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Tasting Darkness

Chapter 166 Book 3 Epilogue – 2 Years Later
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Read Taming Darkness By Jessica Hall Book 3 Epilogue - 2 Years Later Our family was complete. Our twins were now over-active one year olds. One boy and one girl and of course were all born with magic, all born Harmony Seraphim elementals. That was going to create challenges for all of us since we were still learning my abilities. Chasing them around was tiring, but | would have it no other way.

Their fathers spoiled them all to no end, always makingthe bad guy when they refused to go to bed.

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They would often sneak over through the bathroom and | would wake up with feet and hands in my face and my back. | loved them dearly, but | needed them to sleep in their own rooms for once, straight through the night.

Forget sex, it was sleep | desperately needed.

Tobias nudgedas | watched them chase the phoenixes around the field, “We should have one more,” he suggested.

| looked at him like he has grown another head, was he crazy? | could barely keep up with the two we had, much less one or more added to the mix, “No, the two we have are enough. | can’t even use the bathroom in peace without one of them coming in to show a toy or tell a story about whose not sharing.” Ryze cswooping down, dropping onto Tobias’s lap, joined by her own little baby. She will forever be a lap Phoenix, wanting belly rubs and scratches from Tobias. Her baby rubbed her beak in Tobias hair and cawed into his ear. “You hear that? That's why we don’t need.....

anymore. The crying, the pooping, the non-existent sleep and let's not forgot all the sex we don’t have anymore.” | snapped. Tobias nodded after | made my points. “Thomas, slow down or you're going to take your eye out with that stick!” | stood up to go and wrangle him in, “I got it, you relax.” Tobias chided.

Ryze switched places and dropped on my lap with her tummy up forto rub. Her little one was still perched on Tobias’ shoulder while he walked over to tour wild son.

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Molly was still chasing Spark around when she fell, making my heart leap from my chest, Darius portaled onto the field in an instant, “I got her, just a little scratch. She'll be fine.” Darius spoiled her the most. “Aw, is my little girl hurt? Daddy will kiss it and make it better. How about sice cream to make the ouch go away faster?” “Darius, you're going to spoil her dinner. You know how | fight with her to eat her vegetables!” | yell at him.

“I will make sure she eats all her food, warden, | mean mommy.” >> He thinks he is so slick, he is just gonna use his magic to make her vegetables disappear like he always does. | huff to myself.

Kalen finally over his fear of the phoenixes, sits down next to me, Ryze flicked out her tongue to lick his cheek. | lean my head on his shoulder, letting out a sigh. Happy?” He asked. (( | cuddle up against him as | answer, “Always, as long as | have all of you by my side.” Kalen kissed the top of my head Thomas crunning over, jumping on Kalen with Tobias right behind him, “Ready to go inside, Thomas?” Kalen messes his hair, while Thomas nodded his little head, “Yes, daddy. Can | get ice cream too, like Molly?” | side-eyed Kalen, already knowing he was going to give in.

“Let’s ask mommy to see what she says.” Of course, he was going to makethe bad one here. | sighed. ” Fine, it's only fair since Molly is getting stoo.” Tobias chuckled atcaving in, “Con, let's get you your ice cream before mommy changes her mind.” “Yay!” Thomas jumps up, reaching for Tobias hand when Lycus rushes pastin wolf form, he drops his head and Thomas squeals as he slides down his father’s neck and lands on his back. My heart leaps as watched his little body get tossed in the air briefly only to land on his back. He grips his fur while squealing when Lycus darts off toward the castle with our son. - Ryze flew off to the aviary Darius had built for the phoenixes following Lycus and Thomas | clamber to my feet dusting grass off when I'm scooped up by Kalen, “Now I finally have you all to myself for once,” he growls softly, nuzzling my neck and makinggiggle.

The End