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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 167
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Sheila's point of view

I moaned internally at the endless sparks that journeyed deep in my bones, breathing both warmth and life into my

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soul. I flung my head to my left, feeling Killian's toned and muscular arms around me, forcing an ear-to-ear smile

on my lips. The soothing beat of Killian's heart and his wet skin against mine calmed me. I opened my eyes gently

and I found Killian's amber irises watching me. I chuckled.

"Have you been watching me sleep?" I asked with a cheeky grin, wiping my lashes with the back of my hand, while

Killian helped tuck loose strands of my brown curls behind my ears.

"I had no choice. I couldn't risk closing my eyes, only to realize having you here beside me was just a dream," he

replied in the softest voice that made Adie purr at the back of my mind.

I smiled as my eyes naughtily ran over Killian's body. He just came out from showering with a white woolen towel

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around his waist. He was tempting and my body yearned for him immediately. His wet curls trickled droplets of

water onto his shoulders and chest. His toned arms and broad chest, displaying the inked drawing of his wolf looked

more muscular and ripped than before, and those piercing lustful amber eyes of his bored into mine as the sexual

tension in the chamber pulsed, and I felt my naked body beneath the velvety sheets blaze with desire.