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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134 Deacon POV: | put Jackson back on surveillance. We agreed to not attempt any more drone coverage but | had him watch from afar. My intuition always ringing true, it seems my son was seeing to his numbers problem. The hero he was, he was taking in rogues, the good ones of course abandoned by their packs, forced out for unjust reasons. Grayson Addams patron saint of the weak and pathetic.

They couldn't defend themselves what makes him think that they can defend his pack? | should've done better at raising him and should’ve shown him how foolish people can be and if you exploit that you make it to the top. No, instead my son lets in the downtrodden and expects not to be bulldozed in the end.

Still, | remembered what Jackson said that from what he gathered their training process was intense, and brutal.

He didn’t expect his men to go into battle unprepared and I'm sure he was doubly hard on the new recruits if he was any son of mine.

Well, two can play at that gbut I'll take what wins.

| sent out word | knew a couple of rouges at the local wolf clubs. They were calculating men and were happy to help if | funded a couple of projects for them. Whatever money they could get their hands on they'd do my bidding.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| asked Jackson to put a friend of his on them though wolves tended to have that annoying loyal streak.

“Rogues!” The infant shrieked. “We don’t accept that redraft here! Do we look like prissy tre jogging love is love nimrods? They'll screw us over the first chance they get,” | rolled my eyes at the latest in an everlasting and will test a line of temper tantrums. | knew his pack would turn on me, at least sof them if | cracked his skull open. Like | said that annoying loyal streak.

No no, it was tto start playing his gif he grew his numbers and trained them as 1/4 Emergency calls onlyMU Chapter 134 092% 12:29 ferociously as he did he would win and not only win but in a crushing fashion.

Again the swell of respect cfor my son. My worthy opponent. He was just as resourceful as | was, but sadly he wasn’t watching his corner. He should have known | was surveilling him, and he should have taken Jackson out ruthlessly.

No, instead he was assuming | was hiding my tand just gathering resources. Intelligence is a resource to a boy, but he'll learn, unfortunately all too late but he'll learn.

But I've decided to provide my son one mercy....

| see now that | haven't been the father | could have. | was too harsh in my search for more power but now that | have it, and the wisdom of age I think I'll try again. And lucky formy sons providedwith a perfect heir.

What kind of Grandfather would | be if | didn’t want to spend quality twith my Grandson? L When this was over I'd take him and mold him into my successor, if he was anything like and his father he'd have the willpower but | would teach him to not worry about morality. This t| wouldn't have that insipid Amaria filling his head with a false sense of right and wrong.

It took stbut they started filling in, they needed showers, but even the grof the earth jumped at the chance for steady meals and a roof over their heads.

“They'll be the ruin of us,” the little brat spat atas | looked out watching them all spar.

“They'll be our victory and then what do | care? They can go on their way or you can put them to use,” | didn’t look at him, he'd becundone after he was unseated on his little throne.

“Sir.” the beta cup to me. “We have another deserter opar | sighed. The problems never cease, apparently, my son and | got a reputation for open door policy to rogues.

2.4 Emergency calls onlyMak Chapter 134 D92% 12:29 My son vetted his it appeared, whereas | gathered the dirty, ruthless, slimy wolves. Sof the rogues got confused and those looking for my son ended up in my camp.

The fools thought they could eat, clean up, and then just leave.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They pulled up a younger woman who was sniveling and crying.

“What's the issue?” | asked turning back to the training.

“I didn’t realize that | was going to have to fight | don’t want to fight | have, | have no training and | don’t wanna die please just letgo,” she sobbed.

“You thought you were getting meals for free? You thought you had to do nothing and we would just provide for you? I'm surprised at your ego,” “No!” She wailed. “I just thought you wanted new members I'll be good | promise | didn’t do anything wrong bef- “I don’t want your life story, just your life,” | waved her off and they dragged her down to the training room.

Sof them had tried to escape last week, so | hung their bodies up. This way people understood, they could get all the food they wanted as long as they fought. And if she was so worried about dying she should spend her ttraining not sobbing at my feet.

“Make sure she learns how to throw a po Smen just had blood..

At least that was useful.

punch, | told Cyrus the devil actually grinned.

Wench, Cyrus had no brain but he had bloodlust.

you couldn't | hope my son was ready | would whip these savages into shape soon enough. He may be strong enough to facebut he'll still fall and I'll be sure to get there on these backs. They were the scum of the earth and it was only natural they follow their fate into the ground at my hands. Oh, it wasn't a pleasant thought but it wasn’t as if the world would be a worse place with them gone. Cannon fodder is a part of the food chain after all.

I'll break them, then I'll break my son one last tbefore claiming my heir. He should be 3/4 Chapter 134 thankful I won't kill his son in front of that little wife of his. I could be far more cruel after everything he’s done to me.