with me, stop getting her hopes up. Evelina’s pregnant. If you're worried Granny won't approve of your thing with her, just tell her.

She'll agree to our divorce for the sake of the child. And if you're worried that a divorce will look bad for the company, we can just get the certificate and not announce it. It's not like it'll have any impact since we've been secretly married anyway.” She tried to talk to him in a calm and collected manner, but her heart still ached with the words.

She had decided on divorce and hadn't wavered.

Whether in marriage or love, both parties need to be equal for it to last. She and Remington were n footing; it was a lopsided marriage from the start.

never on equal She had been too greedy, always hoping that Remington would fall for her, but even without Evelina, their relationship was doomed.