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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 75
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Chapter 0075

The doctor comes over to me. He begins checking my vitals, flashing his light in my eyes, looking over the

machines as he talks. “Cara, I'm Dr. Harris. How are you feeling?”

“Terrible.” | reply.

He nods. “Can you be more specific. Do you feel burning? Aching? Sharp pains?” “Burning, yes. Aching, yes. No

sharp pain, just a general, all over pain.”

“I don’t know if your father has had a chance to tell you, but I'll give you a quick overview of your health. Your

body was flooded with the venom of your kidnapper. Your body and Artemis are rejecting the venom making it

act like a poison. Artemis is fighting the venom’s spread in your body, so don’t be alarmed if you can’t hear her.”

1 nod, “I can feel her, but | can’t hear her.”

“That's good, and to be expected. You are healing faster than | anticipated.” He smiles, “Or maybe | should have

expected it since you are a Guardian.”

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“The pain you feel should lessen as tgoes on. I'd like for you to continue to try to drink fluids in addition to

what we are putting into your system. I'd also like for you to try to get ssleep and when you wake again, try

to eat something. Do you think you can do that?”

I nod, already feeling exhausted by this interaction. My eyes start to close but before | fall asleep | hear my

father tellinghe'll be right here when | wake up.

The next t| wake up, | feel better, stronger. It must be the middle of the night because Lacey is asleep in one

chair and Jason is asleep in the other. My dad isn’t in the room and | smile because he'll be pissed that he wasn’t

here when | woke after he toldhe would be.

| must make a noise because Jason's eyes open and then he jolts up from his chair. “Cara.” He loudly whispers

trying not to wake Lacey.

He stands beside me. “I'll go get the doc and I'll mind link your dad, he’s gonna be pissed that you woke up. It

took him hours to finally agree to leave to go get a shower and sfood.”

“What tis it?” | ask, my throat scratchy again.

He checks his watch, “About 2am. Here.” He puts the straw against my lips and 1 drink the entire glass. Lacey

stirs and seesawake.

“Hey! There she is.” She gets up and Jason leaves to go get the doctor.

“Are you feeling better?” She asks while refilling my glass.

“Yes. Not great, but definitely better than before.” She starts to put the straw up to my mouth, but I reach out

my hand and take the glass, holding it for myself.

Jason returns with Dr. Harris. “Hey doc.” | say as he walks in.

“Hey! How's my favorite patient?” | arch an eyebrow at him. “Am | your only patient?” | ask.

“Well, shifters aren’t exactly known for spending long periods of tin a hospital room, shifter healing and all,

so yes, you are currently my only patient.”

He begins going through the list of doctor questions and is about done when my dad breezes into the room.

“Cara. | knew I shouldn't have left.”

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“It's fine dad, you need to eat, sleep and shower too.”

He wheels himself over and looks at me. “Your eyes seem brighter. How are you feeling?”

“Better than before. | still can’t hear Artemis, but even she feels stronger than she did the last t| was


“That's great news honey.”

A nurse comes in with a tray of food. She puts it on a stand with wheels and pushes it up toacross the bed.

Dr. Harris looks at me, “I know you may not feel much like eating, but | want you to try.”

I look at the food, all bland, boring hospital food. “I'll try. Whatever it takes to get stronger and get out of here.”

“After that, you all will let her get back to sleep. No keeping her up talking.” He's focusing his attention on Jason

and Lacey.

They both nod in agreement and Dr. Harris and the nurse leave us in peace.

| eat as much as | can. Lacey and Jason tellsstories about what | missed at school, but it isn’t long

before fatigue takesand I'm falling asleep again.