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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 245
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The Consortium’s Heir Chapter 245

While speaking, Darius directed his gaze at Borisin.

“He’s a remarkable member of the authorities.Alas, because he comes from the Reid family, it was

much easier for me to obtain his personal information than you or the other authorities.”

Many expressions of shock, doubt, disbelief, and panic swirled in Miguel’s stormy eyes.

His chaotic emotions were notably different from Darius’ stoicism.

A lengthy sigh came from Darius.

“Seeing that he’s a Reid, I won’t pursue this matter anymore.Nevertheless, I want the authorities to

know this—it’s impossible for you guys to pin the old woman’s death on me.After all, if I wanted to, I

could easily kill someone.”

With that, Darius knocked on the desk before him, ordering, “Bridget, you can send them off now.”

Bridget appeared just then.Her gaze was as sharp as a dagger as it pierced through Miguel.She then

motioned at the door.

“This way.”

Miguel knew nothing would change even if he and Borisin remained here.

Not to mention, despite spending little time with Bridget and Darius, he knew the two would not let him

leave if he did not go now; Miguel was sure that he and his two comrades outside the door could never

win against Bridget and Darius.

Thus, he shot one last look at Darius before kneeling to carry Borisin on his shoulder.He then left out

the door without so much as a second glance.

It was then that Darius let out a long exhale of relief.

Meanwhile, Bridget reappeared at the door, holding a red letter.

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Darius noticed it through a sideways glance but soon shut his eyes again.

“What’s that in your hand?”

Only then did Bridget snap to her senses.She looked down at the letter before dashing over to place it

on the desk before Darius.

“It’s an invite from the Gillette family for you to attend a banquet.”

A blank look shrouded Darius’ face.He reached out to grab the invite, opening it and scanning its


Without warning, he slammed it onto the desk with a loud thud.

“Wilson Gillette’s got some nerve!”

Bridget had worked by Darius’ side for quite a while, yet this was her first time seeing him so upset.She

lowered her head and kept mum but could not help wondering what was in the invite.

Tickled by curiosity, her eyes darted toward the letter, trying to see what was on it.

Darius detected her tense breathing almost immediately.

His gaze roamed past her before he handed the letter to her, saying, “Just read it if you want to.”

Bridget quickly scanned the words on the invite, her brows knitting.

The message read, “Darius Reid, I’m shocked to learn your family name.

However, I believe you’ll be more shocked to know that, despite you being a Reid, I won’t tolerate you

in the slightest.

Thus, I’m sending you this invite out of respect for the Reid family.

This banquet is also why I didn’t make any decisions that day when you got apprehended by the


That is why I hope and look forward to seeing you at the banquet.”

Bridget’s face darkened once she finished reading that.

Her hands curled into fists on both sides of her body.

Even her voice tremored with rage as she asked, “Mr.Reid, are we attending this banquet?”

Darius sensed the concern and hesitation in her voice, so he shot an unyielding look at her.


Determination and excitement flooded Bridget’s narrowed eyes just then.

“Understood, Mr.Reid.I’ll make the preparations at once!”

Once she left, the room became quiet again.

Darius entered the bathroom, where someone had filled the bathtub without him knowing.

He dipped his fingers into the water and realized it was still warm, so he took off his robe, wanting to

soak in the tub.

Yet, he had just gotten comfortable when someone opened the hotel room door from outside.

A series of familiar footsteps soon rang out, but they were not supposed to be there.

After a moment of hesitation, Darius heard someone taking off their clothes outside the bathroom.

Hence, he frowned while quickly calling out, “Kate.”

That was when a shriek tore through the air.

Many footsteps rushed toward the room as concerned voices yelled, “Miss Kate! Miss Kate, what



Darius could not help exclaiming while slamming the sides of the bathtub.

He hurriedly stood, grabbed his bathrobe, and put it on before exiting the bathroom.

Outside, Kate had calmed down when she saw the person standing outside the bathroom from her

peripheral vision.

Her jaw fell agape as her eyes looked like they were about to pop.

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Darius approached her side, his icy voice questioning, “I’d like to know what the hell is going on.”

Kate turned to meet Darius’s eyes at once, her forehead creasing as she explained, “I’m currently

residing here because I booked a room in this hotel.”

“I believe we’ve been set up,” said Darius as he sat, crossing his legs on a nearby couch.

That instantly snapped Kate to her senses.She then spun on her heel, rushing to shut and lock the

door in seconds.

As a result, it lowered the noise of the clamoring men outside.

Patting her chest, Kate exhaled deeply before turning to speak to Darius when she noticed the helpless

grin on his face.

All words failed her in that instant.

After parting and pursing her lips several times, she eventually asked in a small voice, “W-Why are you

staring at me like that? Did I do something wrong?”

Airy laughter came from Darius, who shook his head.

“I may not know who’s behind this, but according to my speculations, they’re trying to frame us for

having inappropriate relations.By shutting the door, you’re admitting that what they’re about to say is


Kate became as pale as a sheet.

She shook her head at once, urging, “No! I can’t let that happen!”

It was then that someone knocked on their room door.

Kate turned, and before Darius could say anything, she opened the door.

Chuckling, Darius returned to his laptop and opened the voice recording app.

He then sat down to type something.

Elsewhere, Bridget and Erin were discussing the upcoming banquet.

The former was looking up the map of Almiron City on her phone.

Meanwhile, the latter researched similar information and was about to purchase some clothes as well

as a luxury vehicle to prevent the incident at the hotel entrance earlier today from happening again.