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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 279
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Chapter 279

However, when he sensed the shift in Benji's emotions, he immediately turned back to look at Benji.

Caught in the act, Benji stiffened. At the same time, he looked thoughtful.

The Anderson family was affluent, so he'd seen many martial arts experts. None of them had the

sensitivity Darius possessed, however. Benji found it hard to believe that such a sharp person was


In fact, if he could gain control of the Anderson family, he'd definitely want to take Darius under his

wing, provided he had enough money to do so.

Darius was surprised by Benji's pondering again, but it didn't take long for Benji to return to his senses.

Calypso looked furious. She clenched her fists tightly and swung them around, her voice like nails on a

chalkboard as she screeched, "That's enough! You're such a disappointment! You're my brother, and

I'm the only person in this world that shares your blood. Yet, you're protecting William's daughter even

though he's already dead!"

Silence descended upon them for one second after she said that. Then, Benji let out an agonized cry

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while Kate screamed, "What are you talking about? My father’s not dead! He's just not around at the

moment! He's..."

She stopped short and whipped around to gaze at Darius, looking nervous and guilty. On the plane,

she'd promised to listen to Darius. Now, however, she'd let the cat out of the bag. She didn't know what

to do to appease him.

To her surprise, Darius didn't seem to show any sort of reaction to her words. He stood there, looking

curious and excited. It was as if he was watching a circus.

Kate breathed a sigh of relief. She was sure Darius had heard her despite Benji's cry being louder than

hers, but he didn't seem to be mad. This meant that he wasn't affected by this matter, which gave her

the confidence to deal with it independently.

She turned back to Calypso and saw that her expression was exactly what Kate had expected.

Anyone could catch the obvious worry and terror on her face, but Kate was the only one paying

attention to her. Even if other people were to notice this, they would probably just think about how cruel

Calypso was.

And this cruelty had finally been exposed to her innocent and kind older brother. She was afraid that

Benji would get so mad that he wouldn't protect her anymore. So, no one placed any importance on her

emotions aside from Kate.

On the other hand, Benji's face was red with rage. His bellow had been so deafening that he hadn’t

heard what Kate said. Kate's gaze swept over everyone present, and when she was sure none of them

had heard her, she relaxed. Now, she just needed to deal with Calypso.

She reached out to tug on Benji's sleeve, and he immediately fell silent. He turned to look at her, his

gaze apologetic as he said, "Katie, I'm sorry. It's all my fault for turning a blind eye to so many things

over the ears. I might have done things that hurt you in the past..."

Kate felt that she couldn't allow Benji to continue in this vein. She held a palm up and said, "Uncle

Benji, it's not your fault." The moment she said this, she saw Benji blinking. She knew that he was

about to say something sentimental, so she hurriedly said, "Aunt Calypso, since I was a child, I've

known that you've only been pretending to like me.

I was sad about it at one point, but not anymore. That’s why I moved out once I was independent

enough. It wasn't because of your conflict with my father, nor was it because of the women that

constantly appeared by my father's side. It was all because of you, my biological aunt!”

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Her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear, and their gazes all landed on Calypso. No one said

anything because they'd already gotten more than what they wanted. If they were to cross the line, they

doubted they’d be able to pay the price.

Calypso's face turned beet red. She didn't expect her niece to say such a thing to her. Before this, no

one in their social circle thought she was nice. Now, Kate’s words only confirmed their suspicions. Her

breathing sped up, and her eyes started darting around again.

She didn't think she could find a good way to resolve this, so she turned to look at Darius. Even if she’d

already pulled this move, she still decided to make it happen again to distract everyone's attention.

Darius noticed that her eyes were on him again. He raised an eyebrow, a trace of curiosity flashing in

his eyes. He was honestly interested to know what Calypso would do to him this time. The moment this

thought formed in his mind, Calypso had already made her move.

Instead of scolding him from a distance as she'd done before, she'd dashed toward Darius so quickly

that the wind from her movements swept Kate’s hair. When Kate realized what had happened, Calypso

had already appeared before Darius and reached up to grab him by the collar.

Kate's eyes widened in shock. Darius glanced at her, and she started worrying that her eyes would pop

out of their sockets.