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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102 A Secret Plan

“Rest assured, Mom. I can squash Caspian like a fly! No matter who he is or where he

comes. from, anyone who tries to mess with the York family will die!” Zachary declared


“Alright. Since you’ll be handling this, we have nothing to worry about.” Nadia finally felt

at ease again.

“I’m going to end the call and get in touch with Ezekiel right away. I’ll tell him to find a

way to snuff out Caspian!”

“Okay. We’re counting on you,” Nadia replied.

“Take care of yourself, Mom. You’ll be receiving good news soon enough. In two days,

Caspian Lynch will be dead!” Zachary asserted.

Once the call was over, Nadia relayed Zachary’s words to the rest of the family.

The Yorks finally exhaled in relief.

“With Uncle Zachary taking care of things, Caspian’s dead meat!” Derek said.

Over at the Inspector General’s office, Ezekiel’s phone started ringing.

When he checked his phone, he saw that it was a call from Garrett, the supreme leader of

the Flying Dragons.

No one else was in Ezekiel’s office, so he answered the call and asked, “Do you need

something, Mr. Johnson?”

“Inspector Ezekiel, don’t you think you’ve been too underhanded? You had one of your

subordinates hinder our trade with the Shadow Tigers, and you even killed my people!”

Garrett fumed.

“I wasn’t aware of the situation, Mr. Johnson,” Ezekiel helplessly explained. “It was one of

the chiefs under me, Joey Sanders, who acted of her own accord. Once I found out, I

purposely delayed responding to buy your people enough time to get rid of Joey.

“I didn’t expect your people to be so useless that Caspian and Joey managed to kill them


“I see. Here I was, thinking you’d decided to end our deal, Inspector Ezekiel,” Garrett


“Rest assured. We’re in a mutually beneficial relationship. We both stand to gain from our

exchange. Why would I give up on our deal when it’s a win–win situation?” Ezekiel said

with a



“That woman, Joey, keeps causing trouble for us, the Flying Dragons. She even killed a lot

of my men tonight. You know what to do, right, Inspector Ezekiel?” Garrett asked.

che event t

“Joey keeps getting in the way. I’ve had my eye on her for a long time now. investigate

me. I won’t let her remain in the Inspector General’s office much longer. I’ll find a way to

get rid of her. You don’t have to worry about that,” Ezekiel solemnly promised.

“Alright. If you can’t bear to do it yourself, let us handle it. The Flying Tigers will deal with

her,” Garrett offered.

“That’s doable. We can set something up and lure her into your territory,” Ezekiel


“By the way, don’t forget about that Caspian guy. He has caused a ton of trouble for the

Flying Dragons. He must be taken out as well!” Garrett added.

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‘Caspian has been giving me a headache too, but I’m already working on dealing with


Ezeldel said.

He was still investigating Caspian’s background, so he dared not make a move just yet.

“Alright. I look forward to hearing good news from you,” Garrett replied.

Though he was the supreme leader of the Flying Dragons, he dared not show any

disrespect to Ezekiel. After all, the latter was the head of the Inspector General’s office. If

he wanted to have an easy time in Southlake City, he needed to maintain a good

relationship with Ezekiel.

“If there’s nothing else, Mr. Johnson, let’s end the call now,” Ezeldel said. Considering the

position he held, he dared not have too much contact with the Flying Dragons. If anyone

found something on him, he would be in hot water.

As soon as Ezekiel got off the call with Garrett, another one came in.

To his shock, it was a call from Zachary.

Despite being flustered, Ezekiel was too afraid to waste any time. He immediately took the

call. “It’s good to hear from you, Mr. York. What gives me the honor of receiving your call

at this hour?”

Zachary instantly launched into a tirade. “Inspector Ezekiel, Caspian Lynch has killed a fair

number of people in Southlake City in recent days. He even announced his intention to kill

off the entire York family.

“As the head of the Inspector General’s office, why haven’t you arrested him yet? You’re

being extremely irresponsible. Have you decided to relinquish your position?”

Trembling in fear, Ezekiel hastily explained, “You’ve misunderstood me, Mr. York. It’s not

that I’m afraid of apprehending Caspian. I’m just worried about his background.

“Previously, General Anderson, the high–ranking general from South Aridlands, attended



“That woman, Joey, keeps causing trouble for us, the Flying Dragons. She even killed a lot

of my men tonight. You know what to do, right, Inspector Ezekiel?” Garrett asked.

“Joey keeps getting in the way. I’ve had my eye on her for a long time now. She even

wants to investigate me. I won’t let her remain in the Inspector General’s office much

longer. I’ll find a


to get

rid of her. You don’t have to worry about that,” Ezekiel solemnly promised.

“Alright. If you can’t bear to do it yourself, let us handle it. The Flying Tigers will deal with

her,” Garrett offered.

“That’s doable. We can set something up and lure her into your territory,” Ezekiel



the way, don’t forget about that Caspian guy. He has caused a ton of trouble for the Flying

Dragons. He must be taken out as well!” Garrett added.

“Caspian has been giving me a headache too, but I’m already working on dealing with

him,” Ezeldel said.

He was still investigating Caspian’s background, so he dared not make a move just yet.

‘Alright. I look forward to hearing good news from you,” Garrett replied.

Though he was the supreme leader of the Flying Dragons, he dared not show any

disrespect to Ezekiel. After all, the latter was the head of the Inspector General’s office. If

he wanted to have an easy time in Southlake City, he needed to maintain a good

relationship with Ezekiel.

“If there’s nothing else, Mr. Johnson, let’s end the call now,” Ezekiel said. Considering the

position he held, he dared not have too much contact with the Flying Dragons. If anyone

found something on him, he would be in hot water.

As soon as Ezekiel got off the call with Garrett, another one came in.

To his shock, it was a call from Zachary.

Despite being flustered, Ezekiel was too afraid to waste any time. He immediately took the

call. “It’s good to hear from you, Mr. York. What gives me the honor of receiving your call

at this hour?”

Zachary instantly launched into a tirade. “Inspector Ezekiel, Caspian Lynch has killed a fair

number of people in Southlake City in recent days. He even announced his intention to kill

off the entire York family.

“As the head of the Inspector General’s office, why haven’t you arrested him yet? You’re

being extremely irresponsible. Have you decided to relinquish your position?”

Trembling in fear, Ezekiel hastily explained, “You’ve misunderstood me, Mr. York. It’s not

that I’m afraid of apprehending Caspian. I’m just worried about his background.

“Previously, General Anderson, the high–ranking general from South Aridlands, attended.


“So what if he’s acquainted with John Anderson?” Zachary retorted. “Murder is a crime.

Since he has broken the law and killed so many people, he needs to pay for his crimes!”

“Understood, Mr. York!” Ezekiel swiftly replied.

“By the way there!

something I’m confused about. Why is Caspian trying to come after the York family?”

Zachary asked.

“It’s because of your nephew, Derek Last month, he and a group of people from the Flying

Dragons killed Caspian’s foster mother. That’s why Caspian is taking revenge. He wants to

wipe out the York family to avenge her,” Ezekiel said.

“I see. How many people know about this?” Zachary checked.

“Not many. I made sure to bury the case. There’s no longer any evidence,” Ezekiel lowered

his voice and replied.

“I got it. You did well, but Caspian’s a ticking time bomb. Get rid of him at once so that he

can’t cause any more trouble,” Zachary reminded.

“Understood. I’ll send a team of people to arrest him. But what should I do if John

Anderson. gets involved?” Ezekiel voiced his greatest concern.

“Just see to it that John never gets to see Caspian. Get him killed in secret when you’re

transporting him back to the Inspector General’s office. Even if John comes forward, all

he’ll have is a dead b*dy. He won’t be able to do anything,” Zachary instructed.

He added, “When the time comes, just find a random excuse to charge Caspian with a

crime. I doubt John will stand against us over something like this.”

“You’re right, Mr. York. I’ll get on it right away and send some people to kill Caspian!”

Ezekiel declared.

With Zachary to back him up, Ezekiel felt a lot less worried. He had already come up with

thousands of ways to take out Caspian.

“Do you have a plan?” Zachary asked.

“I do, but I’m not sure if it’s appropriate,” Ezekiel replied.

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“No harm in letting me hear it,” Zachary said.

Ezekiel shared his plan.

“Caspian seems to be injured. I plan on striking tomorrow night. First, we’ll take him to the

Cliff of Death. Then, we’ll join forces with the Flying Dragons to kill him and throw his b*dy

over the cliff. No one will find out what we did.”


“So what if he’s acquainted with John Anderson?” Zachary retorted. “Murder is a crime.

Since he has broken the law and killed so many people, he needs to pay for his crimes!”

“Understood, Mr. York!” Ezekiel swiftly replied.

“By the way, there’s something I’m confused about. Why is Caspian trying to come after

the York family?” Zachary asked.

“It’s because of your nephew, Derek. Last month, he and a group of people from the Flying

Dragons killed Caspian’s foster mother. That’s why Caspian is taking revenge. He wants to

wipe out the York family to avenge her,” Ezekiel said.

“I see. How many people know about this?” Zachary checked.


many. I made sure to bury the case. There’s no longer any evidence,” Ezekiel lowered his

voice and replied.

“I got it. You did well, but Caspian’s a ticking time bomb. Get rid of him at once so that he

can’t cause any more trouble,” Zachary reminded.

“Understood. I’ll send a team of people to arrest him. But what should I do if John

Anderson gets involved?” Ezekiel voiced his greatest concern.

“Just see to it that John never gets to see Caspian. Get him killed in secret when you’re

transporting him back to the Inspector General’s office. Even if John comes forward, all

he’ll have is a dead b*dy. He won’t be able to do anything,” Zachary instructed.

He added, “When the time comes, just find a random excuse to charge Caspian with a

crime. I doubt John will stand against us over something like this.”

“You’re right, Mr. York. I’ll get on it right away and send some people to kill Caspian!”



With Zachary to back him up, Ezekiel felt a lot less worried. He had already come up with

thousands of ways to take out Caspian.

“Do you have a plan?” Zachary asked.

“I do, but I’m not sure if it’s appropriate,” Ezekiel replied.

“No harm in letting me hear it,” Zachary said.

Ezekiel shared his plan.

“Caspian seems to be injured. I plan on striking tomorrow night. First, we’ll take him to the

Cliff of Death. Then, we’ll join forces with the Flying Dragons to kill him and throw his b*dy

over the cliff. No one will find out what we did.”


“Excellent!” Zachary gave his approval.

“Since you think it’ll work, Mr. York, I’ll have my men carry it out!”

As Zachary did not object to the plan, Ezekiel felt a lot more confident about it.

“That’s settled, then. If anything happens, I’ll protect you,” Zachary said.

“Got it. Since you’ve given the go–ahead, Mr. York, Caspian won’t live past tomorrow

night!” Ezekiel promised.

“Remember that this needs to be a covert operation. When the time comes, just come up

with some excuse. You can say that Caspian resisted arrest. That way, even if John comes

forward, we have nothing to fear,” Zachary said.

“Got it, Mr. York.”