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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72 Seventy-Two

Thea's point of view

"Thea, the only thing clear to me is that you feel insecure, and I can understand that because as soon

as the curse is broken, I will personally escort you out of this pack. And you are upset about something,

I am not sure what, and frankly, I don't care." The hussy muttered, forming a little smile that made the

blood running in my veins burn with rage. "I am too busy for whatever this is, so do yourself a favor and

get out, before I make you."

She said calmly, crossing her fingers over each other. This little tramp had gotten quite brazen and that

aggravated me the more. More than anything, I wanted to cross the table, and get my hands on her

neck. It will give me great pleasure to squash it.

No. I shook my head mentally. It will be much better to have her bloody heart jump from her chest into

my hands, and then I will chop her body into tiny parts, and have them scattered within the castle for

Killian to find them. The thrill alone flushed down my rage. But as soon as I broke out of my thoughts,

the rage and hate were back as I remembered something. I could not harm her. I wasn't allowed to

even touch a hair on her head. It was the one thing I was forbidden to do.

I bottled up my rage and emotions, releasing a small smile of my own.

"Mark my words tramp, you wouldn't live to see that day you speak of." I leaned on the stupid table

between us. "Killian was mine alone until you rammed into our lives, and until I am done with him, he

will continue to be mine," I whispered to her. I watched her eyes twitch with something in them, but I

couldn't tell exactly what was in her gaze.

Her smile was still plastered on her lips though. Oh, I miss the days when I could smack that smile off

her lips and even Killian would do the same. But now, everything is different.

How could I let that happen? I curse the mate bond between these wolves. Never in my wildest thought

did I foresee Killian falling for this tramp. That wasn't in my plans and I had to fix this mess. I had to get

her out of here.

" 'Until you are done with him' " The tramp spoke, her deep blue eyes regarding me. "What do you

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mean by that?" She asked, and a smile unexpectedly found my lips. It's good to know she is not

completely stupid.

"Only time will tell," I took a step back, loving the seed of fear that I had successfully planted in her

eyes. She should be scared of me, she has no idea what I am capable of doing to get what I want.

I walked to the door and was about to pull it open when she called out to me.

"Thea," I spun around to find her gaze on me. "There are some battles that cannot be won, and some

things that cannot be broken. The bond Killian and I share is one of them." She said confidently.

I felt my anger rise to the maximum. Without saying a word, I stormed out of the office, heading to my

new chamber. As soon as I was in, I shut the door behind me.

I was vibrating with so much rage that I couldn't stop the screams that left my lips. I felt the blood within

me burn intensely, causing the torch in my chamber to burn fiercely. But I couldn't care about that. The

stupid chamber could burn again for all I care. Even after risking my life, and burning down my

chamber, it was still for nothing.

Yes, I got Killian to stay with me last night. But it doesn't mean he would spend the remaining nights

with me like he usually did. Fudging hell! A lot had really changed between us. Killian didn't even want

to be next to me. Last night, I could tell his mind was somewhere else, or rather, on someone else. I

knew the only reason I hadn't been sent out was because I was the one he desperately needed. The

gifted one, as they called it.

I plopped on the bed, thinking. The night of the crescent moon was only a few weeks away and then

the stupid witches will try to break the curse. I need my plans to be executed before then. I have put in

so many years into my revenge to fail now.

I sighed, calming myself, but the subtle sounds from the window called my attention. I stalked to the

window, tugging on the draperies. I pulled them apart, and the black owl from last night came into view.

Hurriedly, I opened the window and allowed it in. It had a message for me from the Alpha. I removed

the folded paper in its beak, unfolding it as quickly as I could.

I read through it, and with every word on it, a frown grew on my face. My brown eyes fell on his last

word to me. It was more of a warning.

'She should not be harmed, no matter what!'

I squeezed the paper, screaming in rage. I used my witch's magic to burn it to ashes. Why doesn't he

understand that that tramp stands in my way? With her here, there is no way I could control Killian like I

used to.

As I was screaming in rage, the door to my chamber pulled open, and my lover walked in.

"What happened now?" He asked, moving closer to me. I had my back against him. "Tell me, mate." He

whispered in my ears, his streaming breath lingering on my skin. I hated it when he addressed me as


He pressed me closer to his large body, implanting kisses on my neck. His hands began to wander on

my body, caressing me and doing wonders to my body. I moaned at his stimulating actions. This was

exactly what I needed. Killian has been avoiding me for weeks now like I was some kind of plague. I

need to let off some steam, purge my rage and frustration, and think about a way to get that tramp out

of the picture.

I turned to him, his eyes were dark with lust. Quickly, I removed the button keeping his shirt together

with my magic. My hands fell on his naked chest. "Take me now!" I commanded, his lips spread in a


With a hand, he carried me to the bed, dropping me on it, he began to remove his pants and I watched

in fascination as his hardened shaft came into my view. The tip of his member was pink and hardened

for me. He began to walk to me naked, I bit the bottom of my lips, already sexually aroused by him. I

could already feel my core dripping wet.

His hands began to loosen the ropes binding my dress to me, and instantly, they came falling to the

floor. His lustful eyes wandered on my body before his hands gripped it on the bed, he began trailing

my curves until his hands gripped one of my breasts. I gasped as a series of moans escaped my lips,

accompanied by a sweet cry of pleasure. It was a good thing I always spelled my chamber to ensure

not a single noise left the corner walls, otherwise, the entire pack would have been aware of what was

going on between us.

He was on top of me, taking one of my breasts into his mouth, while the other, his large thumb kept

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stroking it. I arched my back on the bed, I was already needy for him to be inside of me. I wanted to

feel his hardness within me. I grabbed his head from my breast, bringing his lips to mine.

With my magic, I flipped us over on the bed, and I was the one now riding him. I straddled him, rubbing

my dripping wet core against his hardened shaft.

He moaned in pleasure, swallowing one of my breasts again. Goodness, he was giving me so much

pleasure that I couldn't bear the torture anymore. I brought my lips to his ears. "I can't wait anymore."

He snickered against my skin, holding my waist, and flipping us over on the bed. He was now on top of

me. Swiftly, his hardened shaft slid into me.

I groaned, tugging his hair as he moved with an insane speed just the way I like it. Thrusting in and out

of me. I wrapped my legs around him, and he pulled me up in his arms, pumping into me more. I

gripped onto him dearly, loving this ride.

Soon, after we had reached our climax, we collapsed on the bed. He wrapped me in his arms. And I

began to plot my next move. Just as expected, my thoughts were clear enough. A smile crossed my

lips. The Alpha had warned me not to harm that tramp in any way, but she was a problem in my path,

one I had to get rid of.

I was up on the bed, and my companion was next to me. I rushed to the window, using my magic to call

for the black owl.

I scribbled down a message for someone who would love to take revenge on Killian by murdering his

mate. The Alpha of the Fire Crest Pack. I sent the owl to deliver my message.

"What did you just do?" He asked from behind.

I smiled evilly. "I just spilled your Alpha's secret."

"About the curse?" He sounded terrified. Whenever it had to do with the curse, everyone in the pack

got like this. But this was only to get rid of the tramp and teach Killian a lesson. He is still much more

useful to me alive than dead. Now everyone will know what Alpha Killian Reid has been hiding all his


I smiled devilishly.

The Alpha asked me not to harm that tramp, and I want someone else will do the honors. But it'll have

to be today, before Killian and everyone else got back from the meeting.