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Spoiled by Eight Uncles (Lily)

Chapter 1531 Genius
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The classroom was silent as everyone nervously worked on their test papers.

Whenever the homeroom teacher appeared behind a student like a vengeful wraith, that poor sap would become extremely anxious. Some of them who were prone to nervous fits would find their mind utterly blank.

The homeroom teacher eventually stood behind Lilly as she made her rounds around the classroom.

Lilly was completely focused on her paper, showing no signs of panic.

The homeroom teacher went from crossing her arms with narrow eyes to blinking at the test paper before her with wide eyes! Lilly answered each question smoothly and accurately. What was even more surprising was that her answers were all correct! She didn't cheat. She didn't even bother playing any pretenses by drawing lines, circles, and dots like some other students.

There was no dawdling. Instead, this was a show of efficiency and intellect.

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She was a genius! The homeroom teacher's astonishment turned into excitement. Whatever lingering resentment she had dissipated as her heart filled with joy! The papers were marked quickly as she designed the paper herself. After the physical education teacher ‘fell ill" in the afternoon, the homeroom teacher came to distribute the papers.

"We have a student who performed exceptionally well this time. That is none other than Lilly Crawford!" The teacher had delegated the stack of papers into a few groups, making the students pass it around. Then, she held Lilly's paper and happily announced, "She got full marks! A total of 100 over 100!" A student pursed his lips as he thought disparagingly, Just say she got full marks! "Wow, Lilly's truly a genius. She didn't attend two years of junior high. Yet, she still managed to score full marks," he said with a mocking lilt.

Lilly looked up to the source of the voice. Just as she expected, it was the same student who had tattled on her.

It wasn't as if there was something inherently wrong about telling on others. It was just that this particular student tended to take it far too seriously.

If students were joshing around in the corridor during break time, he would quickly dash to the office and inform the teachers.

When a student brought their phone to school... Yes, that was against the rules. However, she had switched it off and kept it in her bag. She only brought it along because her parents were busy with work and often couldn't pick her up on time. It would get tiresome waiting for her parents for hours by the school gate. So, she decided to bring it along. That way, her parents could just text her when they were about to arrive. Hence, she wouldn't have to wait under the scorching sun for hours on end.

Alas, that horrid little teacher's pet didn't care about her circumstances. He immediately told the homeroom teacher that someone brought a phone and played with it during the break.

The truth was that her phone accidentally fell out of her bag when she was rummaging for her book. That was how he saw it.

When a male student asked another female student who was good at academics for help with his paper, he would claim that they were in a relationship.

There were plenty of other incidents Lilly could name at the top of her hat. Frankly, it was getting rather ridiculous. She had only been in class for a week. Yet, she had caught him snitching on their fellow classmates about four to five times a day. Who knew how many times he actually tattled? Naturally, the students in the class didn't like him. Unfortunately, the snoop was oddly resilient to their distaste.

She could already tell what was coming. Just as she expected, the tattletale started saying, "Miss, I think | saw her flipping through a book during the test this morning.” The homeroom teacher shot him a glare. "Nonsense! | was standing behind her during the test this morning.” The blabbermouth immediately backtracked, muttering, "Oh. | guess | made a mistake." The student sitting behind him started jeering, "You're only accusing her because she scored full marks. Wow, someone's green with envy!" The little sneak retorted hotly, "Envy? Me? If | envy her, would | bother saying that? I'm just reminding our teacher!" The girl sitting on his left rolled her eyes before refuting, "Yo, did the teacher say anything about cheating? | think someone's just upset that they didn't score well. It's such a shame when someone's capabilities are so... mediocre!" The homeroom teacher gestured for silence. "Enough! This is a classroom, not a market!" The insufferable snoop muttered under his breath, "I'm just envious of her intelligence. If | had such a brain, | would score full marks in every subject. What's so great about one subject?" The homeroom teacher ignored the murmuring with practiced ease, mainly because the papers had just been distributed. So, the whole class was clamoring to get their papers.

"Lilly, can you tell us how you managed to score so well?" She was genuinely curious. She truly wanted to know how a student who hadn't attended school for two or three years managed to pull it off.

Lilly stood up and asserted confidently, "Of course, Miss. First of all, | want to say that | didn't get a perfect score just because I'm smart." She deliberately looked at the tattletale as she said with a smile, "I only did so well because | put in a lot of effort in my studies.

As they say, hard work can compensate for a lack of talent. I've been undergoing treatment abroad due to health complications." Lilly, who was lying, coughed before continuing, "Still, | would study between treatments. My elder brother helped me make a study plan. So, even though | didn't receive any formal education, | managed to keep up with the course.” This part was nothing but the truth. She had been studying hard and doing her homework while she was at the Ruler of Hell's palace.

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When she was hanging out with Crawford Ancestor and Cloud, she would occasionally study while they were on their way to their destination.

Nevertheless, it did help that she was blessed with a good memory. Once she understood the core of the subject, it was easy for her to puzzle things out. As for classes that required memorization... Well, she could remember them as long as she had a brief refresher.

The homeroom teacher nodded in understanding after hearing this, "So, that's how it is... You've really worked hard." Then, she commented, "Indeed, there's nothing that can be achieved without hard work. Lilly earned this through her consistent efforts. Students, you'd best learn from her!" The classmates had started to regard Lilly with respect.

Even those who originally thought she was just flaunting her family's wealth changed their views on her. Whenever they wanted to think anything negative about her, they couldn't help but envision Lilly lying in a hospital bed, battling with disease. Yet, the sickly girl still persisted in her studies. How could they think badly of her after that? Lilly felt a bit embarrassed in the face of such enthusiastic applause.

It seemed they had misunderstood and assumed she had a sickly constitution. Regardless, it wasn't as if she could deny it. After all, the Crawford family had been hiding her away just like they used to hide her mother when her mother was ill with leukemia.

Thus, the students thought that Lilly had inherited her mother's condition and had been receiving treatment abroad for years.

The tattletale felt a bitter taste in his mouth when he heard the teacher singing Lilly's praises. He shot a dubious glance at Lilly.

Is that truly what's going on? Her complexion was so rosy. Honestly, she looked like the picture of health.

He didn't believe for a second that she had been abroad for treatment!