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The Alpha King’s Fated Mate By Yui Ismutomo

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Chapter 189

I continued to stare at the black-haired man who was a demon named Astaroth who also

turned out to be my fated mate intently to find out if the things he said were true and not


However, he looked back at me so that I didn’t find any lies but a dreamy look that I never

realized he was giving.

Oh G od, is this really happening?

Did he actually accept me to be his mate?

“But… Are you sure?” I asked him back.

Astaroth surprisingly smiled and looked up at the sky “I too have everything in mind when

I am here…” He said quietly before he looked back at me “I’ve been to my world… But not

for long because there was something in me that wanted you to be close to me, a fear

that something would hurt you or happen to you, I… I’ve never felt anything like this” He

added, which made my eyes widen to see him saying such beautiful things with a serious

look towards me.

There was never a man who said such beautiful things to me, yes, he informed me that he

had left, but that made him realize how much he couldn’t lose me was something that

touched my heart.

“You know what I am and caring has never been in my blood, and yet… you… the thought

of something happening to you, I don’t want to… even just in my mind. No, I don’t want to

let anything happen to you or your family that makes you sad and this is a strange thing

for me” He kept pouring out what was in his heart and I kept listening carefully with my

heart touched by the beauty of the things he felt for me.

Could I ever get a mate this perfect?

No one is perfect in this world, but the feeling she has for me is something I wouldn’t want

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to receive from anyone else but her.

Oh G od, it’s so beautiful, I thought.


Since I didn’t say anything and was just staring straight at the forest, I realized that




15:24 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 189

I had been staring blankly for a while before looking back at him who had been looking at

me with hope, fear and worry.


Could it be that he’s worried that I won’t accept him?

Is my silence worrying him?



“Sorry” I said immediately and gave a small smile that was surprisingly not reciprocated,

oops, looks like he thought I didn’t have the same feelings as he did. “What exactly is

love?” I said softly while looking at him and saw him raise an eyebrow “I always thought

maybe I would feel in love and not a sense of compulsion because he’s my fated mate?” I

added softly and made him smile a little which caused my heart to beat so fast that I

almost lost my breath because of his very handsome face.

Oh G od… I said to myself while touching my chest which was beating very fast at the


“Can we teach each other that?” His words startled me and I widened my eyes at


Is what I heard true?

“What?” I asked quietly to make sure that what I heard just now from his mouth

was true.

I slowly saw him touch my palm before grasping it.

The vibration that people always say when touched by the mate is not or maybe not yet

felt but there is a warm feeling that spreads making it very comfortable.

“If it’s with you, Iris, I want to try this” He said before bringing his hand to his lips to give

me a kiss that made me tremble “I want to learn this thing about love if it’s with you, Iris”

He added and I couldn’t contain the unstoppable tears and felt them fall on my cheeks

that made him surprised and cupped my cheeks to kiss my tears away “Sorry.. I didn’t

mean to..”

I quickly shook my head “No… No… it’s not your fault, I just….” I said as I found his eyes

looking at me intently, as if wanting to know why I was crying “I’m glad to know you have

those feelings for me, Astro”



15:24 Mon, 11 Mar F

Chapter 189

The man who had Demon blood raised an eyebrow and smiled “Astro?” He asked with a


I nodded my head “Astaroth is very long so I shortened it to Astro” I replied casually and

made him chuckle.

Wow, he’s been smiling a lot lately and it makes him look very handsome, I thought

happily before touching his cheek.

We sat there staring at each other before, I don’t know who moved first and only felt a

warm touch from his lips to mine that made me gasp in surprise before returning his kiss

with the same longing.

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When the two of us entered the palace, everyone was gathered in the hall, my mother, my

father, the strongest warriors the palace had and also the wounded members in the corner

who were being treated by the healers.

It seems that my father made this large hall into a gathering place to make it easier to

monitor everything in one room, I thought.

my father

Everyone immediately looked at the two of us who had just arrived and came to me while

being followed by the other warriors who were behind him.

I didn’t know what they were going to do to Astro, but I hoped my father could see that

the man with the demon blood, though the cause of all this, was also acting as the

protector of this territory, just as he wanted to protect it.

“I’m glad you finally came” My father said softly and surprised me as he thrust his hand

out to shake Astaroth’s who, too, was surprised to look at him before he stepped forward

and accepted my father’s handshake “Thank you, Astaroth, for choosing us and protecting

my people” My father said firmly and made me smile in relief.

Yes, that’s why he was the king of the Alphas, his wisdom was indeed extraordinary, he

could see through everything regardless of his feelings of not liking the man to be his only

daughter’s mate.

Astaroth nodded his head confidently “You know why I am on your side, I am the fated

mate of your daughter, the princess, Iris and I will continue to be her protector as well as

the protector of this region” He answered firmly and surprised

everyone, who might still be wondering about him as my mate, but because of his words,

everyone knew about it.

Yes, the words that Astaroth spoke became an official statement, which everyone heard

with a smile.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!