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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)

Chapter 1528 Reborn
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The darkness devoured Lilly like a greedy monster.

She was feeling the same sensation when she had used that special pathway to traverse to the Nether. It was as if an external force was forcibly ripping her flesh and blood from her body.

The darkness swallowed little by little. It started creeping up her arm, her shoulder, and her eye before gradually engulfing her body.

That elusive voice echoed from all directions, saying, "You have lost." A hint of barely noticeable joy was revealed in its normally toneless voice.

Lilly, who was gripping onto Dragon Fang with dear life, couldn't break through the darkness with Primordial Creation! Nonetheless, this didn't mean she was ready to give up! She didn't know what was happening in the real world. She had no clue whether Earth Goddess had arrived.

Still, she didn't need to rely on divination. Instead, she had a good feeling that she only needed to hold on for three more seconds! So, she gritted her teeth as she counted the seconds. One. Two... Three! Just as the darkness was about to swallow her hole, she shouted, "Nether Chain!" Nothing appeared before her.

Lilly distinctly felt a sudden tension in the atmosphere before the Manifestation of God's will relaxed once more.

Alas, it had let down its guard too soon. Sure enough, the other half of the Nether Chain pierced through the Nether and entered Lilly's body! Lilly looked at the darkness before her. Her eyes twinkled like stars in the darkness.

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A smirk appeared on her lips as she drawled, "You're the one who has lost!" Dragon Fang's edge pressed against the darkness sharply, humming with power. The spluttering light brightened as it turned into a dazzling glow! Boom! Lilly's black hair fluttered in this zero-gravity space. As she regained her power, the edges of her dress started floating, making a rustling sound! Then, she raised her gaze to the gradually appearing sky.

Now, it seemed as though she was standing under a sky full of stars. The Milky Way gracefully glided behind her as a river of galaxies slowly formed a new path.

The darkness was eventually driven away by the light. As a result, her devoured body gradually reappeared. The smile playing on her lips deepened as she murmured, "l won." Suddenly, she closed her eyes and fell into the sea of stars.

"Lilly!" Familiar voices echoed in her ears once more.

She recognized them. Those voices belonged to Ivan, Dad, and Earth Goddess.

She knew they would come.

The Nether underwent a great change while she was battling things out with the old Manifestation of God's will. The earth roared in protest as the mountains fell. New rivers appeared as the gouges were filled with water.

The beasts and ghost beasts of the Nether were running wild amidst the destruction of their home.

The Little Ponies stuck together as they neighed in fright, "The sky and the earth are collapsing... The Nether is going to be destroyed!" They could already sense the breath of destruction blowing upon them.

The darkness beyond their sky had devoured everything in its path. If the chaos at the beginning of the world was akin to a journey to a bigger world, then the squeezing sensation they felt was a sign that destruction was imminent.

"The Nether will eventually become a part of a bigger picture. It will return to its original state while we cease to exist forever.” A few demonic beasts stood on the last standing peak. Their eyes were filled with despair.

Lisa felt her last breath leaving her body as her hollow eyes gazed upon the falling sky. She wanted to leave the world with a smile. Alas, the only smile she could form was tinged with bitterness.

Goodbye, Lilly.

Goodbye, Anthony.

When you die, | probably won't be able to meet you.

Just when everyone had accepted they were going to meet their doom, something unexpected happened! The darkness that was about to devastate everything in its sight froze. A faint light suddenly appeared within its greedy tentacles, glowing brighter and brighter. Soon, it broke through the darkness with an unstoppable momentum! The hungry maws of destruction were shattered into a million pieces as gleaming vitality replaced it! It started with the air they were breathing. It brought about a scent of life as the world was reborn anew. The Order that had seemed confining and rotten suddenly became perfect and complete. The new world's The Order gradually gave birth to a new primordial aura. Thus, the spirit aura born and condensed under the primordial aura eventually transformed into rain that gently fell upon the cracked and dying earth.

The grass and trees of the Nether started growing, turning dying acres of land into a place filled with bountiful resources. Areas with highly concentrated spirit aura caused the seeds buried deeply beneath the soil to sprout into dense clusters of spirit grass.

Some spirit grass grew into bushes, quickly going through various developments of growth. It looked as if it had aged by decades, even though it had only been mere minutes.

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‘Carrots’ and 'potatoes’ grew in large patches.

Demonic beasts that had been in deep seclusion for a thousand years and made no progress felt revitalized. They didn't feel as though their soul was about to scatter into a million pieces. Thus, they couldn't help but open their eyes and exclaim with joy, "I feel... | feel so alive!" "This is a brand new The Order!" "Ah! I've made a breakthrough! I've finally improved my cultivation!" Some beasts felt their dull feathers shedding, quickly being replaced by healthy-looking ones. They instinctively spread their wide wingspans with a rustle, enjoying the vitality running through their veins.

The dying Lisa felt her body draw in another sharp breath, closing her eyes. Then, she suddenly opened them! Her body, which had been pieced together like Frankenstein's monster, twitched. Soon, her flesh grew at an accelerated rate as blood started pumping through her sluggish veins. Her initially extinguished aura and The Order were rebuilt at an incredible speed.

The entire Nether was filled with vitality in the blink of an eye! All the spirit beasts, demonic beasts, and ghost beasts looked toward the place where the witch tribe was located! "It's the witch tribe! They saved the Nether!" "Nonsense! It's not the witch tribe! Since when does the witch tribe possess such ability? It's an outsider who visited the witch tribe." "I know who it is! It's the human child who hunted us in the past! | was around the area. | saw her appear before booking it!" Gradually, rumors about Lilly spread like wildfire. There were all sorts of versions of her heroic deeds! At this moment, Lilly was lying on the bed with her eyes tightly closed.

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" Blake gripped Lilly's hand as he looked at her unconscious form. He felt as if his heart had been strung up by anxiety.

Ivan said, "Her purple sphere has been sealed. She only managed to suppress the beasts’ soul phantoms by absorbing the Nether Chain into her purple spear.” He could scarcely imagine the agony she had to endure—the sensation of her purple sphere being ripped apart and crushed before being forcibly cracked like an egg by the Nether Chain.

It would take someone with extreme determination and pain tolerance to survive such pain.

In Lilly's previous life, she had charged toward those shackles and perished despite being in her prime.

In this life, she managed to successfully defeat the Manifestation of God's will by suffering the pain of her purple sphere being broken apart like a particularly fragile egg.

She had to undergo the torture of being torn apart before having a power sealed within her. To make matters worse, she had to face the Manifestation of God's will all alone despite being in a hostile zone. Yet, she succeeded where she had fallen in the past.

"Lilly, let's go home." Blake held Lilly close, whispering softly, "I'm sorry for being late. Dad will take you home now." On the other hand, Earth Goddess was still reeling from the shock of having wave after wave of spirit aura rushing into her meridians. She didn't even need to cultivate. Instead, she could just sit there and do nothing while her body leveled up without her guidance! "I'm afraid we can't return just yet," she said. "It's better for Lilly to stay here in the meantime." That was because the Nether had transformed into her "dojo" as it was the first world she had created.

Then, the rules of this world would slowly spread to the underworld, Gray Earth, and even the Human Realm.