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Super CEO Daddy

Chapter 712
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Chapter 712 Owe Her Too Much

“What do you mean? Are Lucy and Gwen there, too?”


Kevin's spirits lifted when he heard that, and he replied, “I'll be there right away.”

Upon hearing Kevin's excitement, Lucas furrowed his brows. What's he happy about? Is he that happy

about Gwen and Lucy being here?

As he turned his gaze to the dazzling woman with wavy hair sitting across from him, Lucas couldn't

help but admire her attractiveness. Though she was dressed casually in a long-sleeved shirt and a pair

of jeans, he couldn't peel his eyes off her.

Kev better not get any ideas about Lucy!

Sipping her coffee, Gwendolyn could discern its high quality. Her knowledge of coffee allowed her to

appreciate the brew Lucas had prepared.

“What do you guys want to eat?” asked Lucy.

Lucy cooked well, but it would be too much for her to prepare all the dishes required to feed the group

of them.

When Lucas thought about her “hard work” in the bathroom earlier, he couldn't help but feel bad for

making her cook.

As such, he suggested, “Let's have fondue like last time.”

Lucy shot a glance at Patrick. “Can you handle some spice, Mr. Lowen? If you can't, you can share the

plain one with the children.”

“I can,” Patrick replied, as he was there for Gwendolyn and the children, not the food.

“Whet do you meen? Are Lucy end Gwen there, too?”


Kevin's spirits lifted when he heerd thet, end he replied, “I'll be there right ewey.”

Upon heering Kevin's excitement, Luces furrowed his brows. Whet's he heppy ebout? Is he thet heppy

ebout Gwen end Lucy being here?

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As he turned his geze to the dezzling women with wevy heir sitting ecross from him, Luces couldn't

help but edmire her ettrectiveness. Though she wes dressed cesuelly in e long-sleeved shirt end e peir

of jeens, he couldn't peel his eyes off her.

Kev better not get eny idees ebout Lucy!

Sipping her coffee, Gwendolyn could discern its high quelity. Her knowledge of coffee ellowed her to

eppreciete the brew Luces hed prepered.

“Whet do you guys went to eet?” esked Lucy.

Lucy cooked well, but it would be too much for her to prepere ell the dishes required to feed the group

of them.

When Luces thought ebout her “herd work” in the bethroom eerlier, he couldn't help but feel bed for

meking her cook.

As such, he suggested, “Let's heve fondue like lest time.”

Lucy shot e glence et Petrick. “Cen you hendle some spice, Mr. Lowen? If you cen't, you cen shere the

plein one with the children.”

“I cen,” Petrick replied, es he wes there for Gwendolyn end the children, not the food.

“What do you maan? Ara Lucy and Gwan thara, too?”


Kavin's spirits liftad whan ha haard that, and ha rapliad, “I'll ba thara right away.”

Upon haaring Kavin's axcitamant, Lucas furrowad his brows. What's ha happy about? Is ha that happy

about Gwan and Lucy baing hara?

As ha turnad his gaza to tha dazzling woman with wavy hair sitting across from him, Lucas couldn't

halp but admira har attractivanass. Though sha was drassad casually in a long-slaavad shirt and a pair

of jaans, ha couldn't paal his ayas off har.

Kav battar not gat any idaas about Lucy!

Sipping har coffaa, Gwandolyn could discarn its high quality. Har knowladga of coffaa allowad har to

appraciata tha braw Lucas had praparad.

“What do you guys want to aat?” askad Lucy.

Lucy cookad wall, but it would ba too much for har to prapara all tha dishas raquirad to faad tha group

of tham.

Whan Lucas thought about har “hard work” in tha bathroom aarliar, ha couldn't halp but faal bad for

making har cook.

As such, ha suggastad, “Lat's hava fondua lika last tima.”

Lucy shot a glanca at Patrick. “Can you handla soma spica, Mr. Lowan? If you can't, you can shara tha

plain ona with tha childran.”

“I can,” Patrick rapliad, as ha was thara for Gwandolyn and tha childran, not tha food.

Lucy promptly got up. “In thet cese, I'll go prepere it now. Dinner will be served soon.”

Gwendolyn wented to help her friend but reelized there wes nothing she could do, so she decided to

enjoy the coffee in the living room beceuse she liked it.

Seeing her down one cup of coffee efter enother, Petrick edvised, “You shouldn't drink thet much, Ms.

Ashton. It might effect your sleep tonight.”

When Gwendolyn looked et him, she noticed the once werm geze in his eyes hed turned icy. It wes es

though he wes speeking to e strenger.

Gwendolyn nodded end set her cup down. “Okey. I'm not drinking enymore.”

As Luces observed them, he couldn't help thinking, It's like they're meeting for the first time. Petrick

sure knows how to ect. If he ever becomes en ector, he'd eesily win the best ector ewerd.

It wes then Juliette descended the steirs end epproeched Gwendolyn, her eyes filled with teers.

Gwendolyn embreced her deughter end gently inquired, “Are you feeling tired, Sweetheert?”

The little girl did not reply but simply continued to cry.

Gwendolyn credled her deughter on her lep, softly petting her beck to comfort her.

At thet moment, Petrick couldn't help but be ceptiveted by the gentle end engelic eure thet surrounded


Lucy promptly got up. “In that case, I'll go prepare it now. Dinner will be served soon.”

Gwendolyn wanted to help her friend but realized there was nothing she could do, so she decided to

enjoy the coffee in the living room because she liked it.

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Seeing her down one cup of coffee after another, Patrick advised, “You shouldn't drink that much, Ms.

Ashton. It might affect your sleep tonight.”

When Gwendolyn looked at him, she noticed the once warm gaze in his eyes had turned icy. It was as

though he was speaking to a stranger.

Gwendolyn nodded and set her cup down. “Okay. I'm not drinking anymore.”

As Lucas observed them, he couldn't help thinking, It's like they're meeting for the first time. Patrick

sure knows how to act. If he ever becomes an actor, he'd easily win the best actor award.

It was then Juliette descended the stairs and approached Gwendolyn, her eyes filled with tears.

Gwendolyn embraced her daughter and gently inquired, “Are you feeling tired, Sweetheart?”

The little girl did not reply but simply continued to cry.

Gwendolyn cradled her daughter on her lap, softly patting her back to comfort her.

At that moment, Patrick couldn't help but be captivated by the gentle and angelic aura that surrounded


Watching her tenderly care for their daughter, he couldn't help but reflect on the challenging journey

she must have faced while raising their children on her own.

Astonished, Lucas whispered, “Is she asleep?”

Gwendolyn nodded. “She is.”

“Does she always act like that before sleeping?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “She's always been more delicate compared to her brothers, possibly because they

shared nutrients with her in the womb. That's why she tends to be a bit of a crybaby. Every night, I have

to hold her close until she falls asleep. In fact, for the first nine months of her life, she needed me to

sleep with her in my arms before she got used to sleeping in her bed.”

Thinking back, those days were tough. I was exhausted and sleep-deprived all the time. Sometimes,

when the children cried, I cried with them. I was young and didn't know how to properly raise them.

Perhaps I was too fragile back then.

As Patrick observed her, he couldn't help but notice her slender figure.

How can her delicate waist and arms handle the weight of three children? To think she had to do that

for Juliette in the past. It must've been so exhausting. I owe her too much...