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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41

Patrina was over the moon, and shared her wedding dress and jewelry on Instagram that night.

Hannah couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw it. She immediately messaged Brittany. “Is Patrina out

of her mind? Only a girl like her would fall for a guy like Finn.”

Brittany didn’t care much for the jewelry: her attention was on the wedding dress.

It was a mermaid-style dress. The exact one she once picked out. Finn sure knew how to get under her

skin, poking under her scar over and over again!

Brittany took a deep breath, locked her phone, and looked away.

Isaac was swamped, and his return home was delayed, Brittany was busy preparing for her studio, and

had an engagement party to attend, feeling like she was back to square one.

The Dustin family and the Boulton family were kind of a big deal, choosing the largest five-star hotel in

Imperial City for the engagement party.

Brittany returned to the Dustin family early in the morning. Although Robert was not good to her, Donna

cared about her very much

Over the years, if it wasn’t for Donna’s protection, Gianna would have kicked Brittany out of the house

long ago.

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After being away for more than a month, the serv ants of the Dustin family sneered when they saw her

return. Brittany was used to it and walked straight into the house. The ser vant behind her started to

complain. “Why do you have to act so high and mighty? You’re just an unwanted old thing!”

Brittany clenched her fingers. Her days at the Dustin family were always like this.

Everyone could insult her at will!

“What gives you the right to criticize my granddaughter?”

Donna didn’t know when she had come out to the yard, her eyebrows frowning in rebuke.

The se rvant immediately changed her expression, “Donna, I’m sorry.”

“Go get your pay and leave the Dustin family.”

The ser vant wanted to say something, but Donna had already taken Brittany by the hand. looking her

up and down. She saw that Brittany had lost weight again and said with a worried heart, “Bri, why have

you lost weight again?”

Brittany took her hand, “Grandma, I’m dieting.”

“You’re already very thin.” Donna frowned in disapproval, “Girls should get plumper to look good and

have a balanced figure.”

Chapter 41

Brittany poured her a glass of water, “Grandma, you’re right.”

“I didn’t want to come to this engagement party,” Donna confessed.

Donna had always looked down on Gianna. After she married in, Donna didn’t want to deal with her

and simply moved back to her old house to recuperate, rarely coming to the Dustin family.

“But I thought you would be ill-treated, so I came to see you.”

Donna kept herself to herself and didn’t know what had happened. The originally stable marriage had

an unexpected turn! Even if she wanted to protect Brittany, she was powerless to do so.

“Grandma, Finn and I have broken up.” Brittany knew what Donna meant. She was over with


Donna held her hand and sighed deeply, “Bri, you’re so excellent, you will definitely find someone


Gianna came downstairs and saw Brittany. She was not pleased.

“You said you’ve cut ties with the Dustin family, what are you doing back here?”

Brittany gripped the cup tightly. Donna laughed coldly. “If it weren’t for Bri’s mother, where would the

Dustin family’s wealth come from today? How could you and your illegitimate daughter live


Donna knew right from wrong, and she thought Julie was much better than Gianna. But that foolish son

of hers actually married such an inappropriate woman!

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Gianna’s soft spot was hit, and she said seriously, “Mo matter how good Julie was, she’s gone. If you

want me to support you in the future, you’d better not provoke me!”

Did this old woman really think she could protect Brittany forever? Sooner or later, Brittany would fall

into her hands!

After these harsh words, Gianna turned around and left.

Donna was old, and her words didn’t carry as much weight as before. When she heard Gianna’s words,

she felt guilty.

“Bri. I’m sorry, I couldn’t protect you.

Brittany shook her head, “Grandma, it’s not your fault, you’ve been good to me all these years.”

“Bri.” Donna sighed, “Your father made mistakes, but you two are still blood relatives, and this

relationship can’t be ignored.”

She was getting old; how long could she protect Brittany? If she passed away, who else in the Dustin

family would care about Brittany? She had to try as much as possible to ease the relationship between

father and daughter. This was also her way of fulfilling Julie’s trust before her death.


Hearing this, Brittany felt a little sad. She didn’t want her grandmother to worry about her. After thinking

for a moment, she told Donna about her marriage, “Grandma, actually, I got married a while ago. I’ll

bring my husband to meet you in a few days, okay?”
